How to make an attic

The most probably the best way to increase the useful area of ​​your own house - is to replace the gable with the roof of the house on the attic. Thus, can buy one, two or even three additional rooms without making extra space on the site and without tying up a very -intensive process of pouring a new foundation and erecting walls. And to learn how to make the attic correctly, you need to consider all the steps of its arrangement , starting with calculations and ending with roofing roofing and finishing the resulting additional premises .

How to make an attic

How to make the attic

In order for all the works to be successful, you first need to make sure that the existing walls( if the superstructure will be erected in the old house) are able to withstand the additional load. From this factor will depend on whether it is worth starting a similar construction, and if so, on which design of the dormer roof it will be better to stop.

It should be noted that the load on the bearing walls will significantly increase

- for the account of a larger number of rafters, due to the mass of interior trim of the walls and floor, windows and doors, the insulation system, as well as all elements of the interior filling mansard spaces. All these factors indicate that you need to start with the selection of the optimal design of the attic, with the calculations, drafting and drawings of the future add-on.

Types of roof superstructures

Article Contents

  • 1 Types of roof superstructures
    • 1.1 gable attic
    • 1.2 sloping ceilings
    • 1.3 Single-level console attic
    • 1.4 Layered superstructure
  • 2 Basics truss roof structure
    • 2.1 Hanging system
    • 2.2 Naslonnaya design
  • 3 design attic
    • 3.1 Elements of construction
    • 3.2 Perform basic calculations of the attic
    • 3.3 Video: an example of a professortional approach to the calculation of the construction of the attic
  • 4 Materials and tools for the construction of the attic
  • 5 Installation of roof construction
    • 5.1 mauerlat
    • 5.2 Floor beams
    • 5.3 Installing rafters
  • 6 waterproofing and vapor barrier
  • 7 Warming attic
    • 7.1 Winterizing floor
    • 7.2 Installation of insulation to the wallsand the ceiling of the attic
  • 8 The decoration of the attic walls
    • 8.1 Video: warming the attic room and finishing it with a lining
    • 8.2 Video: sample buildstva and finishing the attic

Under current building regulations is considered to be an attic room under the roof, which has a height from the ceiling to the ridge of not less than 2500 mm. If this parameter is less than the specified limit, then the room is considered an ordinary attic.

  • If the vertical pillars that determine the height of the walls of the room have a size of 1500 mm, then the attic space can be considered a full-fledged floor.
  • A semi-attic is an attic with no vertical posts, or if they have a height of 500 to 700 mm.
В основе любой конструкции крыши всегда заложены треугольники с их "жесткой" структурой

At the heart of any roof construction, triangles with their "rigid" structure

There are several types of attic superstructures, but the most popular of them are high two-edged and broken structures. Their popularity can be explained by simpler calculations by , relatively simple installation work and ease of use. In third place, after two-edged and broken structures, one can name single-pit variant nt cr , which is also sometimes used for attic. Unfortunately, this type of superstructure can not be used in every construction of the house, since it requires not only the reconstruction of the roof, but also the lifting the to the height of the walls already built, which greatly increases the load of the on both the , and the foundation.

If a new house is being built and the second floor is planned as an attic, then the single-pit variant nt cr is well is suitable for this purpose. In addition, it will help to save on roofing material.

The more complex - dome, four-slope, and various ledges-consoles arranged in roof slopes( single-level and multi-level), are used extremely rarely and only in exclusive projects, because they have complicated engineering calculations for , andin the assembly design.

Different kinds of mansard roofs

Different types of attic roofs

The figure below shows the numbers:

1 - Gable attic.

2 - Polyline mansard

3 - Single-level cantilever attic

4 - Multi-level attic.

Gable attic

Attic room on with a tidy roof, which is arranged at an angle between the slopes of 80 ÷ 90 degrees on the ridge, can easily be converted to an attic. To create a full-fledged residential space under it, it will be necessary to carry out a number of necessary reconstructions, for example, very often can not do without strengthening the attic floor. All these modifications and plus to this - the necessary insulation will certainly "eat" a significant part of the useful space under the roof, so do not expect that the rooms in this attic will be spacious and with high ceilings. Of course, if the dimensions of the ( length and width) of the at home - are large enough, and the roof has significant angle of the slope( 45 degrees or even higher), then after the alterations can be expected to be relatively spaciousmansard room.

Sloping roof

The room under the broken roofing mansard will be much more spacious and with a sufficiently high ceiling. This loft can easily be divided into two separate rooms.

Интерьер мансарды, выполненной по "ломаному" типу

Interior of the attic, made in "broken" type

The broken roof has four rajet planes. They are located at different angles - the upper slopes are called ridge, and the lower slopes are called lateral ones. They, for the most part, play the role of walls.

This kind of mansard roof is somewhat more difficult to design and install, but the result will please with spacious rooms and a respectable appearance of the house.

