Ion heating boilers

There are situations where the use of electricity to heat a private home becomes the only worthy consideration option. Gas mains, unfortunately, still did not reach that ramification to get to everyone. Solid heating system requires constant attention from the of the owners of the at home, an obligatory separate boiler house, for and at least for the minimum stock of wood or briquettes( pellet ).Diesel fuel boilers are very expensive in themselves, they require large installation costs and precise adjustment, they do not do without preparation of a significant volume of in a few cubic meters of for storage of liquid fuel.

Ion heating boilers

Ion heating boilers

So, in this situation nothing remains , how to switch to electric heating housing. There are many options in solving this problem. For example, it can be " warm floors" using cables, mats or infrared films. The modern heating systems PLEN are gradually gaining gratitude, which is easy to hide behind the ceiling or wall decoration. But for the time being

on punctuality remains the usual water heating systems, in which electric boiler cuts into the case under consideration. And here are also possible variants - heat sources can be ordinary - with TANami , induction of various types. And the most controversial, causing considerable, sometimes even fierce discussions are ion heating boilers.

These devices are attributed to absolutely fantastic indicators of the efficiency of heating, for example, efficiency above 100%, and incredibly scold them for the fact that they are usually able to quickly render the heating system unusable, praised for ease of installation and compactness and at the same time "ostracized" for its lowlevel of electrical safety. As usual, in reality the truth is somewhere in the middle. .. Let's try to understand this without bias, having resulted in the article and the positive qualities of such boilers, and the inherent disadvantages. In addition, the most popular brands will be considered, specifying the technical characteristics of different models and an approximate price level. And, finally, in the course of the presentation, attention will be given to some issues of installing such equipment.

How does the electrode( ion) boiler heating

Contents of the article

  • 1 How does the electrode( ion) heating boiler
  • 2 General device of the ion( electrode) boiler
  • 3 On the advantages and disadvantages of ion( electrode) boilers
    • 3.1 Advantages - truth and conjecture
    • 3.2 Disadvantages of ion boilers
  • 4 Electrode( ion) heating boilers in the Russian market
    • 4.1 Electrode boilers "Galan"
    • 4.2 Video: a variety of boilers "Galan"
    • 4.3 Ionic boilersheating systems "Beryl"
    • 4.4 Boiler line EOU( Energy Saving Heating System)
    • 4.5 Video: examples of electrode boilers use
    • 4.6 Electrode boilers of imported production

Probably everyone who has ever lived in a student dormitory or serves in aarmy, we know the simplest device for boiling water, which allowed literally for read seconds to brew a cup of tea. Two metal plates( old razor blades or even metal boots for boots), separated by a small air gap from each other, connected to the mains lead on the 220 volts .

Простейший кипятильник - своеобразный "прообраз" электродного (ионного) котла отопления

The simplest boiler is a kind of "prototype" of the electrode( ion) heating boiler

. This "device", lowered into a glass and connected to the power supply, provides rapid, extraordinarily rapid effervescence. And is quite an illustrative example of of how principally and the ion( or electrode) boiler is designed.

( By the way, it is not necessary to repeat similar experiments at home, it is not safe from the standpoint of ignition of the wire from a short circuit, and from a high probability of getting an electric shock).

Conductors, placed in electrolyte solution,( and ordinary, not distilled water, anyway is to some extent electrolyte due to salts dissolved in it), when applying voltage to them, ionization of solution and ion movement in the opposite directiondirection: anions - to the cathode and cations, respectively, to the anode.

The anode and cathode are swapped 50 times per second

Anode and cathode are interchanged 50 times per second

This led the to to the electrolysis process, if the had , the current supplied was constant. But in the case of connecting the household mains voltage, the polarity of the electrodes varies 50 times per second( frequency 50 Hz).Instead of uniform motion of ions, their rapid oscillation in a medium begins, which has considerable resistance to this. As a result of , a very rapid heating of the liquid takes place - that is, a heat carrier, which is used to transfer energy through the heat exchange points.

On a large account, the developers of such a scheme managed to get rid of the "mediator" - , which generates heat from an electrical spiral made of materials with high specific resistivity. The role of the heating element is assumed by the coolant-electrolyte itself. This is attributed to the special properties of efficiency and economy of this method of converting electrical energy into thermal energy.

