Devilon - an elegant alternative to wallpaper

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An alternative to the traditional ways of finishing

In the process of repairing interior rooms, sooner or later, there comes a time when it is necessary to make the last jerk, finish the finish, and finish the entire repair and construction nightmare to the sounds of solemn fanfares. But for some reason, it is this last jerk that is often boring and dull-monotonous.

In the minds of our citizens, the idea that the finishing of a room is, as a rule, pasting it with wallpaper is firmly entrenched. But what about the flight of fantasy, the desire to make the interior unique and worthy of admiration? And if you're soul attached to the wallpaper, then you should pay attention to a practically similar alternative - devilon.

This is a polyvinyl chloride decorative film material on a substrate of paper, fabric, fiberglass or on a foam polymer. This material is produced by the lubricating method. It consists of two layers: the lower one - the substrate, and the upper one - the polyvinylchloride layer.

Features of the devil

Depending on the appearance of the printed pattern is of two types: monochrome and multicolor. This film material is available in rolls 10 m long and 45-90 cm wide. Manufacturers offer this material with a large selection of patterns and color solutions.

It is used for decorating walls, as well as for ceiling. This is especially true, becauseDevilon does not lose its color over a long time. In addition, this material does not deteriorate under the influence of steam, moisture and sunlight. It can be washed with warm soapy water.

The disadvantages of the devilone include its flammability, as well as the need for thorough preparation for leveling the surface before the process of gluing.

Among other things, this material has surprisingly high strength when bonded to concrete walls, coming in 3 days after work. The technology of pasting walls to them does not differ from the ways of working with wallpaper.

Adhesive technology

Before use, this finishing material should be kept in the room for about 48 hours at a temperature of 15 ° C.

For the implementation of work on the pasting of the room will need:

  • plastic spatula;
  • rollers and brushes, for applying glue on the base of the devilone, and also for its smoothing;
  • scissors;
  • elbow, ruler, cord and plumb bob;
  • primer and glue.

Now it is necessary to prepare the surface for pasting with roll material. From surfaces completely remove adhesive and lime coloring, as well as old wallpaper. It is worth remembering that devilon is not attached to a freshly stucco ceiling. The surface under the pasting should be prepared very refers to thin materials, and even the slightest flaw will be apparent on the finish surface.

Before covering the surfaces, they should be treated with an acrylic primer,practice shows that on such surfaces the devilone is glued better. After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to work.

adhesive mix is ​​used for fastening , previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7.Using a roller or brush, the adhesive is applied to the paper substrate of this material, as well as to the working surface( concrete, wood, wood-chip).

After that, the material is glued to the surface using the "joint-to-splice" technology with a preliminary alignment of the pattern. Remains of the adhesive mixture are removed with a soft, damp cloth.

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