Photo wallpapers in the interior - a relic of the past or trends of the future?

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Photo walls in the interior - the history of appearance and the technology of manufacturing

Having seen on the wall a full picture, which occupies the area from floor to ceiling, creating a unique feeling of additional space, you can safely say that this is photo wallpaper. Their appearance was preceded by so-called posters. They differed in smaller dimensions( A3 or A2 format), and also fastening to the wall with the help of double-sided scotch tape. Thus, at any time it was possible to remove one and replace it with another.

If we talk about wallpaper, then they are glued to the wall, like ordinary paper wallpaper, with the help of special glue, which makes the period of their operation many times more( 8-9 years).The process of making such wallpapers is very time consuming, since it is necessary to very scrupulously print each pixel of the product. After all, for example, if you increase the usual photo several times and try to print it, you will get a vague and whole picture in squares.

Currently, it has become popular to decorate with huge paper photos the walls of living rooms, bedrooms, and children's rooms. By the way, it was children's photo wallpapers that helped this type of decor find the former demand among designers. As the images can be used absolutely everything: from a different kind of landscape to plants and animals.

Manufacturers of photo wallpapers and their story lines

If we talk about what can be found on photo wallpapers, then the imagination of manufacturers is boundless. They can see landscapes, landscapes of the city, plants, animals, various flowers and many other illustrations.

Among the largest manufacturers we can mention the German company Komar , the Dutch manufacturer Eijffinger , as well as the large Russian manufacturer of this decor element company Photo wall-paper .If you decided to decorate the children's room with photo wallpapers, then you can stop at a Russian company, as its specialists have developed a unique collection with images of various fairy-tale heroes.

If you like wallpaper "flowers", then you can buy the products of the German manufacturer. It is the company Komar offers a huge selection of sheets with patterns of colors that differ in rich tones, as well as the use of environmentally friendly components in the manufacture. The Dutch manufacturer is suitable for those who decide to paste on the walls of wall-paper "city".

Correctly and qualitatively we glue wallpapers of

When sticking photo wallpapers on the wall of your apartment, you must strictly adhere to the rules, in order not only not to spoil the material, but also to realize what was conceived. We propose an algorithm for the process of gluing them:

  • Before starting to work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the wall for gluing.
  • After this, the most accurate measurement of the wall, on which you intend to glue the decor.
  • Next it is necessary to remove all plinths from the pasted wall.

Warning! In order to produce the best quality bonding, it is necessary that the temperature in the room does not fall below +5 degrees Celsius. Completely eliminate drafts indoors. If this is not done, the wallpaper may not adhere to the surface of the wall.

  • After that, post the wallpaper so that it's a holistic picture.
  • You measure the distance from the floor and ceiling to equal distances, so that the photo is placed in the center of the wall.
  • Next it is necessary, in accordance with proportions, to prepare the wallpaper glue. During mixing, make sure that a homogeneous mass is obtained without any lumps.
  • Having given glue the necessary time, it is possible to start sticking.
  • To do this, take the photo element and apply a glue evenly. You can do this with an ordinary roller, or with a brush.
  • After waiting for about five minutes, until the sheet gets wet, start sticking it on the wall. To ensure that the canvas is snug against the wall, accelerate the air holes from the center to the edges of the sheet. For this purpose, you can also use a thick roller.
  • The algorithm is repeated for subsequent elements, from which an integral picture is formed.

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