Immediately, probably, you should make some clarity for water used terminology. In various sources one can find the name of this technique both as "electrode" and as "ionic" boilers. Moreover, some manufacturers even try to make a distinction between these concepts - they say that in ionic devices it is possible to control and regulate the amount of ions participating in the process of heating the coolant to a certain extent. The understanding heat engineering specialists regard such statements in such a way that this is nothing more than marketing haw d To allocate their products against the general background. But even if this is even true to some extent, the merit is not at all in the design of the boiler, but in the complexity of the electronics of the control unit and as an electrolyte-coolant. And the boiler both was and remains electrode.

General device of ion( electrode) boiler

Such a method of rapid liquid heating is certainly not some kind of innovative development. As a physical phenomenon, it has been known for a very long time, and applied applications for obtaining heat energy for space heating were mastered in the middle of the 20th century. It is generally believed that the first detailed boilers were designed for fleet needs, and the is more accurate than the - for heating submarine compartments. And one of the requirements for any military equipment of those years is the maximum simplicity and the highest reliability of the .Ion boilers met these requirements to the fullest. There are absolutely no moving mechanical parts at all, and the internal "electric house" is such that in it simply has nothing to burn out. And the active service life of such a water heater, in fact, was determined by the strength and corrosion resistance of its enclosure.

However, it was only in the early 90s that boilers were developed, patented and put into production for use in heating systems of apartment houses. By the way, despite the fact that a quarter of a century has passed since then, neither the layout scheme nor the appearance of these devices has undergone major changes. All improvements to this equipment are for the most part in the field of control system upgrades, to some extent - for firing of the most optimal , resistant materials for the housing and electrodes and chemical composition of coolants.

Despite the fact that produces similar boilers for domestic and foreign companies, all are similar in composition and differ only in minor details.

The arrangement of almost all electrode boilers is very similar - a vertically disposed cylinder with a thickening in the place of power connection

The layout of almost all electrode boilers is very similar - a vertically disposed cylinder with a thickening at the power supply

It is always a vertically disposed cylinder, with a thickening at one end - there is an electrical switching unit. There are necessarily two threaded connections - for the coolant inlet( in the terminology of heating systems - " return ") and for the outlet of the heated liquid( supply branch).More often they are located as shown in the figure - branch pipe « return » - from the side of the cylinder, and the output is from above. Although, occasionally there are also models, in which both threaded nipples for insertion into the system are located on the side.

Electrodes are located inside the housing.

Electrode for single-phase boiler

Electrode for single-phase boiler

If boiler is designed for operation from single-phase network 220 In , then is one electrode of , which will be located at the center of the cylinder. The role of the second in this case will be the inner surface of the "glass" in the case.

In more powerful boilers, three-phase electrodes are used

In more powerful boilers, three-phase electrodes

are used. Three-phase boilers are more powerful. Here the electrode block will consist of three isolated from each other rod elements, also located in general "cup" of the boiler body.

It is clear that the electrode block has an reliable seal system, which prevents the electrolyte( coolant) from flowing outwards. is provided with a reliable electrical insulation of the contact part and the external surface of the boiler body itself - it is covered with a layer of polyamide for this purpose.

Boilers of low power can be quite small

Small boilers can be quite miniature

Boiler dimensions are usually not too big - it depends on its total power and on the specific model . will be discussed in more detail in the section on the main manufacturers of such equipment.

On the body of the boiler itself, there are usually no more control or adjustment devices. But every boiler must be equipped with an electronic or electromechanical control unit of one degree or another of complexity.

One of the variants of the thermostat block

One of the options for the

Thermostat These control units allow the boiler to be switched on only to maintain the set heating mode. So, the system can be equipped with a single temperature sensor ( on the pipe of the heated-medium supply) or even two( optional - on the pipe " return").The maximum heating temperature is set on the control unit and its hysteresis( Δt °, that is, the difference in temperature values ​​on both sides, at which the control signal for switching on or switching off the boiler power is generated).

Electrode boiler complete with a sensor and regulators

Electrode boiler

equipped with sensor and controllers In some control systems that can be tuned more finely, it is possible to set the nominal temperature in the " return " and the hysteresis value for the on the .There are more "heaped" control schemes, typical for certain equipment manufacturers.

