Why do I need drainage?
Drainage is needed for the artificial or natural diversion of water from the surface of a site and / or groundwater. All this complex of measures is carried out with the help of a system of special pipes, channels, wells and other.
drainage gasket is used to maximize the protection of the base of the building, the inability to penetrate water into the structure itself, reduce the water pressure on this structure. In addition, this system is necessary to prevent rotting of the roots of green plantations, maintaining the tracks and sites of the site in a dry state and removing excess moisture from the entire perimeter of the land plot.
The drainage system can be constructed in several ways: by closed method, open and backfilling. To understand the distinctive features, let's consider each of them separately.
Drainage gasket - a variety of
methods The closed method involves the laying of special pipes in pre-prepared trenches, followed by the removal of collected water into the collector.
For this, ditches depth 80-145 cm and a width of about 40 cm, with a mandatory inclination towards the drainage well or in the direction of the natural drainage, are being digged.At the bottom of FPS( gravel-sand mixture), drain pipes are laid on top, and this is again covered with a mixture of crushed stone and sand. To give the entire structure aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to pour in the soil and put the turf.
Open drainage installation is a common system of open drainage trenches dug along the entire perimeter of the land plot of a. The depth of such channels should not exceed 70 cm, the width is 50 cm, the bevel of the walls is approximately 30 °.A mandatory condition for the installation of this system is its output into the gutter.
This type of removal of excess moisture is most effective at sites that are located on the slopes. The disadvantages of this system include unpresentable appearance, as well as rapid clogging and overgrowth of drainage channels.
The filling drainage design is appropriate in small areas where the use of an area under an open trench is inefficient. For the arrangement of this system, it is necessary to dig a trench, going under the slope through the site to the collector, pour in it a bout or broken brick, on top of the gravel and close it all with a layer of turf. Such a device of the system is not available for cleaning and clogs and clogs quickly enough, which leads to the impossibility of performing the functions assigned to it.
To protect the foundation of the structure from groundwater,
- is used for a wall drainage installation - if there is a basement or a basement near the building;
- ring drainage of the foundation - in the absence of these premises.
Proper installation of drainage
Before installing drainage, it is necessary to establish a groundwater level( groundwater level).To this end, surveyors-surveyors or hydrotechnical engineers are invited who, after carrying out all the necessary complex of measures, will draw up a scheme for the location of the UGW and will write down all recommendations on the laying of this drainage system.
If you want to save on the services of specialists, you can ask neighbors who have been living in these places for a long time, but then, when an unpleasant situation occurs, you will only have to blame yourself.
For drawing up a plan of land works and getting acquainted with the principle of connecting channels, it is desirable to duplicate the entire system on the surface of the earth in the order in which it will be in the ground.
After this, a system of trenches is dug out, the bottom of which is covered with FPS for a thickness of 5 cm. On top of this cushion drain pipes are laid. For a good functioning of the system, it is necessary that the pipes are laid under a slope of 5-10 mm per one linear meter of the structure.
After laying the pipe, it is necessary to sprinkle with washed gravel and lay the geotextile on top. Large-fraction sand is placed on this insulating layer. The entire structure is filled with previously removed soil and is surrounded by turf. The depth of the drainage determines the location of the waterproof.
But laying the drain does not mean that this system will work without fail for many years. Its work should be controlled by means of rotary( inspection) wells. And all the excess moisture collected by the system is diverted into a single water intake well. It should be in the lowest place of the land. The collected water from this well can be used for irrigation or discharged to the sewage system.
You can also arrange an absorption well, with a depth of at least 3 m and a special bottom device consisting of layered sand and gravel. The whole system should be flushed every 3-5 years. This will allow to maintain it for a long time in an effective state.