One-level cantilever attic

This kind of attic has an more more complex construction than the previous one, since it implies a displacement of the attic space in one or the other direction.

Cantilever attic room

Cantilevered attic room

Using this version of the attic, you can get spacious rooms, much larger in area than the for the gully roof.

The design of a single-deck roof can be repeated not only by the two-edged , but also by the single-skinned variant - this will depend on how much the console is supposed to be taken out of the attic and to lift the of its ceiling.

Multi-level add-in

Multi-level construction is the most complex in design and installation. In its development and construction will necessarily need the help of qualified specialists. Supports for the levels of attic rooms are different rafter systems and floors, which are combined with the main one. A multi-level system assumes the layout of rooms at different levels of the attic space, which is why the consoles should be located exactly this way.

The attic can have even several levels

The attic can have even several levels of

Having chosen the most desirable kind of attic, it is necessary to determine if can be its arrangement on the old walls of the house, or will have to strengthen them . Therefore, needs to conduct accurate calculations of and draw up a project.

Basics of the roof truss structure

Most roofs, and the attic in this matter is no exception, has one of the two types of truss system, or a combined version of them. Each of these varieties has its own characteristics, which depend on the location of the bearing walls of the structure.

Suspension system

The hanging rafter system is defined by the fact that it has support only on two external capital walls, located along the length of the building, in which there are no internal capital partitions.

Principle of a suspended roof system

Principle of suspended roof system

Such a system is used provided that between the capital supports the distance is not more than 13 ÷ 14 meters. In any case, the , this design gives the a fairly large load on the walls and foundations of as of swarm.

To reduce the loads in this system, various support elements are used - beams, headstocks, struts, pins, racks and other details.

For example, the grandmothers, as it were, suspend the entire system to the ridge beam with the help of a tightening, and the struts draw the overlapping beams to the rafter legs.

For attic flooring in this system, it is necessary to use thick bars, logs or boards, which are installed on the edge. Their thickness can be determined from the table given in this publication, taking as a basis the distance between the points of support.

In order to use reliable and strong, if you use the suspension system is reliable and you need to perform accurate calculations of , and if you do it yourself, is better than


. is characterized by the fact that it supports not only external capitalwalls, but also on internal partitions, which have a foundation. Therefore, starting the construction of a house in which an attic is planned, it is necessary to think in advance of the location of internal capital partitions.

For a house with a mansard , the is an - system that is the best option, as the beams overlapping the house will be strong and the reliably attached to the walls and partitions.

When building a broken roof structure of the attic, you can use the combined version of the rotary system, that is, use the elements of both the hanging and stratified system.

Designing the attic of the

When designing the construction of any kind of attic, it is recommended to consider its in different projections in order to visually determine the location of all supporting elements. Counting all the parameters of the attic, they must be immediately introduced into the project.

Based on the , calculations , the locations and methods of mounting of all structural elements of the rafter system are determined. The calculation of is also necessary to accurately determine the materials needed for the construction of the attic and their parameters.

Construction elements

Any of the wooden roof constructions consists of of certain elements that are connected together by connecting units having different configurations. In order to better understand the design of these connections, it is recommended to draw each of them, and when mounting the - it is absolutely necessary for the to have drawing at hand.

The main elements of the roof truss structure

Basic elements of the roof truss structure

The structure of the broken roof skylight includes the following components of the system:

  • Mauerlat is an element made from a wooden beam and laid on the building's main walls in its length. It serves to evenly distribute the load from the structure of the rafter system to the wall and foundation. On the Mauerlat the rafter's feet are fixed and fixed. This element is mounted both in the gable , and in the broken structure of the roof of the attic.
  • Beam ceilings, which are laid on the main walls of the building and are the basis for the future floor of the attic and the ceiling of the first floor, as well as for installing the entire truss system. The
  • The rafter consists of one straight element - the bar or the boards in the two-edged roof view, or from two - parts in a broken construction. In the broken roof skylight, the upper part, fixed on the skate of the , is called the skate, and the lower part, which forms the walls of the attic, is called the side. Obviously, the lateral leg will be installed on a saddle principle, while the top skate rafter - usually becomes a hanging
  • . For a skate, a bar or board of a certain thickness is used. Sometimes they do without it, connecting the upper ridge parts of the rafter legs, which form the ridge .
  • Racks are the supporting elements of the system. They support the rafter legs and relieve some of the load from the walls and foundation of the structure. Racks will later become crate for walls, which will be installed in the process of finishing the attic.
  • Bevels or other elements installed diagonally are additional supports securing the rafters and retaining beams, making the system design more reliable .
  • Between the rafter legs for rigidity are installed bars, called interstop saws - , they also give the rigidity .

Carrying out basic calculations attic

It is quite difficult to independently design a roof roof as this process requires of certain knowledge and skills to design and conduct specific architectural calculations. If this allows mistakes, the attic structure will be unreliable , and besides - its weight can damage the walls and foundation of the building.