On the merits and demerits of ion( electrode) boilers

About the advantages of electrode boilers written a lot, and often , contradictory. Understand on row:

Advantages - true and speculation

  • Electrode boilers have the highest efficiency, close to 100%. This is the pure truth , but with some reservations.

By the way, you can run into publications in which it is claimed that KP Д д even exceeds this threshold - 100%.More precisely, it says that the coefficient is higher than that of conventional boilers with TESTS at 30 - 40 % .It's impossible to believe in it.

Indeed, in any electric boilers efficiency is high, tends to 100%, no matter what heating principle is used: resistive( TEN), induction or ionic - almost all the electrical energy goes to the thermal and is transmitted as a result to the heat carrier. The only issue is in the speed of the boiler output at design heating temperature - at the stage of starting the boiler with TESTS , of course, it will take a bit longer. And so - the law of conservation of energy has not been canceled, and there is no need to wait for any miracles from the electrode boiler.

  • With equal heating power, electrode boilers are the most compact and lightest in weight among their "brethren".It's hard not to agree - it really is. Especially noticeably they benefit from induction heaters, which always distinguish the massiveness and overall .
  • The electrode boiler does not require the installation of the chimney system - as, by the way, and any other one operating from electric energy.
  • Completely missing even the slightest chance of overheating and failure due to leakage of coolant from the system. Indeed, an important advantage: The electrodes among themselves does not contact , and the absence of liquid leads to a complete opening of the circuit - boiler by definition not can work in such conditions.
  • The water is heated very quickly, which, according to the laws of thermodynamics, is accompanied by a sharp increase in pressure in the system. It is possible to do without a circulating pump.

It would seem that everything is correct, but that's just without a pump, for some reason, such systems still do not use. First, it is completely unproductive to direct some of the energy to providing circulation( with the pump consumption for these purposes will be lower and the process will be more controlled).And, secondly, such a powerful pressure jump can only be said when the system is started up. Later, when control passes to maintain the temperature within the set hysteresis, this process will not be different from all other boilers.

  • The inertness of such a boiler is the smallest and of of all electrical varieties. Therefore, there is the possibility of very precise and operational settings of the work, which can save on energy costs.

A classic example of how in one expression two assemblies of absolutely unrelated statements are combined. Indeed, the inertia is not high. First of all, due to the fact that the mass of the boiler itself is insignificant, and the heating of the liquid starts faster. But about the energy costs - they, with equal, as already found, the efficiency depends, rather, on the level of thermal insulation of the building, that is, on the available heat loss. And the speed of switching and the accuracy of tuning - it is unlikely that this will be felt in any tangible way and on comfort of living, and economy. Is what - turn on and turn off such boiler will be more often, that , by the way, is not even very good.

And about accuracy settings - here the question is still very controversial. If we take into account the non-linearity of the process of electrolytic heating, the special requirements for the quality of the electrolyte, then perhaps the management of a conventional boiler looks much more simple.

  • Voltage drops do not affect the operation of the boiler - it can only change its power, but the operation will not stop.
Voltage drops the boiler, maybe, and is not afraid, but for the electronics control they absolutely do not need

Voltage fluctuations of the boiler, maybe, and not afraid, but for the electronics control they absolutely do not need

Read about this "advantage" even somewhat ridiculous. On a large account , voltage drops in the same way not are afraid of nor conventional reboilers, nor TANS .But the complex automation that regulates and directs the operation of any boilers requires a certain stability of power. And the electrode boilers in this do not differ from the others.

  • Electrode boilers can be installed in the heating circuit as additional energy sources.

Indeed, it is possible, but the will have to bring the coolant state to the one required for the electrode( ion) boiler.

Очень "солидная" батарея электродных котлов!

Very "solid" battery of electrode boilers!

It is possible and parallel installation of several boilers of the same power - in this case it will be possible to step-by-step adjust the total heating power - by the inclusion of all or a select number of heaters.

  • The work of electrode boilers is absolutely harmless from the point of view of ecology.
Spent heat carrier necessarily requires proper disposal

Spent heat carrier necessarily requires proper disposal of

Vopro with porn. Yes, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere and it can not be - but it is typical of to all electric heaters. But the composition of the coolant electrode boilers can even represent a certain danger of ecology. Often, very toxic substances( such as ethylene glycol) are included, and the spent electrolyte requires a special procedure for disposing of the - , simply draining it to the ground or even to a sewage system - categorically prohibited.

