Steklooboi on the ceiling and for walls - unconditional design

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Glass ceilings on the ceiling - the basis for the variegation of

Any specialist will say that glass walls are great for applying paint on them, but what is this finishing material made of? Strangely enough, it is really glass, but unusual. Fused from quartz sand, dolomite, soda and lime at a temperature of 1200 degrees, the glass filaments have extraordinary flexibility and strength. Both single-layer and double-layered( with a paper base), the fabric is moisture-resistant, and at the same time it "breathes" perfectly, for the simple reason that it is connected like a mitten or a sweater. And what is especially important - glass walls do not support combustion, due to which the probability of a fire is almost completely excluded .That's why this material is often used both in living quarters and in offices, while glue is equally glazed and on the ceiling and on the walls.

Glued to the walls, linens of glass filaments withstand any children's pranks, they do not fear claws of pets that prefer wall coverings to special claws. Glass piles and smaller pests, such as microorganisms and mold, are counteracted, for which environmentally friendly materials are completely unacceptable to the environment. If you still need in the apartment disinfection, for example, in case of an invasion of ants or bedbugs, you can safely spray any chemical substances, even the most concentrated ones, they will not harm the glass walls.

Steklooboi for walls, the process of pasting from and to

To paste wallpaper on the wall, you need a special campaign, because different types are glued, respectively, in various ways. In particular, wallpaper on non-woven base, are applied to the walls by coating them with glue, without spreading the canvas. However, glass walls for walls, as well as for ceiling, are glued in exactly the same way, they are not accepted to cover their back side. Adhesive composition is used for special, best dispersive, for example, Oscar. In fact, the glue in no small measure depends on how long a fiberglass wall covering will last for you. They can be applied on any surface: concrete, brick, wood, as well as plastic and metal.

In the process of pasting, wear clothes with long legs and sleeves, do not go barefoot and use gloves, it is desirable to have a mask on the face to protect the respiratory tract from small particles of fiberglass.

Very often the video glazing is glued immediately after covering the composition of the walls. If you stumble upon such videos, be sure - you are misled by .The fact is that for good adhesion the wall needs to be covered with glue two times, and after applying the second layer, apply a cloth. That is convenient - fiberglass cloths do not frown and lie flat exactly, just remove air from under them with the help of paint roller, and the wall covering is ready. Glass piles are always stitched, if they are with a pattern, then with an allowance of 5 centimeters, which is then cut off. In some cases, it is possible to connect several cuts on the wall with a horizontal joint, in particular, it concerns the second-class glass-walls.

Colored glass pane or painting under painting?

Since we, it seems, decided that we need wallpaper for changing the design of rooms frequently, let's consider the variant of the canvas intended for the application of paint. Of course, glass piles are mostly structural, but there are canvases with very small texture that can be covered with any patterns, moreover, they can be painted landscapes or other images. For children it is possible to pick up scenes from fairy tales or to put on a pattern a pattern of amazing colors. If you glue types of fiberglass with a large texture, then the paint can be distinguished by their structure, with several matching colors or shades of the same tone.

In the event that the main priority for you are the characteristics of fiberglass, and not that they can be repainted( it should be noted, more than 20 times to paint the canvas is undesirable) - you can buy ready-made colored glass pane. In this case, the process of pasting walls will be the final stage in the decoration of the room. However, in the future, if you wish, you can still paint the walls according to your preferences, the only thing that will be difficult is drawing the pictures under the design of the room with photo wallpapers, because the color basis for this is of little use. The choice will be an image selection: a blue wall covering can be used as a sky or water, green as a grass, yellow as a background for a desert, and so on, options will tell you the imagination.

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