The calculations should take into account everything from the beginning of construction and finishing of the premises

All calculations must be taken into account - from the beginning of construction and up to the finishing of the premises of the

. However, if the design is not too complicated, you can try and manage on your own.

Calculation of height of ridge

Size of the useful area of the attic room depends on the height of the roof ridge, and the latter is determined by the selected slope of the slopes - than this angle is smaller, the lower the ceiling and, accordingly, the smaller useful area of the attic space.

From the slope of the roof depends on the height of the ridge, and the useful area of ​​the room

The height of the ridge and the useful area of ​​the

depend on the roof slope. The height of the skate of the gable roof can be calculated using the following formula:

H = L × tg α

N - ridge height;

L - ½ the width of the structure( if the speech of the comes about the gable symmetrical roof);

α - slope angle of the rafter system.

Scheme - for clarity

Schematic - for clarity

As an example, you can substitute the following data in the formula:

Size of structure 8 × 10 m , angle of incline 30 ° , tangent 30 ° = 0, 58

H = 8/2 × 0.58= 2, 32 m

The height of the ridge will be equal to 2, 32 m .

In detail, with all the possible nuances and necessary reference tables, the process for calculating the roof slope angle and all other related parameters is described from a separate publication, dedicated to exactly this issue.

Area of ​​the inner space of the attic

The technique used to determine the area of ​​the attic space will provide an opportunity to calculate the amount of necessary material for the construction of the truss system, for insulation and finishing. Especially accurate calculations are important if the attic will be used to equip additional living rooms, as they require special clearance.

The entire area under the roof, that is, the useful one, and the , the so-called "blind" is usually calculated. Residential space is limited to the installed racks, which will be the basis for the installation of insulation and wall finishing material. The zone behind them is deaf, that is, most often, not used.

The total area is calculated quite simply: width overhangs is added to the width of the building on both sides. The sum is multiplied by the length of the structure.

The living space area is also easy to find : for this, needs to measure the width of the attic space between the racks installed under one and the other roof slope, and multiply the resulting parameter by the length of the attic from the gable to the gable .

Area of ​​roofing

To determine in advance the amount of roofing material, it is necessary to calculate the total area of ​​the roof slopes.

If you decide to install a broken or even more complex structure, you need to calculate the area of ​​all sections of the roof. To do this, its needs to be divided into separate geometric shapes, and then calculate the area of ​​each of them and add the results.

For those who have forgotten, how are the areas of flat figures calculated

For those who forgot how to calculate the areas of flat figures

For those who unsteadily remembers the formulas for calculating the areas of flat figures, the scheme - "crib" is shown.

Area single-deck roof

If the roof of the attic is single-deck , then calculate its area can be calculated using the formula: Sabcd = Lcd × Lbd.

The area of ​​one ramp - there is nothing easier

Area of ​​one ramp - there is nothing easier

Pay attention to the figure. When counting, not only the length and width of the rafter structure of the ramp are taken into account - one should not forget about the eaves of cornice from all directions.

Slope roof

With the symmetrical arrangement of the roof slopes, for the calculations of the gable roof will only multiply the value obtained above by two.

For example, we take the same example that was considered above. The size of the building is 10 × 8 m .The angle of the ramp is 30 °, the height of the ridge is H = 2. 32 m .It is also easy to determine the length of the rafter - S

S = H / sin α = 2.32 / 0.5 = 4. 64 m

Overhang curtain rod we accept 0, 7 m , gable overhang 0, 7 m .According to the formula of the single-deck roof, the area of ​​one ramp is calculated.

( 10 + 2 × 0.7) ×( 4.64 + 0.7) = 60.88

Then, to get the total area of ​​the two skates, the result is multiplied by two.

Q = 121.76 m²

This technique is designed for calculation of solid surface of ramps, without accounting for windows, ventilation ducts and chimney.

And how much roofing material will be required?

And how much roofing material will be required?

If the roof has a very complex structure, then it's better not to take risks and still seek help from professionals who will make the necessary calculations using special computer applications.

When using slate, soft roof, other profile materials, you can use the simplified formula calculation .

Based on the drawing:

Example of calculating the roof area of ​​a gable roof

Example of calculating the roof area of ​​a gable roof

So, for the calculation , the following formula applies:

Q = To ×( + 2 ) ×( L + 2 C )

Q - the required amount of roofing;

In - the width of the building( along the pediment wall);

A - width of the planned roof eaves roof;

L - total length of the building;

C - the width of the side overhangs of the roof.

To - is a coefficient that takes into account the slope angle of the ramp relative to the horizon( α).On a large account , it is a trigonometric function secant( sec), equal to the reciprocal of the value of ssα.

