How to set the meter correctly

Choosing a counter for electricity metering

From time to time, many of us need to replace the electricity meter. This is due to the fact that these appliances are technically and morally obsolete over time. To date, the market presents a variety of models, and pick the right one - no problem. However, the question arises: how to install an electric meter? In fact, its installation is not particularly difficult, and can be successfully performed independently. How to set the meter correctly

For an apartment or a private house, as a rule, the so-called direct connection method is used. There is also a way to install through a transformer, but it is more often used in industrial plants with high power consumption. In a private house or apartment in the installation of a transformer is usually not necessary.

Electric meters are divided into a number of parameters. So, their accuracy class can be in the range of 0.2-2.5.The higher this indicator, the more accurate the accounting of electricity.

The number of phases distinguish single-phase and three-phase meters, according to the principle of operation - induction and electronic. The first are the usual devices with a rotating metal disc, according to the number of revolutions of which the account is taken. Their main advantage is affordable cost. Electronic, though more expensive, but much more accurate.

However, whatever option you choose, the device connection diagram remains unchanged. And this ensures that you can install it correctly.

The process of connecting the meter

Before starting the installation of an electric meter, you need to determine where it will be placed. It should be located in a dry room, in a place that provides convenient and quick access to it. For an apartment of a multi-storey building, as a rule, it is an electric board on a staircase. In a private house, the place will have to be determined independently. It is important to note that, according to the installation regulations, the room temperature should not fall below zero degrees. Therefore, if the meter is planned to be placed, for example, in an unheated basement, it is necessary to place it in a special box for an electricity meter with the possibility of heating.

According to the rules, the meter can be installed:

  • on the wall;
  • in a special cabinet;
  • on the shield( metal, plastic or wooden);
  • in the compartment of the integrated switchgear.

The important point is the height of the installation. It is best to place the device at eye level. According to the rules, the height can be from 80 cm from the floor, but in this case, to take readings you will have to constantly bend over. However, it is still better and more convenient than setting the counter too high.

Direct mounting is reduced to the following algorithm of actions. First of all, the meter itself, the contact plates and circuit breakers are distributed in the switchboard by the number of electro lines. Then the wiring is made. The circuit for connecting a single-phase meter is as follows: How to set the meter correctly

If you are using a three-phase meter, the connection diagram will be different: How to set the meter correctly

And, of course, before carrying out any work, you need to make sure that there is no voltage on your power line.

Tips for installing the

counter Finally, here are some useful tips that will not be superfluous if you are going to install an electric meter yourself:

  • When calculating the counter, calculate the total power of all the devices that can be connected. For example, if the power is about 7 kW, it is better to take a counter with a rating of 5-60A.
  • When buying a counter, find out in the store whether they have a ready-made shield with circuit breakers.
  • If you are using an old meter that has lost its instruction, look at the cover that closes the terminals. It should have a connection diagram.

We hope that these simple rules will help you to cope with the independent installation of the counter. How to set the meter correctly

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