  • The cost of electrode boilers, compared to other electric boilers, is the lowest.

This is indeed true, but one can not fail to notice one "marketing trap".Very often the cost of such boilers is indicated without the accounting prices of automation units. Conventional boilers with are usually assembled in one housing with all built-in electronics, temperature sensors, thermostat and , ., Therefore, the on is corresponding to them.

The cost of the control equipment must also be immediately accepted in the calculation, since without it all the advantages of electrode boilers are literally reduced to zero - uncontrolled heating of the liquid will not only be uneconomic, but extremely dangerous!

Disadvantages of ion boilers

To be honest, if you simply look at the list of electrode boilers, then there is no desire to communicate with this kind of heating. However , let the reader decide for himself, as some of the "minuses" of - are clearly conceived and do not deserve special attention.

  • Sometimes the drawbacks are that for an electrode stake, only an alternating current is required - with the constant, the will begin the process of electrolysis of the coolant with its chemical decomposition.

Consider this a disadvantage - all is equal, that complain about for water, that the car does not want to drive alcohol, and the home TV refuses to work from the "finger" battery. Each device - has its capabilities and its power sources, and this does not apply to the shortcomings.

  • The need to equip the heating circuit with a circulating pump.

This has already been mentioned above, but such a "flaw" is inherent in almost to all home heating systems, except for those open with natural circulation. And then, they are also recommended to cut pumps - this affects the uniformity and overall economy of heating the home.

  • Special requirements for the quality and chemical composition of the coolant.

Here - you can not argue, really, with what getting liquid electrode boiler will not work. Several criteria should be combined here - the possibility of ionization( for example, distilled water not will approach in principle), a relatively small electrical resistance( at a large value - , the current will not through the liquid).At the same time, should not forget about about requirements for any heat carrier - about high heat capacity , about freeze resistance, operating temperature range, environmental compatibility and , .

Many manufacturers of electrode boilers directly give recommendations on the use of specific heat carrier grades, which, often , themselves produce. Moreover, there are cases when the warranty service of technology was refused because of violations of the recommendations.

Most manufacturers of boilers produce and the corresponding heat carrier for them

Many masters are very critical of the factory compositions, it is recommended to use brine solutions( brines) made independently. But to choose the optimal composition independently, without special equipment for checking the electrical conductivity, is an extremely difficult task. Such an approach is complicated by the fact that over time the electrical characteristics of the coolant can change significantly, and in addition to , they largely depend on the current heating temperature.

In a word, the selection of the necessary coolant for the system in the case of electrode boilers turns into a very troublesome business. And if the still consider that the replacement of the entire volume working fluid will have to be performed before each heating season . ..

  • Not all heating radiators can be used in a "bundle" with electrode boilers.

The pure truth - for such a heating system is recommended either bimetallic or aluminum radiators. And , when choosing aluminum, should be and pay attention to the quality of the material - the primary one is metal, or already the product of processing. The fact is, that in the recycled metal will necessarily have a large number of impurities - oxides, and they are capable of very seriously to disrupt the chemical composition of the electrolyte, sharply increasing or decreasing the electrical conductivity, that imbalances the system.

Cast iron radiators are very undesirable for two reasons. Firstly, their very significant heat capacity can exceed the possibilities of normal heating of the electrode boiler, and it will work almost non-stop. And secondly, old cast-iron batteries, as a rule, do not differ in internal purity, they can be pipe-cleaned in a really high-quality washing due to the porosity of the surface, and are able to quickly bring the coolant into an unusable state. Yes, and corrosion of black metals - no one has canceled, and any electrolyte - is always distinguished by increased corrosion properties.

Modern cast iron radiators can, with some reservations, be used in systems with electrode boilers

Modern cast iron radiators can, with some reservations, be used in systems with electrode boilers

As an exception, modern cast iron radiators of European manufacture can approach. At them and volume is less, and quality of metal - is higher.

  • Electrode boilers require particularly high grounding requirements.

