Chimney for the boiler room: how to calculate the height.

Schematic and dimensions of the


structure To start the process of equipping the chimney for a boiler house, it is necessary to study certain building codes that clearly indicate the process regulations and characteristics for its erection.

It is important to know that regardless of the type of chimney( domestic or industrial), it includes elements such as the chimney trunk, foundation and basement.

Of course, the construction process itself is implemented in stages. First install the foundation, then the basement part and in the end the chimney itself. Some change the order of the structure, but this is not recommended, as it can disrupt the functionality of the system.


According to the building codes and regulations( SNiP), all chimneys of boiler rooms and their dimensions are determined by the height. For example, industrial chimneys should be higher than the highest building in the district by 25 m. If it is a question of household chimneys of a boiler-house, their optimum height is more than 5 meters in relation to the roof. It is better not to interfere with these parameters, as the indicators of the heating system depend on them.

The chimney dimensions, in a special way, are affected by the material from which it is made. Therefore:

  • a brick chimney must not be below 30 m., Not higher than 70 m., With a diameter of not less than 60 cm, and not more than 8 m.;
  • reinforced concrete chimney can not be above 300m., And its maximum diameter is 10m.
  • steel structures reach up to 30m., With a maximum diameter of up to 1m.

If you exceed these values, this will cause a loss of stiffness of the chimney and will complicate the process of burning the fuel.


We design the chimneys of the boiler room correctly. Design features of

Before proceeding with the construction of this design, it is necessary to prepare its design. Smoke pipes for boiler houses are designed according to the following scheme:

  1. Determine the type of construction. It directly depends on the following factors:
    • volume of combustible fuel;
    • location of the chimney for the facade;
    • height of construction;
    • availability of additional fasteners.
  2. Calculate the aerodynamics of the chimney based on the average annual wind load. It is affected by traction, injected by natural or artificial means.
  3. Calculate the geometric parameters of the chimney - height and diameter, based on the volume and type of fuel burned.
  4. Calculate the outer diameter and thickness of the chimney walls, based on the dimensions of the internal section and height. According to these characteristics, the design will gain stability and strength.
  5. Begin to optimize all characteristics of the chimney. The stage is relevant in the event that the chimney of the boiler room is reinforced with reinforcing elements, such as a power frame, stretch marks, etc.
  6. Visualize the calculated part by compiling estimate documentation and drawings.

The calculation part is extremely important. Self-construction of a chimney without accompanying documentation is prohibited.


Several varieties of typical

chimney constructions As we said above, it is very important to know the type of construction. To date, the main varieties include:

  • The boiler's chimneys are classic. It looks like a column made of steel, whose base is embedded in the foundation of the structure. It occurs most often, due to its simple installation.
  • Reinforced chimneys of the boiler house, with large-sized trumpet pipes - refer to the industry and there are almost every city. Characterized by their reinforced foundation due to a self-supporting truss that joins with the anchor basket.
  • Simplified version - consists of a sidewall and chimney. You can see in the settlements without a central heating system.
  • The mast type is a complex construction in which pipes are attached to a frame column with reinforced extensions.
  • Chimney of the boiler house as an element of the facade. They are used for furnishing fireplaces or chimneys. Attach with brackets to the frame.

In addition to all of the above, both single-barrel and double-barrel smoke pipes for boiler houses are found.


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