In order not to delve into the theory, it is simpler to bring the coefficient table to in absolute, that is, the numeric dimension:

Angle, degrees coefficient K Angle, degrees coefficient K Angle, degrees coefficient K Angle, degrees coefficient K
1 1.0002 18 1.0515 36 1.2361 53 1.6616
2 1.0006 19 1.0576 37 1.2521 54 1.7013
3 1.0014 20 38 1.0642 1.2690 1.7434 55
4 21 1.0024 1.0711 1.2868 39 56
5 1.7883 1.0038 1.0785 22 40 57 1.3054 1.8361 1.0055
6 23 41 1.0864 1.3250 1.8871 58
7 24 1.0075 1.0946 1.3456 42 59
8 1.9416 1.0098 1.1034 25 43 1.3673 60 2.0000
9 1.0125 26 1.1126 44 1.3902 61 2.0627
10 1.0154 27 1.1223 45 1.4142 62 2.1301
11 1.0187 28 1.1326 46 1.4396 63 2.2027
12 1.0223 29 1.1434 47 1.4663 64 2.2812
13 1.0263 30 1.1547 48 1.4945 65 2.3662
14 1.0306 31 1.1666 49 1.5243 66 2.4586
15 32 1.0353 1.1792 1.5557 50 67
16 2.5593 1.0403 1.1924 33 51 68 1.5890 2.6695 1.0457
17 34 1.2062 1.6243 52 69
35 2.7904 1.2208 2.9238 70

Returning to our example:

Q = 1,1547 ×( 8 + 2 × 0.7) ×( 10 + 2 × 0.7) = 123.74

With taking into account overlapping slate sheets - the result is almost the same asand in calculations carried out by a different method. Certainly, on the advice of experienced builders, to obtained area at at acquiring roofing material should be added still 10 ÷ 15 %

( The figure shows a gable roof, however, formula is fully suitable for calculations with the necessary level of accuracy for single-deck or hip roofs. However, with the caveat - at the hip roof the steepness of the main and side rajids should coincide. If not, calculation is carried outfor each pair of skates individually , and then summed value).

Common s from of the tropic system and roof coating

It is equally important to choose the right material for the roofing and correctly to make the crate .This calculation is carried out with taking into account the length of the rafters and the angle of their slope.

The lining under the roofing material can be sparse, mixed or continuous. For example, metal, corrugated board or slate is fixed to the sparse crate , and the soft roof - only on the solid.

When choosing a roof, you need to get information about its performance characteristics. It is from them that the durability and reliability of the roof structure will depend. Roofing material should also be chosen with given of the specific region and its climatic conditions, especially factors such as temperature differences and strong winds.

An important factor is the weight of the roofing, especially if the attic roof is installed on the old walls. Therefore , it is necessary to estimate in advance the weight of the roof and find out how much the load on the structure of the building will increase, and whether it will be permissible.

Roofing material for the attic roof Roof pitch Material weight kg / m²
Slate sheets of asbestos cement with an average profile Slabs with reinforced profile Slate with reinforced profile 1: 5 to 1: 1 13
Bituminous tiles From 1:10 and more 6 - 8
Soft roof with a continuous crate From 1:10 and more 9 - 15
Galvanized metal sheets with single folds From 1: 4 or more 3 - 6,5
Сdouble folds From 1: 5 or more 3 - 6,5
Ceramichestile From 1: 5 to 1: 0,5 50 - 60
Cement-sand tiles From 1: 5 to 1: 0,5 45 - 70
Metal tiles From 1: 5 and more 5 - 7
Ondulina From 1:10 and more 3 - 3,5

Most often, a soft roof or ondulin is used for covering attics, as these materials - are one of those that have the lightest weight and are easy to install.

Ondulin as a roofing material

Ondulin as a roofing material

For example, you can calculate the weight of 1 square meter of the roof, where the onduline is used for the coating, taking into account the crate and the - heat-insulated polyurethane foam. To do this, you need to find the sum of the weight of each of the materials and multiply by a factor of 1.1( this factor takes into account overlapping on adjacent sheets of roofing material).

  • We with with a flat crate , a thickness of 20 mm( plywood or OSB) is 14 kg / m².
  • Heater - polyurethane foam, 100 mm thick, has an average weight of 3 kg /
  • Average weight ondulin - 3.3 kg /

We get the total of:

( 14 + 3 + 3,3) × 1,1 = 22, 3 kg /

To calculate the total weight load of the roof on the walls, you need to multiply the weight of one square meter by the total surface area. In our example this will be:

M = 123.74 × 22.3 = 2751.82 kg.

Quite - almost 3 tons of gives only a very light roof covering with crate and also very light kind of insulation.

And after all it is still not all! On the roof there are snow loads in winter, plus to this - wind pressure, all the year round. These parameters are also necessarily taken into account in the calculations of the of the necessary wooden elements of the rafter system and the beams, and for , the takes into account the total load of the roof structure on the walls and the foundation from .