By and large, any powerful electrical installation should have a reliable chassis ground. But if in most cases of it is protection from random phase breakdown on the case, then in example with ion boilers all is more serious than .They have a metal case directly involved in the process of work, and therefore, indeed, grounding is essential for safety. As the standard unit of the RCD in this case is not applicable, since the voltage leak will be one way or another and the power supply with such protection will be permanently switched off.

How to properly make ground in your own house - can be found by clicking on the corresponding article of our portal.

  • There are strict limitations on the maximum heating temperature - up to 75 degrees.

This, rather, is not not sufficiency , but a feature of the operation of such a heating circuit. The matter is that the electrical conductivity of a liquid changes nonlinearly , and at temperatures above 75 ° With there can be unnecessary over-expenditure of energy without increasing the power. However, this temperature should almost always be enough for high-quality heating. And the upper limit of heating, by the way, exists in any boilers( including gas and solid fuel) and automation should follow.

  • Electrodes quickly overgrow, because of the specifics of the work, and require regular replacement. Also, probably, is not not prosperity , and operational costs - any technique over time requires replacement of consumables.
  • Impossibility( in any case - extreme undesirability) to use such boiler in an open heating system.

This is really so - the electrolyte itself is quite an aggressive environment for the elements of the heating system. If has free air access to the heat carrier , its ability to cause corrosion will increase many times, but the necessary chemical composition to ensure the necessary electrical conductivity can change for the worse.

  • The inadmissibility of using heated water for domestic and technical needs( with a single-circuit heating system).This disadvantage can be eliminated by installing an indirect heating boiler, of course, correctly calculating the overall capabilities of the system.
  • Very great difficulties when starting the heating system.

comes not about mounting, actually, the boiler, its installation and binding - here then the experienced masters of problems should not be special. The main problems, as already mentioned, are the correct selection of the chemical composition of the coolant and a fine adjustment of the system. It is not recommended to conduct such events on our own - it will require the invitation of experienced specialists.

The same can say and about regular preventive measures in preparation for the heating season, as it is practically impossible to correctly assess the condition of the coolant and the overall operation of the system without the experience gained and without special equipment. Hence, will have to to reconcile with the annual call of the corresponding specialists.

Electrode( ion) heating boilers on the Russian market

Due to its advantages, and despite its numerous shortcomings, ionic heating cokers remain highly sought-after in the Russian space. Several domestic companies are engaged in their production, and products from foreign countries also arrive. To help the reader with a choice of equipment, a brief overview of the most popular brands

will be given. Electrode boilers "Galan"

Products of the Moscow company "Galan", without a doubt, is a pioneer in the domestic market of equipment of this type, and it is possible that in all world - too. Release of their mastered by in the beginning of the of the 90s on the basis of its proprietary development. There is no exact statistics, but, most likely, Galan still retains the "palm tree" in this area, at least according to the Internet references and for positive reviews, these boilers are leading exactly.

Модельный ряд электродных котлов "Галан"

Model range of electrode boilers "Galan"

To date, the company produces tt in the basic models, each of which has several grades in terms of the heating power level.

The most miniature ones are Galan-Ochag. At a weight of only 500 g, these "kids" are able to heat up enough serious volumes of - up to 200 m³, giving out power up to 5 kW.The cost of such boilers is from 3300 to 4000 rubles. A more modern model - "Galan-Ochag-Turbo" may be somewhat more expensive - up to 6000 rubles.

In private residential construction, single-phase and three-phase electrode boilers "Galan-Geyser" are the most in demand. They have two thresholds of heating power - 9 and 15 kW, and this should suffice for a quite solid country cottage with a total volume of soldered rooms up to 450 m³.The average cost of such boilers is 6 to 7 thousand, and Geyser-Turbo - is about 8 thousand rubles.

The most powerful - electrode cola in the line "Galan-Vulcan".They are all designed to operate in a three-phase network, have a power of 25 and 50 kW, and are designed to heat already large enough structures. Tse on them - over 10 thousand rubles.

