Profiled sheeting for the roof

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Metal roofing of private houses is becoming more popular, especially as the material is produced in various variations and, thanks to modern technologies, is constantly being modernized. Therefore, many consumers have a fair question - profiled roof for which to choose? This roofing material has excellent aesthetic and operational characteristics, it is able not only to reliably protect the building from precipitation and wind, but also to transform its appearance.

Profiled sheeting for the roof

Corrugated roofing sheet which to choose

Profiled sheeting is produced in different color solutions, and can also have different thickness and configuration sheets. Due to the fact that the roofing sheets are given dimensions that allow covering the length of the roof slope completely, from the ridge to the overhang, it is much easier to mount them on the truss system than, for example, all the familiar traditional slate. In addition, the material is not too heavy, and thanks to special protective coatings and a polymer film applied from above, it will serve a sufficiently long period.

What are the advantages of corrugated board in front of other roofing coatings?

Contents of the article

  • 1 What are the advantages of corrugated boarding in front of other roofing coatings?
  • 2 Classification of corrugated board
    • 2.1 Lettering symbols in the marking
    • 2.2 Numeric designations in the
    • 2.3 marking Sheet thickness, wave height, corrugated board weight
  • 3 What type of protective decorative coating of corrugated board to choose?
    • 3.1 Galvanized corrugated board
    • 3.2 Profiled sheeting with protective and decorative polymer coating
      • 3.2.1 Polymer coating technology
      • 3.2.2 Varieties of polymer coatings
  • 4 Basic selection criteria for corrugated board
    • 4.1 Video: corrugated board is an excellent solution for roofing at home
In many respects, the corrugated board advantageously differs from other roofing coatings

For many parameters, profiled sheeting differs from other roofing coatings

Qualitative corrugated board is increasingly preferred in the choice of material for roofing residentialbuildings, since it has a large number of positive qualities that other coatings can not "boast" of. To such advantages it is possible to carry:

  • The first thing that always excites many buyers is the price of the material. Precisely because profiled sheeting is available for almost any family, it is increasingly choosing the choice when choosing the material for the roof.
  • The extensive color range of the produced sheets allows you to choose exactly the shade of the coating that will be perfect for harmonious decoration of the exterior of a private house.
  • Profiled sheeting is produced in sheets up to twelve meters long, which allows, when mounted on the roof, to make the minimum number of skate joints or even completely to refuse cross-joining.
  • The small specific weight of the material, the simplicity and clarity of the installation allows you to make roofing work yourself with the assistance of just one helper who will feed the sheets to the height of the roof.
  • The user is given the opportunity to choose the height of the relief of the sheet - depending on the planned angle of the slope of the slope.
  • In addition, it is possible to choose a different finish for the composition of the corrugated board. The coating can be applied by different technologies, and, accordingly, differ in quality, duration of operation and, of course, the cost of the material.
  • Another important advantage of corrugated board is the ecological purity of the whole range of materials used in its manufacture. Roofs made of corrugated board, regardless of the duration of operation, are not capable of causing harm to the environment. It is also important that the material is non-flammable.

Classification of corrugated board

Profiled sheeting differs in many parameters, but first of all attention is drawn to the type of profile

Profiled sheeting differs in many respects, but first of all attention is drawn to the type of profile

Nowadays manufacturers offer different types of profiled sheeting designed for specific applications in construction practice. However, some of the types, due to their qualities, can be considered almost universal and used for a variety of purposes.

To determine the choice of material that is suitable for roofing, it is necessary to consider all the main types of corrugated board, as they are very often interchangeable.

When considering a particular type of profiled sheet, attention should be paid to its marking - it consists of several numeric and alphabetic symbols indicating its purpose and basic parameters.

Lettering symbols in the

marking The first letter in the marking determines the strength properties of the material and the main application area:

  • "H" is the most durable profiled sheets. In this case, the letter "H" indicates that this is a bearing type of corrugated board. This material has the highest wave height( corrugations) with additional grooves in its lower part - they give the sheets an increased stiffness.
The bearing corrugated board( H) is distinguished by a high wave height, increased thickness of the metal, special longitudinal grooves playing the role of additional ribs

Bearing profiled sheeting( H) is distinguished by its high wave height, increased metal thickness, special longitudinal grooves playing the role of additional stiffeners

In addition, the bearing corrugated board differs from the other varieties of the thickest metal sheet. Therefore, it is used for the roofing of residential buildings, the construction of walls and roofs of large hangars, fences, the manufacture of heavy-duty containers, the construction of production workshops, warehouses, garages, gates and other structures that must have high mechanical strength, reliability, and duration in operation.