The procedure for determining wind and snow loads is described in detail in the relevant article of our portal.

Above it has been said that for calculation of roofs, you must also take into account the parameters of wooden, in particular - bearing elements. The following tables show the allowable values ​​for the section of workpieces, the length of the parts and the distance between them.

The table "overlap" shows the dependence of the required cross-section of the rectangular bar or the diameter of the round log used as beams from the width of the overlapped span:

Length of the beam in mm Bar( height × width) in mm Diameter of log in mm
2000 120 × 80 130
100 × 70 110
2500 140 × 80 150
120 × 80 130
3000 160 × 110 170
140 × 90 140
3500 180 × 120 190
150 × 100 160
4000 200 × 120 210
160 × 120 170
4500 220 × 160 220
180 × 120 190
5000 220 ×160 240
180 × 140 200
5500 240 × 160 250
200 × 140 210
6000 250 × 180 270
200 × 140 230

The following table shows the parameters of sawnwood( boards, beams or logs) for making rafter legs. The maximum length of the rafter( in the upper line ), and the distance between the adjacent rafters ( the step of their installation) is taken into account.

Section size of rafter feet in mm Distance between supports in mm
3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
40 × 140 1400 1000 - - -
50 × 180 1500 1200 900 - -
50 × 200 - 1500 1100 700 -
60 × 220 - - 1200 900 -
130 1000 700 - - -
140 1400 1000 700 - -
150 1500 1300 900 - -
160 - 1400 1000 700 -
170 - 1400 1100 - -
180 - - 1500 1200 900
160/200 1300 1000 700 - -
180/200 - - 1000 - -
200/200 - - 1200 1000 700
220/200 - - 1500 1300 900

The quantity of material is calculated relative to the height and selectedthe design of the attic roof.

According to the amount of material planned for the construction of the roofing system( you can calculate the total cubic capacity), taking into account the density of the selected wood, it will be easy to calculate the total weight of the structure, and then add it to the roof mass.

Video: an example of a professional approach to calculation of of structure of attic

Materials and tools of for construction of attic of

After of calculations performed by and drawing up of the project it becomes clear how many materials will be required for erection of selected superstructure. The material is purchased, as mentioned above, with a stock usually up to 15% of the total. In addition to the of the lumber itself, it is necessary to purchase for its antiseptic and fire treatment.

So, for the construction you will need:

  • Lumber, which is selected according to the parameters of the project.(tables for some elements of the system were given above).
  • In addition to the materials for the manufacture of the supporting elements of the system, it is necessary to have for fastening and additional elements, as well as for flooring not trimmed low-grade board.
  • Metal fox t t with a thickness of 3 ÷ 4 mm. It is necessary for the manufacture of fastening the load-bearing wooden elements of the linings.
  • Steel wire diameter also in 3 - 4 mm - for additional fastening of elements.
  • Staples, nails, bolts, corners of various shapes, as well as other fastening elements.
  • Steam insulation film and waterproofing material.
  • Heater in the necessary for the thermal insulation of the walls( the back side of the ramps and pediments) and the floor quantity.
  • Roofing material in the amount obtained as a result of carried out calculations .

No tools can do without any construction, so you need to prepare the following devices and devices:

  • Building level, tape measure, plumb bob, skein for routing.
  • An electric drill, puncher ( may be needed for fixing the ceiling or beams to the building walls.
  • Conventional carpentry and metalwork tools - ax, hammer, mounting with naildriver , carpenter's pliers, pliers screwdrivers , stapler forstaples, knife carpenter, made of thick steel.
  • Electric jigsaw, electric saw, hand hacksaw.
  • Since the work is carried out at height, reliable ladders required lengthsThe system ( hoists) for lifting of parts and materials should be thought through, and goats , which simplify some operations, may be well-formed, it's good if security issues are considered, in particular, insurance devices.

Tools should be quality, then the work of will go much faster.

Installing the roof structure

The installation of the attic roof is not an easy task

Installing the roof roof is not an easy task

The quality of the construction will depend on the consistency of the stages of work, which is strictly prohibited.


The first element that is installed when installing the rafter system - is a Mauerlat. Most often for the production of this element, a bar with a cross-sectional dimension of 100 × 150 to 250 × 200 mm is used.

Mauerlatt is the basis for the installation of rafter feet

Mauerlat is the basis for the installation of rafters

It fits on the top slice of the capital wall of the building. Previously, the waterproofing - is laid on the wall with its is usually used with ruberoid.

Fastening of the Mauerlate to the studs

Fixing the Mauerlate to the studs

The beams of the Mauerlat can be fastened with anchors or with ( screwed) into the wall of threaded studs. If the last method is used for fastening, through holes are drilled in the Mauerlate, by means of which it is put on the studs and then screwed with a nut. The extra part of the hairpin is then cut with a grinder.

When installing the Mauerlatt on the wall of a wooden building, it is attached with wooden nagels.

