Air heating system for a private house - features, device and circuits

Traditionally mounted heating circuit in buildings for various purposes - water( furnaces, fireplaces, "goats" and so on does not count), although as a coolant in it can be used and the so-called "nezamerzayki."In recent residential buildings and apartments, electrical systems have also been installed( the most common options are heating cables, mats, IR devices).

But if you ask the question what is air heating, then it is unlikely that out of 10 people at least two will respond to it correctly. Although a system of this type is more than an attractive engineering solution for installation in a private house. What it is, what is characterized and much more - this article.


Functioning principle

The air heating system is mounted according to different schemes, depending on the heated area, the number of storeys of the private house and a number of other factors. Briefly, its work consists in heating the cooled air masses that are fed to the heat generator, then channeling them through the "channels" that are responsible for the heating of individual rooms.


The device of the air heating system

It can contain various elements, depending on the specific project. The main( basic) are:

  • Heat generator. The heater can be a boiler, a water heater, a fireplace, a heat gun. There are other options, for example, solar panels;

  • Air ducts. Actually, these are the channels through which air flows circulate. On sale there are different versions of such products. Differences in material, section( circle, rectangle, square), standard sizes. The articulation of individual sections is simple, therefore, self-assembly does not present any complexity;
  • Heat exchanger( economizer, recuperator). Not always installed, but for large systems, as a rule, it is mounted;
  • Optional equipment ( valves, fans, distribution heads, grilles and a number of other system components).

Air heating options

o-6 Circulation of air masses - forced or natural( gravitational).The last version of the system is mounted, as a rule, in small one-story buildings.

It is characterized by some inertia( due to the architectural features of the building), but the circuit is non-volatile( no need to use fans and other electrical appliances), and its installation is cheaper. In fact, this is an improved heating stove private house.

The advantage of a heating system with forced circulation is that air can be taken from outside( open cycle).

Consequently, there is the possibility of its regular refreshment. And at any temperature "overboard", while the quality airing of rooms in the winter by the way of opening windows and doors in some cases is undesirable. For example, if the house has young children, "moody" plants and the like. Minus is clear - a higher cost of installation and the need for permanent en / provision.

Features of air heating


o-9 One of the main - no risk of leaks. They do not exist in principle, given that the coolant is air. It can also be added here that the freezing of such a system is out of the question. For a suburban structure, in which the owners are visited only occasionally - more than relevant.

High efficiency. To better understand, you need to understand in detail, thereby reducing costs:

  • Professionally executed installation of the system will ensure its efficiency at the level not less than 93%.If we consider that for water circuits this indicator rarely reaches 75%, then the advantage is more than weighty.
  • Fuel consumption is minimal. Firstly, due to the high inertia of the heating system of this type( the coolant heats up faster).Secondly, the operating mode of the heat generator is more "sparing".It turns on only when the temperature falls below the limit set by the automatics. Consequently, its functioning is an alternation of periods of inclusion and rest.
  • Pipes, batteries( radiators) are not used in such systems. If you compare the total cost of installation of equipment, then for heating the air costs are slightly less than the water.
  • The possibility of combining the functions of heating and air conditioning. After installation in a private structure of an air-heating system, the purchase of other household appliances of the category "climatic equipment" is not required.


Quick installation of the system. Even if you have to do it yourself, you do not need specific tools and devices. For example, an "iron" for plastic pipes and a number of other non-domestic ones.

Noiselessness of the air system. First, the coolant through the pipes does not "rustle", that some people are very annoyed. Secondly, the owners of a private house will never encounter such a "surprise" as regular hydraulic shocks. Especially if the structure is more than 2 floors.


The minimum list of works provided for maintenance. From the operational point of view, it is a very profitable system.

The reader, for whom these arguments are not very convincing, we can cite one more - the long operating life of the air system. In comparison with water heating, the excess is approximately 2.5 - 3 times.


If you carefully delve into the essence of the claims that are made to the air heating system by its "well-wishers", then we can conclude that they are, as however, all in this world, are relative.

Impossibility of alteration. What specifically? First of all, this question should be clarified.

Dependence on power / power. This applies only to heating systems in which air circulation is forcibly organized. The same can be "pushed" to almost any heating circuit, except for those that use non-volatile boilers( such as TLO).


Need for more frequent maintenance. Maintenance is necessary for any technical equipment( mechanism, system).The whole point is how competently it is exploited by the owner. With regard to air heating, the main attention is paid to the timely removal of condensate and deposits in the air ducts. However, in a professionally designed system, it is provided how to minimize these "shortcomings" and facilitate the conduct of technological operations.

The air system can not be installed in an operating private or other structure. And again not quite right. At the design stage, the method of laying the cable channels is selected. Basically, there are hidden schemes. Some of them really, just do not change it. But who prevents to provide installation of various false panels, installation of tension ceilings. If you choose the right type of fabric( for example, on a fabric basis), then most of the air ducts will be covered.


The author recommends not to judge so unequivocally about the listed shortcomings and their number. Ideal does not exist - it is well known. And the various disadvantages can be "smoothened" if one understands the principle of air heating, especially when installing a system based on a project compiled by a professional.

The cost of air heating

Here it is appropriate to designate only the indicative data, since the costs depend on the scheme, the composition, the equipment used, the architecture of the structure and so on.


Contract firms evaluate their services for installation( without materials) in the range of 920 - 1 140 rubles / m2.If you do everything yourself, this item will be absent in the estimate. But it is better to pay for the development of documentation, since it is unlikely to be able to conduct calculations on its own.

It is not out of place to note, than errors in designing are fraught with:

  • Constant drafts.
  • Presence of extraneous noise in the rooms of the house.
  • Air overheating and dehumidification.

And this is only the main, most often "in place" troubles.

General information is enough. Decide, reader, do you need such heating in a private house. But the fact that this system will get rid of many problems associated with the water circuit - definitely.

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