It was considered a luxury to have a big carpet at home with intricate patterns. In everyday life there were ordinary woven tracks. Today almost every apartment has more than one carpet. And this is already perceived as a norm. Some leave this stereotype and are freed from such luxury, while others are looking for more interesting options that will emphasize the comfort and bring a special warmth to the house. It was for the second category that carpets were sculpted. What they are, how they are made and how to care for them - you will learn all this from our today's article on the website "House of Dreams".
What carpets are called sculptural
Sculptural carpets are called carpets, which have a relief pattern that protrudes in height from the main cover. This effect is achieved by special pile cutting.
Embossed carpets can be of all shapes and sizes. Their use is not limited only to the hall( living room).They also look great in the bathroom, the nursery and, importantly, can decorate the wall, although today this method of decoration is very rarely used.
Despite the fact that embossed carpets in the CIS countries have come relatively recently, their existence is several centuries old. There is a version that the creators of this work of art were the Chinese. In the 17th century, the carpet became popular in Europe, and in the 20th year of the last century conquered America. And for the last several years, carpets with a relief pattern successfully conquer the CIS countries.
The technology for the production of sculptural carpets and their cost
There are several options for making sculptural carpets:
- machine way - such products, as a rule, consist of synthetic fibers and have a simple relief pattern;
- author's work - this carpet is made according to the sketch of the designer from the best materials. As a rule, it is made in a single copy, as a painting by the artist;
- under the order - the designer comes to your house, photographs the interior in which it is supposed to put a sculpted carpet, measures the area of the room.
When making carpets on request, all your wishes are taken into account! Perhaps you want your carpet to repeat the ornament used in stucco or curtains. Or your desire is to make a bright accent in a calm color scheme on the carpet. If there is a place for a carpet in the children's room, then it can simulate a lawn, having a short cut, and thus exerting a massage effect on the legs of the baby. In general, in this case, your fantasies are not limited!
The creation of a sculpted carpet is a complex and lengthy process, and all because masters use manual tufting technology. Specialist stuffs the thread into the base with a hand gun, fixes the pile with latex, covers it with a lining. Then the carpet is cleaned, polished and after all these procedures the most interesting begins - the cut-out. Thus, the creation of one such masterpiece takes more than two months. But fans of manual work and an exclusive sketch are ready to wait and longer.
Machine sculpted carpets are relatively inexpensive, their cost is about 300 cu. This price is due to the fact that these carpets have a blurry picture, a poor color scheme and a simple ornament: mostly geometric shapes.
If you want to decorate your house with an exclusive embossed carpet, then you'll have to part with about $ 500.for 1kv.m. It is also worth noting that individual tailoring requires time.
Composition of embossed carpets
The most expensive sculptural carpets are manufactured from the wool of Tibetan sheep. For them, all conditions are created so that animals lead the happiest and most satiated life. Due to this, the wool of the sheep is uniform, smooth along the entire length.
In most cases, I use the wool of New Zealand sheep to make embossed carpets. The geographical location of this country allows animals to eat all year round ecologically clean green grass.
Another component of carpet materials is silk, but it is more used in small decorative elements.
Acrylic and nylon - these high-quality synthetic fibers can hardly be distinguished from natural materials by touch.
Using a few textures in the carpet, the master can make its surface grainy, fluffy and even similar to natural fur.
Features of caring for the sculpted carpet
As we already wrote above, at one stage of the carpet's manufacturing with a relief pattern passes special treatment, so the finished product is not treated with special means for carpets during use. It is recommended to clean the carpet manually, while special brushes and soft water with non-aggressive soap go to the rescue. If on the carpet there is a stain from wine or something else, it is best to call a specialist.
Mole is practically harmless for sculptural carpets. If you constantly use the carpet and watch its condition, then this insect will never settle in it.
And more! Try not to put furniture on your carpet, because the legs will push it or leave an indelible "trace".
Carpets with a relief pattern: additional design features
The design of the sculpted carpet can be varied, and the height of the pile can reach up to 15cm. By the way, the main tone can have several colors. So, for example, there are mosaic carpets. They consist of fragments of different colors. And hot rolling is a special technique that allows you to turn all these fragments into one.
Some carpets use cable - light guide and light generator. Thanks to him, the carpet will flicker in the dark.
In addition to beauty, the carpet can add additional sound insulation, reduce the amount of dust in the house, reduce the possibility of injury and add heat to the atmosphere at home. Therefore, if you have not yet acquired this fine coating, then go shopping, see what sculpted carpets are in stock. And if you get fired with the idea to make a carpet on an individual sketch, then safely embody it in life!