Basic parameters
electric heating boilers VULCAN VULCAN 50 25 15 GEIZER GEIZER 9 CENTER 6 HEARTH 5 CENTER 3
Input voltage, V 380 380 380 220/380 220 220 220
Heated room m³ to 1600 to 850 to 550 up to 340 up to 250 up to 200 up to 120
Coolant volume, liter 300-500 150-300 100-200 50-100 35-70 30-60 25-50
Current consumption, max, A 2 × 37.9 37.5 22.7 13.7 / 40 27.3 22.7 13.7
Pioic load in kW at 90 ° C water tº 50 25 15 9 6 5 3
power consumption in kW,
on average in the heating season( 6 months - 4320 hours)
from 15 October - 15 April.
up to 36000 kW up to 18000 kW up to 12000 kW up to 8000 kW up to 6000 kW up to 5000 kW up to 3000 kW
Recommended outlet temperature, ° C 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Diameter of the coupling for connecting the boiler to the 32 32 32 32 25 25 25
heating 11.5 42130 42130 42130 0.5 0.5 0.5
diameter, mm 130 130 130 130 35 35 35
length, mm 570 460 410 360 335 320 275

If the basic models of "Galan" boilers themselves remain practically unchanged, then the automatic control system is constantly being improved. Thus, it is recommended to purchase control units " Galan-Navigator " in various versions for modern household-class boilers( price is from 6 thousand).

Basic control unit "Galan-Navigator"

The basic control unit "Galan-Navigator"

There may be other proposals - for example, the boiler equipment "Galan" with the automatic protection device "ABB" or "Hager" , the modular digital thermostat for the heat carrier "BeeRT" , which simultaneouslywill regulate both the performance of the circulation pump, and the room thermostat "over the air" "COMPUTHERM Q7" .Such a system is fully coordinated with the boiler manufacturer, but the 's price for its will, of course, be slightly higher.

Video: a variety of boilers "Galan"

Ion heating boilers " Beryl "

Another is one popular Russian product - the family of electrode heating boilers Beryl .

They are available in two sizes, depending on the used power network - 220 or 380 volts , and, respectively, the power plant - up to 9 and up to 33 kW.

Однофазные электродные котлы "Берил"

Single-phase electrode boilers "Beryl"

Размеры трехфазной модификации "Берил"

Dimensions of three-phase modification "Beryl"

Characteristic feature of all boilers " Beryl " - upper location of the power supply unit - this simplifies installation and maintenance. Even in order to replace the electrode block, in most cases it will not be necessary to dismantle the entire boiler from its piping.

Name of boilers, control systems: Price, rub.
Ion boilers BERIL and automation( manual power change, step 200( 600) W)
Boilers 220V;5, 7, 9 kW 4450
Boilers 380V;6, 9, 12, 15, 25, 33 kW 8450
Control unit "Euro" for boilers 220V and 380V 14000
Ion boilers BERIL and automation( automatic / manual power change, 600 W step)
Boilers 380V with triac unit 6, 9, 12, 15, 25, 33 kW 20000
Control unit of CSB( with PID function) 15000
Ion boilers BERIL and automation( automatic / manual change of power, 2000 W step)
Boiler 380V with built-in triac unit, 100 kW 75000
Boiler 380Vwith built-in triac unit, 130 kW 100000
Control unit of CSB( with PID function) to boilers 100 and 130 kW 25000
Electrode boilers BERIL and automation
Boilers 220V;5, 7, 9 kW 4450
Boilers 380V;6, 9, 12, 15, 25, 33 kW 8450
ECGT ECGT control unit for boilers 220 and 380 V 8500
Thermal modules BERIL of unlimited power with one control unit
Boilers 380V 33 kW with triac unit - 1 pc. 20000
Control unit GEKK 63 / 3M DCS for module operation in PID mode 20000
Control unit GECK 60/3 DCS for module operation in group control mode 25000
Heat transfer medium BERIL V.I.P.based on propylene glycol
temperature -35С( -45С crystallization temperature) п / э canister 20 liters 2200

By the way, it is certain models of boilers " Beryl " that are positioned exactly as ionic ones - because in them, according to the manufacturer,electric charges. Similar products can be equipped with control units of different complexity:

 Блок управления для котлов "Берил" ЦСУ «Евро»

Control unit for Beryl boilers CSU Euro

Euro control units allow manually adjusting the heating water heating power in steps of 200 W.

1 - connection unit( power contactor);

2 - step boiler power regulator;

3 - automatic overload protection;

4 - thermostat control unit, according to the level of heating of the coolant.

