Drainage with our own hands - we make a reliable system

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Surface drainage with your hands - the main stages of the work

After reading how to properly do the drainage, you will realize that it is not necessary to hire specialists for this. In this work there is nothing complicated, and almost every owner can do it themselves. There are a lot of options for reclamation measures, but how to make drainage with your own hands, and even take advantage of excess moisture? For example, how can it be diverted to an artificial pond built on the territory of the dacha?

The device of drainage with their own hands begins with a trench laying. First, it is necessary to dig it around the house, this will make it possible to protect its foundation from underflooding. The distance from the base of the house to the trench should be within 1 meter, depth - 0,6 m, and do not forget about the slope towards the pond or the reservoir. It should be small, but sufficient, so that water can freely merge into a body of water.

In the trench device, at first glance, there is nothing complicated, but how to do the drainage correctly, not everyone knows. To do this, the bottom of the trench should be covered with a small layer of fine sand, on top of which is laid a large rubble. On this cushion there will be a drainage pipe made of polyethylene with holes, covered with a special non-woven material. Then the trench is covered with small gravel.

Ultimately, its depth will be very small. For the final leveling use the top layer of the soil, which was removed during the digging of the ditch. The experience of many summer residents has shown that such a system of moisture removal from the site works smoothly.

This is the simplest way of draining a site, which reclamation is called surface drainage. But there is also a deep method of drying the soil.

How to make drainage - an alternative system

How to drain at a depth? To build such a system, the drainage pipes are laid under a slope towards the drain. To collect water, you can build a special drainage well or drain to a nearby pond. Such a network provides for the installation of inspection wells, by means of which it will be possible to clean the drain pipes.

This type of drainage is mainly used where groundwater flows quite close to the surface. How to properly make drainage, if the measures for its installation require a large amount of excavation? Naturally, it is best to do this before the construction works on the site. Since, for example, reservoir drainage is laid under the foundation of buildings and is a filter cushion that connects to drainage.

How to lay drainage - the peculiarities of network arrangement of

channels If you are interested in how to lay deep type drain, it is best to consult a specialist for advice. Since its equipment will require a project, which should be based on geological studies of the soil of your site. Without special knowledge, it is extremely difficult to conduct such work. And without such research, subsequent errors in the installation of pipes can lead to the flooding of the basement or the foundation of the house.

But how to make drainage so as to avoid such troubles? Most often, for this purpose, the laying of several main canals, to which the lateral branches adjoin. The slope of the pipes in this case should be at least 3 cm per one running meter. All the excess moisture that collects in the side pipes will gravitate into the pipeline. And further freely flow into the drainage well.

For the device of such a system, it is best to use plastic perforated pipes. When connecting the lateral branches to the main line, it is necessary to leave a gap of a few millimeters between them. After that, the joint place is covered with large rubble. When carrying out the described work on its section of the trunk, it is desirable to place not on the bottom of trenches, but on special small-meshed troughs. After that, they can be covered with gravel along with the pipes. It will not allow the ground to block the holes in the drains.

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