  • "NS" is a "bearing-wall" profile material, and it can be safely called almost universal, as it is used for a variety of purposes. A similar variety of corrugated board is distinguished by an average level of metal thickness and wave height.
Nesusche-walled models of corrugated board( NA) are distinguished by increased versatility

The non-walled models of corrugated board( NA) are distinguished by the increased versatility of

. Such material is used for erection and wall cladding, for roofing works, fences, canopies, other household, industrial and auxiliary structures are made of it, gates and gates are made. According to its performance characteristics, this type of corrugated board can be called intermediate between the carrier and wall material, but its cost is much lower than that of the carrier.

  • "C" - wall corrugated board. It is used for erecting light hozpostroek, covering the walls of residential buildings on top of the thermal insulation layer, for manufacturing frame gates, fences and other structures.

The height of the wave is not high, so the strength properties on the transverse bend are also small. The manufacture of many models uses the thinnest steel, and it is not surprising that the cost of such material is also small.

Several popular types of corrugated board from the category "C"

Several popular types of corrugated board from the category "C"

However, many of the profiled models of their category "C" are also quite suitable for roofing works.

  • "MP" is another meeting type of corrugated board, which is well versatile and ideally suited for roofing, and for erecting walls of hospostroek, and in addition - is used in the production of sandwich panels. For what each of its modifications is intended, one can learn from the digital and letter markings.
One of the most widely used types of corrugated board - MP-20

One of the most widely used types of corrugated board - MP-20

Galvanized profiled sheeting is used to cover pitched roofs, partitions in industrial premises, as well as for suspended ceilings. This type of material is produced not only in galvanized form, but also with a polymer coating.

"MP" -profile is issued in three variations - these are types "A", "B" and "R".

For example, "MP-R" corrugated board is designed for roofing, and types "A" and "B" are more suitable for fencing and wall covering. The type "R" differs from "A" and "B" in the dimensions of the corrugation, in particular, in that the base of the wave is smaller, and the distance between the waves is wider, while for the wall sheets it is the reverse. By such a profile, it will be easier to drain the streams of storm water.

In addition, thanks to these parameters, the roofing type "R" exceeds the wall profiled sheet by its bending strength, and is capable of withstanding high static loads. Types "A" and "B", in turn, are better than it resist wind dynamic influences.

Wall types of this corrugated board differ from each other in that "A" is produced with a protective coating only on the front side, and a "B" type coating is specified at the time of the order. Therefore, in the second variant, the color layers may be completely absent, or they are applied from one or both sides of the sheet.

Profiled sheeting "MP" - the difference between the wall( "A" and "B") and the roofing "R") profile

Profiled sheeting "MP" - the difference between the wall( "A" and "B") and roofing "R") profile

Profiled sheeting "MP" is manufactured with a wave height of the corrugation of 18 or 20 mm.

Numeric designations in the

marking So, in the product marking, the letter designation is followed by numerical values ​​giving the required information:

  • The first number indicates the wave height in millimeters.
  • The second digital value indicates the thickness of the sheet steel from which the corrugated board is made - this parameter is also given in millimeters.
  • The third group of figures gives information on the useful width of the sheet in millimeters, that is, taking into account the overlap of the waves when laying the coating. This parameter is always slightly smaller than the actual dimensions of the sheets, which should be remembered, for example, when transporting or storing material.
  • The length of the sheet may not be indicated, since when ordering the material for specific needs, it can be any, at the request of the customer and according to the capabilities of the manufacturer. However, quite often in price lists, the limit value of length is also given, also in millimeters. For example, the last group of digits can be 12000.

Thus, the marking of the corrugated board can look, for example, like:

C10-0,5-1100 - this indicates that the corrugated wall type having a wave height of 10 mm is madefrom a sheet thickness of 0.5 mm, with a useful width of 1100 mm.

Another example of marking:

MP-18-0,7-1000V is a corrugated board with a wave height of 18 mm, made of steel sheet 0.7 mm thick, useful width 1000 mm, made of galvanized uncoated steel, but it canbe applied at the request of the customer on one or both sides.

Knowing how to read these values, it will be much easier to find the corrugated board of the required modification.