Ионный котел "Берил" с семисторным блоком

Ionic boiler "Beryl" with a 7-block block

More expensive models, with automatic control and power adjustment in each particular MOUTH unit, are equipped with a special 7-hole unit( pictured) and PID - electronic temperature control. It is believed that the PID controller, which consists of an amplifier, an integrator and a differentiator, most quickly and accurately estimates the heating level with considering the in the near future and generates control signals that allow saving up to 20% of energy.

Boiler line EOU( Energy Saving Heating Installation)

This is also a product of Russian manufacture. Uncomplicated in construction, relatively inexpensive but quite user-friendly boilers cover a power range from 2 to 120 kW. can be produced for a single- and three-phase current network, differing in size.

Габариты электродных котлов "ЭОУ"

Dimensions of electrode boilers "EOU"

Such boilers are popular not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries, and last year the products received certification of the Customs Union.

These boilers have been certified by the Customs Union

These boilers have passed the certification of the Customs Union

The table shows the technical data and the average level of prices for boilers operating from the 220 volt network as the most in demand in the household:

Technical Data Unit
Single Phase Modifications
1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/12
Operating voltage Volt ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220 ~ 220
power consumption kW 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
volume of heated space 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 750
heated area 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 250
Electricity consumption per day kW 2-16 3-24 4-32 5-40 6-48 7-56 8-64 9-72 10-80 12-96
Water lifting in the water system( without pump) m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13
Weight, no more kg 3
Price of the device, without control panel руб. 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100
Price of a set of feeding kits for the control panel руб. 1410 1990 1990 1850 1850 1850 2540 2540 2540 2540

With all the unpretentious design of the boilers, the gives the a factory warranty of at least 10 years, and the total service life is estimated at 30 years.

Video: examples of using electrode boilers EOU

Electrode boilers of imported production

In addition to Russian-made boilers, models produced in some contiguous states are in demand.

The "Fast and the Furious" boilers of the Ukrainian are interesting and interesting because they are equipped with a special casing - a casing that increases the safety of the installation and yet makes the its look more attractive.

Котел "Форсаж" в боксе

Boiler "Fast and the Furious" in the box

The line of boilers "Fast and the Furious" is represented by five models, operating from 220 In , power from 3 to 25 kW.All of them are equipped with a control unit of its own design - an electronic-digital temperature controller( ECDT).

 Комплект - котел "Форсаж" с электронно-цифровым регулятором температуры

Kit "Forsage" boiler with electronic-digital temperature controller

The basic characteristics of the electrode "Forsage" boilers are given in the table:

Parameter name Options
Rated voltage, In 220
Permissible deviations from the rated voltage,% ± 10
Rated frequency, Hz 50
Rated current in one phase at a coolant temperature of 63 ° C, A 13.6 22.7 13.6 22.7 37.9
Nominal power consumption, kW 3 5 9 15 25
Electronic digital temperature controller( ECDT) ECRT-3 ECRT-5 ECRT-9 ECTT-15 ECRT-25
Heat carrier Special heat carrier "Forsage-M"
Heat transfer medium in the heatingsystem 20 - 40 30 - 60 60 - 120 100 - 200 160 - 300
Working pressure of the coolant( in the cold state) 0,1 - 0,15
in the heating system, MPa( bar) (1 - 1.5)
Maximum allowable pressure, MPa( bar) 0.3( 3)
Maximumvolume of heated rooms, m 3 100 170 300 450 750
Overall dimensions, mm 265х135х88 470х190х136
Diameter of nozzles 1,25 "
Weight, kg 1.85 1.95 6.05 6.4 6.85
Version for the degree of protection against moisture IPX3

And, Finally, we can mention the STAFOR device for the Latvian design and assembly. He is interested in several innovative solutions, including the use of Faraday cages - by separating the protective and working zero.

Electrode boiler STAFOR with automation kit

Electrode boiler STAFOR with automation package

Of all the boilers, it has the highest safety performance, and the only in its type - the has passed full certification for the very strict requirements of the European Union. Such boiler is fully equipped with its own electronics. In addition, together with it you can buy not only a branded coolant, but even a special additive, STATERM POWER, which allows you to timely adjust the chemical composition of the electrolyte to adjust the boiler's power.

So, the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages of such heating boilers of the reader are understandable. With a variety of models and an approximate price level, he is acquainted. It remains only to make your own choice - "for" or "against."

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