Floor beams

Next, perpendicular to the Mauerlat, the remaining thickness of the walls are laid beams overlap.

They also need to lie on the waterproofing material, and are fixed to the wall in the same ways as the Mauerlat. In addition, they can be attached with Mauerlat with using special corners.

An example of the connection of joists with a Mauerlate

Example of connecting joists with Mauerlate

The joists can be mounted in a different way. So, they are often embedded in a wall, pre-wrapped with waterproofing material, or laid before fixing the Mauerlat.

After the joists have been fixed, it is recommended to immediately install a temporary floor from of reliable boards - , this will help not only to quickly cope with work, but also reduce the risk of injuries.

Installation of

racks After mounting the base elements( Mauerlat and beams ), they must be marked, relying on the project, determining the location of the installation of racks and rafter legs.

Установка "анфилады" стоек и затяжек

Installation of the "suite" of racks and puffs

  • Vertical racks , which will become the support for rafters, should have a sectional size the same as the and beams overlap.
  • Racks are installed by marking and are first only nailed with nails. Then they are set exactly on the level, since they must stand strictly perpendicular to the beams of the ceiling. They are finally fixed with the help of metal corners.

The racks will determine the width of the attic accommodation.

  • After the first two racks will be installed and fixed to the beams, from above they are fastened together by a bar-puff. The connecting part is also made with metal corners.
A considerable assortment of ready-made metal connecting elements is produced

A considerable assortment of ready-made metal connectors

  • is produced. After the tightening is , the is firmly secured, a smooth "arch" should appear.
  • So exhibits all the racks and tightenings of the structure, until the whole arcade is built.
  • Further, all the assembled U-shaped "arches" for the rigidity are fastened together.
В дальнейшем стойки и затяжки "обрастут" стропилами и прогонами

In the future, the racks and puffs "grow" rafters and runs

It should be noted that the installation of these elements can also take place in different ways. As a run can be used solid bar or its segments, installed between the racks.

Installing rafters

  • Installing the U-shaped arcade, the side rafter legs are installed. Their upper edge is fixed to the runs between the posts or to the posts themselves, forming a complex connecting unit.
One of the options for installing side rafters

One of the options for installing the side rafters

  • The lower side is fixed to the protruding edge of the joists. At this point they can be fixed rigidly or have a sliding metal connection. The last gives the the ability to prevent deformation of the structure when shrinking walls or possible seasonal variations in the foundation. With the rigid , the rafters' fastening is additionally fixed by brackets that are driven into the rafters and into the overhead beam or in the mauerlat.
Rigid fastenings with cut grooves and staples

Rigid fasteners with cut grooves and brackets

  • When mounting the gable roof , the rafter legs are fixed to the Mauerlat. Sometimes for this purpose in the rafter legs are cut rectangular notches, which the rigidly will hold the rafters on the Mauerlate. In other cases, the same sliding attachments are used for the fasteners.
Movable fastening of rafters to mauerlatu

Fastening the rafters to the Mauerlat

  • Next, the upper - ridge rafters are installed, which can be fastened together at the right angle and fixed with a metal plate, bolted connection, or their rigid mounted on a common ridge board.
Options for fastening the upper rafters to each other

Options for binding the upper rafters to each other

  • The lower ends of the ridge rafters are fastened to the tightening, in the same place where the upper ends of the side rafters are installed.
  • Install in and ridge rafters, exactly midway through the puffs are mounted headstocks, which will play the role of additional support for the ridge connection. This is especially important if a suspended roof structure is used.
Nodal connections of elements of a rafter system

Nodal connections of elements of the rafters

  • If necessary, achieving rigidity design, diagonal retaining elements are mounted.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier

After completing the installation of the rafter system, it is possible to move to the flooring of waterproofing, windproof material, which can be used as a polyethylene film .

Fastening of membranes of hydro and steam insulation

Fastening of membranes of hydro and steam insulation

- Its is fastened to the rafter legs with the help of brackets. The film is laid perpendicular to the rafters, and the process of its rolling and fastening starts from the eaves. It turns out that each overlying strip overlaps the lower one, preventing the penetration of water. The material is laid overlapping the by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm, and the joints of the boards for the reliability of the are still and are sealed with waterproof tape.

- On top of the waterproofing material, the control unit is attached to the rafters. It is designed to press film to the rafters and create a ventilation space between the waterproofing and roofing. For , control grids use rails having a thickness of 50 ÷ 70 and a width of 80 ÷ 150 mm.

- Perpendicular to the control board the crate is stacked and secured from the rails having the same parameters as the first one.

- The distance between the rails is calculated according to the dimensions of the sheets of roofing material, considering that they will be laid overlapping the by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm.

- If the roof is covered with a soft roof, the does not fix the laths but the plywood sheets on the control unit .

Roof mounting

The roofing material is laid on the prepared surface.