Sheet thickness, wave height, corrugated board weight

When choosing a corrugated board, the determining parameters are the wave height and the thickness of the metal sheet

When selecting the corrugated board, the determining parameters are the wave height and the thickness of the

metal sheet. It is necessary to highlight the question as to what the minimum and maximum thickness of the metal sheet from which the corrugated board is made can be, and also how muchcan possess sheets of roofing material - this is extremely important for the construction of the roof.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet can be:

- in the varieties "H", "HC" and "C" can vary from 0.4 mm to 1.2 mm;

- "MP-R" - from 0,4 to 0,8 mm;

- "MP-A" and "MP-B" - about 0.4 to 0.7 mm.

This parameter directly depends on the strength of the material, its resistance to the characteristic for the roof loads - wind and snow.

  • It is necessary to choose the right height of the corrugated sheeting, since the rigidity of the material and the reliability of its attachment and fixing to the roofing of the roofing system also depend on this parameter. Usually for roofing works, use profiled sheeting with a wave height of at least 18 mm, and up to 60 ÷ 75 mm. True, the upper value can not be considered the limiting one, it is possible to use higher material, but the question is only in the appropriateness of such an approach.
Profiles of profiled sheeting

Wave height profiles

The height of the wave affects not only the strength of the material, but also the quality of water drainage from the roof during the rain. The profiled sheets "NS" and "H", having grooves in the lower part of the wave, are more resistant to different loads, therefore, choosing the roofing material is recommended to give preference to them.

Do not forget that in winter, the roof can form a congestion of snow, which the coating must withstand. In addition, the roof must withstand the weight of a person, as it will often have to climb for various reasons.

The table below shows the main types of corrugated board with specific areas of application:

Typical applications
Typical applications for
Wall cladding Roofing Bearing wall structures Fixed formwork Fence construction
C8 ˅ - - - ˅
MP18( A) - ˅ - - ˅
MP18( B) ˅ - - - ˅
MP20( A, B) ˅ - - - ˅
MP20( R) - ˅ - - -
C21( A) - ˅ - - ˅
C21( B) ˅ - - - ˅
NS35( A) - ˅ - - ˅
NS35( B) - - - - ˅
MP35( A) ˅ - - - ˅
MP35( B) - ˅ - - ˅
MP40( A) ˅ - - - ˅
C44( A) - ˅ - - ˅
C44( B) ˅ - - - ˅
H60( A) - ˅ - - ˅
H60( B) - - ˅ ˅ ˅
N75( A, B) - - ˅ ˅ ˅
N114( A, B) - - ˅ ˅ -

The design of the roofing under the roofing is also dependent on the type of material and the height of the wave. The approximate values ​​of the cross-border grating pitch are shown in the following table:

Type of corrugated board Step of roofing battens
C8 It is better not to use roofing. In exceptional cases - only with the use of continuous lathing
C10 For roofing it is better not to use. It is allowed to apply with a battenshape of no more than 300 mm
C18( MP18) no more than 400 mm
MP20 400 - 500 mm
C21 350 - 600 mm, depending on the slope of the roof slope
HC35 1200 - 1500 mm
C44 500 - 1000 mm, depending on the slope of the roof slope
HC44 up to 2600 mm
H57 up to 3000 mm
H60 up to 3000 mm
H75 up to 4000 mm
  • An important parameter for both the organization of material delivery to the construction site, bothand to assess the possibility of performing roofing work manually, without applyingNia special lifting equipment, weight is corrugated sheets, located depending on the metal thickness, the profile features and its configuration coating. This parameter can vary significantly - in the range from 5.4 to 17.2 kg / m².

Table of weight parameters of the bearing "N" corrugated board is given below:

Marking of corrugated board Thickness of metal sheet, mm. Weight of 1 meter of material, kg Weight 1 m² of coverage, kg
H57-750 0.7 6.5 8.67
H57-750 0.8 7.4 9.87
N60-845 0.7 7.4 8.76
H60-845 0.8 8.4 9.94 0.9
N60-845 9.3 11.01
N75-750 0.7 7.4 9.87
N75-750 0.8 8.4 11.2
N75-750 0.9 9.3 12.4
N114-600 0.8 8.4 14
H114-600 0.9 9.3 15.5
H114-600 1.0 10.3 17.17

And another table showing similar pairsetry, but for universal sheet type "NA»:

Marking of corrugated board Thickness of metal sheet, mm Weight of 1 running meter of material, kg Weight 1 m² of coverage, kg
HC35-1000 0.5 5.4 5.4
HC35-1000 0.55 5.9 5.9
HC35-1000 0.7 7.4 7.4
HC44-1000 0.5 5.4 5.4
HC44-1000 0.55 5.9 5.9
NS44-1000 0.7 7.4 7.4

What type of protective and decorative coverings for the corrugated board to choose?

