How can I stop the electricity meter?

How to stop the electricity meter

As practice shows, there are many ways how to deceive the electricity meter. It all depends on the type of wire routing and wiring configuration in your apartment or house

  • introduction of the bug;
  • making changes in the transmission of gears;
  • adding a shunt to the power network.


All these methods are available to the average consumer, who spent 20-40 minutes.on the study and manufacture of these simple devices, as well as determining the appropriate method, will be able to stop the electric meter on its own( these include electricity meters of new models).If we talk about the electricity meters of obsolete and already almost unused models, where the base of the calculating unit is a magnetic coil in combination with complex mechanics associated with the display display of current consumption, then it can be slowed down by using a conventional magnet.

How to stop a device for metering electrical energy using external influences

One of the easiest ways to stop a disk counter is to approach it with a magnet. However, there are their "pitfalls, namely that in the old induction counters the main is the electromagnetic mechanism, so if you add an extra field - it can react in a different way. If you put the magnet in the wrong place - the electric meter can start to vibrate. Some electric meters with mechanics for reading the speed can stop altogether. The use of such a winding method for modern meters, such as "Mercury" is unacceptable, since in their mechanisms is protected against the influence of the magnetic field.


Let's consider in more detail several devices for stopping the electricity meter:

  1. The introduction of an extraneous mechanism for stopping:
    • the introduction of a so-called "bug".It can be mounted in an invisible mechanism. That it was imperceptible - the help of nanotechnologies with their sizes is necessary;
    • if you have a reed switch - a simple electric magnet delivery;
    • when mounted in a three-phase meter of the contact relay - just start the button on the remote control.
  2. To break several teeth of the driving gear, this will change the gear ratio, and hence the rotational speed of the disk;
  3. The shunting of the current network requires certain skills and knowledge of electrical engineering. Without a specialist can not do - put a shunt is not an easy task.

We only briefly tried to talk about ways to stop electricity meters, but this is only the beginning!


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