The technology of roof installation depends on the material selected

The technology of roof installation depends on the selected material

- The roofing is installed from the eaves, starting each following series on one side of the roof, ie .if the first row was stacked from left to right, the second and all subsequent rows are fixed in the same way.

- Roof sheets are mounted overlapping , both horizontally and vertically. If a metal tile or metal profile is used for the coating, their is fixed with with special screws with press washers and rubber gaskets painted in the same color as the roofing sheets.

- If a soft roof is used, the of its is fastened to a plywood base with nails( self-tapping screws) with wide hats or staples. Installation also starts from the eaves. It is very important to line the first row perfectly smoothly, since it will be oriented to all other rows.

Укладка мягкой кровли - "гибкой черепицы"

Laying of soft roofing - "flexible shingles"

- When covering a broken structure, special attention should be paid to the transition from the plane of ridge to the side rafters, it is very important to fix the roof in such a way that moisture can not penetrate the coating. To prevent this possibility, it is also necessary on the ledges, which are intended for mounting the cover above the windows of and the balconies of , if they are provided by the project.

- Another one important node for roofing is the ridge .It is covered with a special element of the same material that is used for the roof.

To cover the ridge part, a special profile element

For closing the ridge part, a special profile element

- If through the roof passing t t ventilation or chimney flues, around them waterproofing is arranged. For this procedure, you will need to purchase special materials.

Particular attention is given to the passageways of ventilation and chimney pipes

Special attention is paid to the passage points of the ventilation and flue pipes of the

. In addition, when the chimney duct passes through the roof, a heat-resistant insulation must be installed around the on the , which separates the combustible materials of the rafter system from the flue pipe.

Insulation of the attic

The process of warming the attic room must be taken with utmost responsibility, as it does not have a capital wall capable of keeping the premises warm and preventing the from entering the cold air. Therefore, , first you need to choose the right insulation, and in addition to , an important point is to choose its thickness. It should immediately be stipulated that the more thermal insulation layers will be fixed on the internal slopes of the roof, the better the insulation, but the more massive the design and the narrower the attic room.

Warming and subject to the surface of the floor( attic floor, and the walls of the attic - the reverse side of the roof slopes

The floor surface( attic floor) is also insulated, and the attic walls are the opposite sides of the roof slopes.

The most used for insulation of the attic are materials such as mineral wool, eco-wool , foam and polyurethane foam.

These heaters are able to ensure the preservation of heat even in the coldest regions of the country, if they are properly installed by all the rules.

Criteria for the choice of insulation

When choosing a heater, it is necessary to pay attention to its most important characteristics, which include:

  • Environmental safety of the material for human health.
  • Minimum flammability.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • If possible, - is the minimum material density of .
  • Simplicity mounting
Thermal insulation material Thermal conductivity coefficient W / m × ° to Average density Weight kg / m²
Thickness in mm
50 60 80 100 120 150 200 250
Mineral wool 0,045-0,07 ≈ 80 kg / m³ 4 4.8 6.4 8 9.6 12 16 20
Ecowool( cellulose insulation) 0,038-0,045 ≈ 40 kg / m³ 2 2.4 3.2 4.8 4 6 8 10
Fiberglass 0,033-0,05 ≈120 kg / m³ 13.8 6 15.6 18.9 21.2 24.7 30.4 36.2
Polyfoam 0,031-0,042 ≈ 25 kg / m³ 1.25 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.75 5 6.25
Claydite 0.16 Weight kg / m³ average fraction 550-800
Polyurethane 0,028-0,030 ≈ 30 kg / m³ 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.5 6 7.5

Thermal insulation floor

  • If the attic ceiling - concrete, which often happens in stone houses, it will be easy to insulate it.

- Wooden lags are fixed to the slab, between which the heater is laid or covered.

- Then, the entire system is closed with the vapor barrier , which is fixed to the logs with clamps.

- On top of it can be laid boards or plywood sheets.

Flooring plywood on the logs

Plywood flooring on ladders

- They are covered with decorative coating - it can be linoleum, laminate, parquet board and other materials.

It is always possible to organize electric heating of the floor and walls

It is always possible to organize and electric heating of the floor and walls

Additional insulation can be created by laying under the decorative coating electrical cable or infrared warm floor. It is better to read about these possibilities separately in the article devoted to the electric floor heating.

  • If the floor is mounted on the floor beams, the will have to work from the first floor.

- On the lower floor side, floorboards are mounted on the joists. It is desirable that they are even, you can even use the floorboard for the rough sex.

- After that, the vapor barrier is applied to these boards from the attic side, which will cover not only the rough floor, but and joists.

Laying of insulation mats between beams

Laying of insulation mats between the beams

- Further, between the beams you can lay, cover or spray any of the insulators described above.

- On top of it is laid and attached to the beams another one layer of vapor barrier.

- Next, a layer of plywood with a thickness of 10 mm or a board is fixed to the beams.