For roofing, a very important parameter is the quality of the protective and decorative coating of the corrugated board

For roofing, a very important parameter is the quality of the protective and decorative coating of the corrugated board

. The durability of the roofing material depends largely on the coating applied to it and how good it is. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main varieties of such coatings.

Galvanized profiled sheeting

Galvanized roofing sheeting made of cold-rolled steel with zinc coating, sheet thickness 0,4 ÷ 1,3 mm.

  • The first step is zinc coating of "black" steel - this layer is the main barrier in protecting the metal from corrosion.
  • After zinc coating, passivation of the zinc layer is carried out, that is, it is covered with an oxide film, which also effectively prevents the development of corrosion.
Profiling of galvanized steel sheets

Profiling of galvanized steel sheets

  • Further, the sheets enter the roll forming machine, where they are attached to a trapezoidal or wavy profile with a wave height of 8 to 180 mm, depending on the purpose of the corrugated board. The result is a finished sheet made according to GOST.After that, the material can be sent for sale, or it is coated with a protective polymer coating.

Today you can buy roofing material covered with a modified anticorrosive compound - alumozink or aluzinc, consisting of 43% zinc, 55% aluminum and 1.6% silicon. Profiled sheeting with such a coating does not differ much in price from the usual, covered only with zinc, however, it has much more resistance to various aggressive influences, and therefore - more durable.

Simple galvanized corrugated board is rarely used for roofs of residential buildings - as a rule, it is used for garages and various outbuildings, since in the foreground in these cases usually come issues of economy, prevailing over decorativeness. For houses and cottages, a material with protective polymer coatings is often chosen.

Earlier, many owners, buying a galvanized profiled sheet, tried to paint paint compositions on their own. Today there is no need for it - you can choose its color for every taste, depending on the overall facade decoration of the house.

Profiled sheeting with protective-decorative polymer coating

Polymer coating is not only beautiful. Such material is characterized by increased durability

Polymer coating is not only beautiful. Such material is distinguished by increased durability of

. Roofing material, protected by one of the high-quality polymer coatings, sharply adds in "longevity" - its service life ranges from 25 to 60 years and more.

Polymer coating technology
An approximate scheme of protective polymer layers, which are superimposed on a galvanized metal sheet.

An exemplary diagram of protective polymer layers that are superimposed on a galvanized metal sheet.

Polymer coating is designed to protect roofing material from external natural, chemical and mechanical influences.

The maximum duration of operation is provided by a protective coating consisting of several layers and applied using modern technological processes.

On the one method applied to the metal one of the polymer coatings, the performance of the corrugated board will directly depend on the performance. Polymers can be applied in various ways, but the steps of this process are approximately the same:

  • Galvanized sheets are degreased and dried.
  • Further, the metal undergoes a priming process, which greatly increases the adhesion of the galvanized layer to the polymer.
  • Then, a polymer color coating is applied. Its thickness can vary from 25 to 200 μm. This layer is usually applied to the obverse of the profiled sheet, and its lower side is often covered only with a layer of protective varnish.
  • In the next step, the sheets enter special chambers where, under the influence of high temperatures, the final polymerization and strengthening of the protective coating takes place.

The most common method of applying a polymer layer is powder. The process of painting takes place in a special chamber. At this stage, a positive charge of direct electric current is passed through the metal, after which a finely dispersed powder of a certain color is sprayed onto its surface, which is given a negative charge. Under the action of the created electromagnetic field, the powder particles are attracted to the metal sheets. Next, the sheets enter the thermal chambers for the final coating polymerization procedure.

Technological line for applying powder polymer coating.

Technological line for powder polymer coating.

A similar coating method helps to create a more stable layer on the metal surface than when it is liquid. This is due to the fact that the coloring composition is very evenly distributed on the surface of the metal, which significantly reduces the risk of getting defective corrugated board.

Profilists having a polymer-powder coating have a high resistance to all kinds of negative influences, therefore their service life is much longer than that of corrugated board covered with liquid compounds.

By the way, one more fact speaks about the strength of the polymer coating.

Stored metal sheets with a polymer coating for the production of corrugated board.

