Giving coziness and dispersing darkness - your desktop fireplace should be just such

What distinguishes the desktop fireplace from all other types of

Until recently, portable electric fireplaces were considered the most compact, however the situation changed with the appearance of a new type with a prefix "bio".The novelty has united in itself much from all previous types of heating systems - open hearth fire, portal or island stand of a classical fireplace, small overall dimensions of an electric heater. But the most important thing, something that has never happened before is bio-fuel.

Most models of fireplaces desktop modification works on the most common( vegetable) ethanol , an environmentally friendly product. Take a mobile fireplace, fill a portion of alcohol in the fuel block or the tank of the burner, set it on and adjust the height of the flame with a special flap( if it is).By the way, about blocks and burners, it is the last and the desktop fireplace differs from all other types, in which various slot modules are used.

The cylindrical burner of the desktop model is an ordinary glass made of refractory glass, into which ethanol is poured or planting granules are planted - another variant of bio-fuel. Pellets are similar to miniature logs or logs, they are made by pressing various waste wood industry, as well as from the husks of seeds. Pellet burners are smokeless flames, ash after pellets remains slightly, only 1% of the total mass. But in the fuel blocks and burners of the slot type, it is impossible to lay granules because of the special porous coating of the bottom and walls, which absorbs liquid and reacts badly to ash( pores are clogged and that's it).

How effective is the small fireplace installed on the table

First of all, let me note that the fireplace fireplace is different, and the desktop version does not always differ in small sizes. For example, there are models that are coffee tables with built-in cylindrical and slotted burners, enclosed in glass "aquariums".Moreover, tanks like "glass", located in a circle, there may be several.

Imagine a fireplace of the size of an aquarium of medium size, standing in the middle of a rectangular, round or square countertop and repeating its shape. Settling near this source of fire, you will feel the heat coming from him quite clearly. In addition, if you take central heating batteries, the heat from them is not felt at a distance of a couple of meters, and the room heats up perfectly.

The desktop-type bio-fireplace does not require particularly high efficiency, it is more decorative, but a small cabinet can heat.

The more comfortable the stones are for the table - it does not take up any useful floor space at all. Small models occupy seats on the table top no more than a written set. Of course, the smaller the model, the lower its heat transfer, therefore, choosing a small fireplace, immediately decide what is more important for you - the effectiveness or aesthetics of dancing flames on the surface of the desk. Why not computer? It's simple - even the smallest "glass" of the burner emits a lot of heat, and, being located near the monitor, can overheat its matrix, which will affect the screen performance in a far from positive way.

Portable fireplace - no longer a candle, but not yet a torch

Remember, in movies about the Renaissance, butlers in the castles went with portable candelabra for several candles( sometimes up to a dozen).And in the Middle Ages - in general with torches, on tops of which the merry flame buzzed in the drafts. Today you can also go around the house, and you will be lighted by a small portable fireplace, brighter than a candle, but not as comfortable and hot as a torch. Although a considerable advantage over the listed sources of light in the bio-fireplace is - it also heats, and without soot and smoke. It is enough to put such a mobile "hearth" on the table in the room, and it will soon become noticeably warmer.

Proper operation of fireplaces on bio-fuel is the guarantee of their durability, this truism is suitable for any heaters and not only for them. Spirited room fireplaces should be cleaned from time to time with a rag, especially when they stand empty for a long time. Fuel blocks must be closed with latches, when the fireplace does not work, so that they do not get dust.

While burning in the fireplace of the fuel, whatever it is, it is necessary to open the narrow window or vent window by 2-3 centimeters so that there is enough oxygen in the room, otherwise accumulating carbon dioxide can cause you a prolonged headache. If your fireplace with a burner consuming ethanol, in any case, do not top up a new portion when the fire is burning, first extinguish it and wait until the cassette is completely cooled. Solid fuel, namely - pellets, granules, can be thrown directly into the fire, using small forceps or a scoop for coal.

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