- Then, on this coating perpendicular to the beams, the lugs are fixed to them.

- There is one layer of insulation between the ladders another , it is better to choose mineral wool because it is straightened out, settling, tightly between the bars, leaving no voids.

- Then its should also be covered with vapor barrier material.

- Further, if you plan to lay a wooden floor, then you should choose a high-quality sheet piling board.

Wooden flooring

Wooden flooring

If it is decided to cover the floor with one of the decorative coatings, then the plywood sheets are laid on top of the log, and then the laminate, linoleum or other materials are laid on them. Again, nothing prevents in this case use, for example, film floor heating.

Mounting of a heater on walls and a ceiling of a penthouse

Having finished installation of a floor, it is possible to pass to installation of a heater on walls.

Exemplary scheme of insulated mansard walls

Approximate scheme of insulated walls of the attic

- If for this process the material is selected in mats, the should be laid on the rafters before the is laid on it, the webs of the vapor barrier material are fixed to the rafters.

It is fixed in such a way as to close the whole space and to deepen the it between the rafters.

Installed vapor barrier membrane

Installed vapor barrier

- Further, in the openings between the trops on the vapor barrier is insulated insulation material in mats. It can be temporarily fixed with string, which is pulled by zigzag for adjacent rafters.

Stacking of insulation mats between rafters

Laying of insulation mats between the rafters

If the vapor barrier is fixed on the other side of the rafters, the mats will be held between two wooden surfaces.

- Over insulation in mats it is recommended to fix another one layer of vapor barrier.

Warming of walls with sprayed ecowool

Heat insulation of walls with sprayed ecowool

- If one of the sprayed heaters is selected, the vapor barrier should not be attached to it. It is enough to have a waterproofing, which is on the on the rafters outside the structure.

Spray polyurethane foam - quickly and efficiently, but you need special equipment and skills

Spraying of polyurethane foam - quickly and efficiently, but you need special equipment and work skills.

To use this insulation technology, you need to have special technological equipment, or will have to to invite a specialist who will do the work in one day. Independently to conduct this operation without experience it is not easy - to perform work without damage to one's health, it is necessary to know the technology of the process and to have the necessary protective devices.

After the insulation works, the walls are covered.

Finishing the attic walls

Before can begin the wall finishing, it is necessary to solve the issue with electrical wiring, the cable of which must be well insulated with double-layer corrugated pipes.

Electrical wires in corrugated pipe

Electric wires in the corrugated pipe

After the wiring of the electrical cable has been done, you can safely proceed with the installation of the finishing material.

For finishing usually use a wooden lining, gypsum board or plywood with a beautiful texture pattern.

For any of these materials, it is advisable to make crate from rails in section of approximately in 20 × 70 mm on rafter legs and vertical racks. These guides are fixed in steps of 500 ÷ 600 mm. In addition, lath from the laths becomes the basis for fastening the finish, it still and forms a ventilation gap between the finishing material and the vapor barrier.

  • The gypsum board is made quite simply. It makes the walls even and neat, ready for painting, pasting traditional wallpaper or even applying liquid wallpaper.
You can wall the walls with plasterboard

You can wall the plasterboard with

Therefore, it is necessary to choose gypsum cardboard for those homeowners who like to frequently change the interior design of premises.

Drywall is an excellent basis for any type of further finishing

Drywall is an excellent basis for any type of further finishing

  • Wall finishing with clapboard - longer and laborious process than working with gypsum board. For this sheathing the crate with the above parameters is also excellent. The only thing to think about - is the direction of the boards of the lining, that is, it should be located vertically with the horizontal orientation of the crate and vice versa.
For a mansard the best possible natural linings

The natural lining

is suitable for the attic. If desired, , after installation, the wood can be coated with water-based varnish or give it a deeper color by using a stain.

Wood is an amazing material that can create a special atmosphere in the room with the aroma of the forest, which is positively influenced by the on the structure and well-being of the residents. That is why natural clapboard is very often chosen for flooring, walls and ceiling of the attic.

Video: warming the attic room and finishing it with clapboard

  • You can come up with an excellent finish from plywood. But only if it will not be covered with paint on top, then you need to choose a quality material that has a beautiful natural pattern. The plywood is mounted much faster than the lining, and makes the walls even, closing immediately large surfaces.

This material can be covered with varnish, paint or any kind of wallpaper, but you can leave the walls in a natural state, only carefully cleaning out possible defects in the form of sticking splinters or burrs.

Very good looks and plywood finish

Very good looks and plywood finish

Construction of the attic - is enough laborious and a complex process that requires high experience in the construction craft. If there is no one notion about the technological operations described above, then it is not worth it to take - on your own; it's better to invite them to carry out the work of professional masters. They will get rid of unnecessary problems and will build the attic on the project designed by the owner of the house.

Video: example of construction and finishing attic

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