Wareed metal sheets with polymer coating for the production of corrugated board.

Sheets after staining are usually shipped immediately to consumers - firms that are already engaged in the manufacture of corrugated board. Of course, usually for this purpose, transportation protective packaging is provided.

Rolling metal sheet with protective polymer coating

Rolling metal sheet with protective polymeric coating

But already in the process of manufacturing corrugated board, the material is passed through the rollers of the machines forming the required profile, that is, the metal experiences considerable loads and internal stresses. Nevertheless, the quality protective coating from this effect is not damaged in any way.

Varieties of polymer coatings

Since polymer decorative protective coatings can be different, it makes sense to consider their features. So, what they are, and what qualities the

possesses. So, the following polymer coatings can be applied to the roofing corrugations: polyester, pural, matt polyester, PVDF and plastisol.

  • Polyester
Sheet of corrugated board with polyester coating

Profiled sheet with polyester coating

A profiled sheet with a similar coating has the most affordable price, so it has become the most sought-after material for both roofing and fencing and gates. Polyester is resistant to ultraviolet rays, so it practically does not change the original color for many years. The material is resistant to corrosive processes and to temperature changes, but its disadvantage is the small thickness of the applied polyester, which can easily be damaged by mechanical action - the same scratches.

Before buying this material, it is recommended to conduct an experiment to verify the quality of the coating. To do this, you can try to bend the corners of the sheet of corrugated board - from this effect, polyester should not be covered with cracks or small folds.

  • Matte polyester
Many people prefer the "gloss", and the matte color

Many people prefer the "gloss", and the matte

Matte polyester slightly different in composition from the glossy version. Since the coating is rough, it dissipates light and does not give glare. The technology is such that the composition is applied unevenly, so the exact thickness of the layer is difficult to determine. But in any case, it turns out to be quite large, and this coating significantly exceeds the surface and abrasive strength glossy analog.

A visual comparison of one color of corrugated board, but in glossy and matte designs

A clear comparison of the same color of the corrugated board, but in the glossy and matte finish

This quality of the coating allows us to hope for a longer life of the roofing.

It is often enough with the use of matte polyester on the surface of the corrugated board imitate the texture drawings of stone, wood or brickwork.

  • Pural

Pural is a protective multi-polymer composite that is made from a polyurethane-based composition with the addition of polyamide and acrylic. It makes the roofing material more durable, suitable for operation for 50 years without loss of basic protective and decorative qualities.

Pural is applied at a thickness of 50 microns and has excellent adhesion to the metal, so it is difficult to damage, since it is resistant not only to mechanical loads, but also to chemicals, to temperature changes, to diverse external influences of a natural or man-made plan. Therefore, it is well suited for use in areas with an aggressive environment for the metal, such as high humidity or industrial air pollution.

Profiled sheeting with wear-resistant polymer coating - pural

Profiled sheeting with wear-resistant polymer coating - pural

A disadvantage of corrugated board with a pural coating is its high price, which is several times higher than the cost of sheets protected with plain or matte polyester. More often than not, the corrugated board, covered with a pural, is used for roofing or facade finishing of residential buildings.

There are two variants of pural covering - smooth glossy and matte.

  • Plastisol coating
Sheet of corrugated board with plastisol coating

Sheet of corrugated board with plastisol coating

Plastisol is made of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of plasticizers. It is applied by a layer of the order of 200 μm. Due to this thickness, this material has high resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, as well as to some natural phenomena.

However, plastisol has a significant disadvantage - it reacts poorly to elevated temperatures, so it is not recommended for use in climates with a hot summer climate. In addition, this protective coating is not resistant to ultraviolet rays, therefore, being under their influence, it quickly loses its original color. If you buy a corrugated board with this coating, it is recommended to choose light colors, since they burn less in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and do not so heat up.

Protective decorative plastisol coating, imitating an invoice of wood

Protective decorative plastisol coating imitating the invoice of wood

Many choose corrugated board with this protective coating because it is produced with a relief surface imitating an inverse pattern of various natural materials, such as wood, stone slices or the skin surface. This design usually has a matte surface that does not give highlights, so the color seems deeper and more rich, which gives the material a respectable appearance.

Profiled sheeting, coated with plastisol, is most often used in cold regions with an aggressive climate or in industrial areas, as well as where there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the roof from natural phenomena, for example, in areas where dust storms or hail falls frequently.

