How to build a stove in a cottage - possible options for
Before you make a stove in the country, you need to clearly understand that it should bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also physical, in the form of the received heat. In other words, for maximum efficiency the dacha should quickly heat up and slowly cool down. To solve such seemingly impossible task with ease can bake from metal. It is noteworthy that some craftsmen manage to organize a fireplace from a conventional metal barrel.
You can also resort to the invention of Professor Butakov, who at one time developed such an oven, which was based on the principle of slow combustion of fuel. N and one burner fire furnace professor Butakova can produce heat for 10-12 hours .
But, however that may be, the most common material for a summer cottage is the refractory brick .For this reason, we will try to explain to you how to fold the stove at the dacha as correctly as possible. It is possible that the first time you will not succeed. But we recommend you to be patient and go to the goal!
Preparing a tool for the work of
The success of any undertaking depends on the preparedness. Therefore, pay special attention to the availability of all the necessary tools for work. One of the most important devices will be a trowel, with which you will apply the mortar on the brick before laying. In order to produce clipping or felling of bricks, stock up with a hammer-pickaxe. Do not interfere and the level by which you will control the horizontal nature of the masonry. Vertical can be maintained normally with a plumb line.
And in order to make the most accurate laying of bricks, you will definitely need a ruler-rule! It is a planed rail made of wood, having a cross section of 1.5 x 6 cm. In addition, its planes must be strictly parallel. Among other things, you always have a roulette and a steel meter at your fingertips. When all the tools are prepared, you can start work safely.
Useful tips for the work of
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we will only consider the construction of the hearth, assuming that is already ready for the furnace. Before you put your first brick on the mortar, you must draw a detailed order of the future product on a piece of paper using a pencil.
Attention! Ordering will help you avoid overlapping channels( which can later lead to disassembly of the ready-made hearth).
- Laying the first row is done strictly on the lanyard. In order to clearly control the rectangularity of the future product, constantly measure the diagonals. When properly bookmarked, they must be equal. Do not forget about the seams of the same size! Their thickness should not exceed 5 mm, but should not be less than 3 mm. Each row is checked by a level, and the verticality of the corners is a plumb line.
- Before putting the brick on the mortar, attach it to a dry one. It is possible that it will have to be fitted with a hammer. If everything falls perfectly, then using a trowel on the area of one stone, apply a solution and straighten it so that it is evenly located on the surface.
- Before laying a brick on the mortar, always lower it into the water. Keep the brick there until it stops blowing bubbles!
Put the brick on the mortar, it must be carefully pressed. You can level the stone by level by tapping it with a trowel. In no case do not digress from the drawing of the order, it threatens that your homemade stove for dacha simply will not perform its direct duties.