Build a house from a log and get a gift. .. health!

Bidder No. 1: One-piece log of manual felling for the house

The construction of wooden houses from a log of manual processing completely recreates the technology of our ancestors. Already at the stage of selection of raw materials, the builder must properly tinker with the "candidates", selecting for work commensurable tree trunks. The main task when grinding blanks by workers is to remove only the upper sapwood and maximize the preservation of subsequent valuable layers of wood.

Further stages of building a house from a log of manual felling are devoted to processing and fitting the blanks to each other. The best is the Canadian technique, which ensures the most dense joining of the frame elements. This is a long process, requiring high-skilled carpenters, but in the end each house or bath from a hand-made log looks amazingly primitive.

Advantages of this technology are the following:

  • The houses are warm, they have health-improving qualities.
  • Each building is unique in its relief and structure.
  • The correct "geography" of the log provides a record durability of the frame.

Among the disadvantages should be noted: the high cost and complexity of technology, the problem of finding skilled workers, a large percentage of shrinkage shrinkage( up to 18-20%).In addition, the style of the building will always be "old-fashioned".

Bidder No. 2: Round log for the construction of a wooden house

Houses and logs of logs of this kind look beautiful and presentable. The log house imitates a solid wooden massif, thanks to the dense joining of the rims in the masonry, and the ideal forms of the blanks emphasize its laconic precise texture.

Cottages made of logs are built very quickly, because lumber is extremely technological. The permissible difference in its linear dimensions does not exceed 2-4 mm, so in the process of assembling the frame, the builders can only accurately adjust the locks of the crowns to each other.

Ultimately, solid houses from solid logs are produced with all the following useful characteristics:

  • Healthy and self-regulating climate.
  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Minimal hassle with internal and external finishing.

For all its attractiveness, houses from round logs have one significant drawback: this frame also has to stand for a year until its full shrinkage. Only then can we proceed to the final "marathon" of the building.

The technology of building a house from a log of cylindrical shape has a number of its small "dirty tricks".In the process of processing the beam, a part of valuable especially strong and rich in vitamins layers of wood is lost. By perfectly smooth and symmetrical workpiece it is impossible to guess where its northern most wear-resistant side.

Bidder No. 3: Glued beams instead of logs for house construction

Houses made of timber and logs are radically different. If the log cabin "izbashek" is old, the straight-walled cobbled cottages are "squeamish" with modernity. Glued beam has the form of a regular tetrahedron, its ideal forms contribute to a dense "smooth" joining of elements.

If cottages, bathhouses and houses of round logs of manual felling or rounding require a technological pause, then a building constructed from this type of sawn timber can be immediately populated. Shrinkage is how miserable( ≈2%), which does not violate the integrity of the box, so the house is immediately ready for finishing.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber:

  • Quickly built.
  • Do not need re-caulking.
  • 50% more heat-consuming than building from a solid log.
  • Do not shrink.

At the same time, the technology of construction from such a bar is fraught with several "pitfalls" that are not inherent in logs from a solid log: the workpiece consists of several glued together boards, but nobody knows how the "puff" behaves afterwards. And glue quite seriously prevents the natural "breathing" of the tree.

So, from which logs is it better to build a house?

It all depends on what you want to sacrifice in pursuit of your new "healthy" log house .Each of the above sawn timber has solid advantages, so we will judge, of course, on the shortcomings.

After analyzing all the stages of building a house from a log and a beam, you can derive three possible scenarios:

  1. Ideal, but long. You can build a house from a log of manual felling and enjoy its primeval, unique and powerful healing effect. All is well, but the construction will last at least a year and a half or two. If time is not a problem, then, perhaps, by the totality of all the technical characteristics, you will get the best "eco-housing".
  2. Fast and optimal. Houses made of rounded logs are built very quickly, and they can be adjusted to any architectural style. A year( or even 6 months) complete the finish of the building and celebrate a housewarming. This option is acceptable for fans of the relief hut, who want to significantly accelerate the pace of construction.
  3. Already fashionable. A house made of laminated veneer lumber is the best way to quickly and easily acquire a country residence. The option is suitable for those who do not want to spend time on forced technological pauses and is a fan of modern types of buildings.

To finally decide which log to build a house, decide on the terms of construction, the desired architectural style and your project "zest".Then you can easily choose the right sawn timber for yourself.

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