Self-heating system for a small house without electricity

Advantages and disadvantages of the

Advantages and disadvantages of a gravity heating system

gravity heating system The main advantage of the gravity heating system is its independence from the mains. This makes it possible to use it in homes without electricity. Also, the advantages include a more even distribution of heat through the heated room.

Unfortunately, there are many drawbacks to this system, there are many more advantages than this.


  1. Low efficiency;
  2. Complicated installation with constant slope;
  3. High pipe consumption;
  4. Limited area of ​​heated premises. In order for the system to function properly, the area of ​​the heated room should not exceed 100 square meters, and the radius of the system itself is more than 30 meters. Otherwise, the coolant will not be able to circulate by its own pipes.
  5. Unaesthetic appearance. This drawback is connected with the impossibility of using modern materials, namely polypropylene pipes, since metal analogs are recommended for mounting.

Elements of the system and their selection

Elements of the system and their choice

The gravity system consists of: a boiler, pipes, batteries and radiators, an expansion tank, as well as cranes, valves and fasteners.

When choosing a boiler for a gravity-based heating system, it should be borne in mind that most likely there is no electricity and gas in the house, and therefore boilers that work from gas and electricity are not suitable for us. Proceeding from this, the most suitable boiler will be solid fuel, operating on coal and wood. With this boiler, gravity heating becomes completely independent of electricity.

Pipes are better to choose metal, as their polypropylene analogs can melt under the influence of boiling water.

Single-pipe diagram of

Single-pipe scheme of heating systems

heating systems Let's consider the installation features using the example of a single-pipe heating system. Such a system is ideal for heating a single-story small house.

With a single-pipe heating system, all elements are connected in series. That is why it is not possible to adjust the temperature of each radiator. Also, in the event of a breakdown of one of the heating elements, the entire system will need to be shut down, since the disconnection of a separate part is not provided for in this type of construction.

The heat carrier passes through the pipes, successively heating the batteries and radiators. At first, it is hotter and gradually cool. In order to achieve the same temperature in all rooms, it is necessary to take into account this factor during installation, and at the beginning of the coolant path to install fewer batteries and radiators and pipes of smaller diameter, and in subsequent rooms increase the number of batteries and the diameter of the pipes.

Heating scheme

Let's consider in detail the simplest single-pipe heating scheme with natural circulation.

When using this scheme, it is necessary to install the expansion tank at the highest point of the entire structure.

All pipelines are installed with a slope along the water flow. This technique is necessary to ensure the pressure of water. In order not to reduce it, when installing the system, you should avoid turns and corners, and reduce the number of obstacles.

The flow of the coolant is well traced in the diagram below:

Heating circuit

conclusions The gravity heating system has more disadvantages than advantages. But if the house is not connected to electricity, then it is the only option for heating, and, despite all its shortcomings, will serve for a long time, warming up all rooms evenly.

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