  • PVDF coating
The most wear-resistant resistant and protected is the corrugated board with PVDF coating

The most wear-resistant resistant and protected is the corrugated board with PVDF coating

PVDF is also a composite coating, since it consists of 20% acrylic and 80% polyvinyl fluoride. Due to the complex of these materials, the metal provides the highest degree of protection against all kinds of influences, including those from ultraviolet rays. This kind of corrugated board is used for finishing facades and roofing, as it retains its original appearance for 45 ÷ 50 years. A metal sheet coated with PVDF can be used in areas with any climate, it does not depend on the characteristics of the environment, since it is inert to industrial air pollution, as well as to a wet, including salty marine climate.

As can be understood from the description, all types of coatings mentioned above are able to perform the functions of protecting the metal sheet, but to varying degrees. The table below allows us to compare the qualities of protective and decorative coatings more clearly so that the user can easily decide on the choice:

Properties of the coating Polyester Matte polyester Pural Plastisol( PVC) PVDF
Nominal coating thickness, μm. 25 35 50 200 27
Thickness of the polymer coating of metal, μm 19 23 30 192 20
Primer thickness, μm 6 12 20 8 7
Maximum working temperature, ° C 90 90 100 70 110
Surface Smooth Relief Smooth Relief Smooth
Service life, years 20-30 30-40 40-50 30-50 30-40
Compositions of polymer coatings Polyester Polyester Polyurethane, polyamide and acrylic Polyvinyl chloride and various plasticizers Polyvinyl fluoride - 80%,
acrylic - 20%
Below in the table are the comparative estimatesCoefficients of resistance of coatings to various impacts( estimates are given by a 5-point system).Points are marked on the basis of the results of testing conducted in laboratories of companies producing similar material.
UV Resistance 3 3 4 1 5
Mechanical Resistance 2 3 4 5 3
Chemical Resistance 2 3 4 4 5
Resistant to Aggressive Climatic Conditions 3 4 5 5 4

Basic Selection Criteria for

Choosing the corrugated roofing for roofing, it is necessary to rely on certain criteria for its evaluation

Corrugated Walls Selecting corrugated roofing should be based on certain criteria for its evaluation

As a generalization of all of the above,moments, which need to pay special attention to the choice of corrugated board for arranging the roof of your house.

  • The material must be marked "Н", "НС" or "МП-R", and if it is chosen for a residential structure, then an average sheet thickness of 0.5 ÷ 0.8 mm will suffice.
  • It is recommended to purchase a roofing material with a powder coating. The polymer to be coated is selected independently, taking into account those features on which attention was focused above, taking into account the climatic and other conditions of the region or even a specific locality.
  • Special attention should be paid to the quality of the cover of the corrugated board:

- the surface of the roofing sheets should be level, without dents and scratches;

- the edges of the sheets should have smooth cuts, without burrs;

- the protective colored polymeric layer should be uniform, without chips and tears;

- when the profiled sheet is bent, its coating should not crack, break or gather folds, and the sheet itself should easily take the original shape when unbending.

  • In addition, it is worth paying attention to the warranty provided to the material by the manufacturer. For example, the certificate may indicate the service life of the corrugated board in 30 years or more, and the warranty is given for only one year or even completely absent - in this case it is recommended to refuse the purchase of such products.
  • If this is available, then the best option is to purchase the corrugated board directly from its manufacturer or from authorized dealers - this time will significantly reduce the likelihood of purchasing poor-quality material.
  • In addition, it is worth considering the reputation of the manufacturer and the seller. You should not buy corrugated roofing for a small store in the construction market, because in this case, the risk is high enough to run into the products of the dishonest manufacturer.
  • According to the rating of the producers, several domestic and foreign companies can be identified that deserve positive feedback: such Russian enterprises producing high-quality sheet steel as Novolipetskiy NLMK, Severstal and Magnitogorsk MMK, as well as European manufacturers of roofing materials thatrepresent their products in the Russian market - RUUKKI, Thyssen Krupp, Arcelor, Galvex.

When choosing corrugated board, it is necessary to remember that roofing is a laborious and expensive process, and they are usually performed once every few decades. Therefore, it will be very unpleasant if you have to again do this and spend a lot of money in a year or two because of poor-quality coating of corrugated board, which can under the influence of natural or other factors crack and crawl.

At the end of the article - a cognitive video about the types of corrugated board and its installation as a roofing:

Video: corrugated board - an excellent solution for roofing the house

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