What is and what is used for wall drainage?
Wall drainage of a foundation is a circular system of perforated pipes that are mounted in such a way that they lie on a slope and occupy a position below the level of the deepest basement of the foundation group. The corners of the system have inspection wells, through which it is possible to clean the created clogs.
Drainage pipes laid in gravel, accumulate water, and then sent to a collection well. From there it is allotted in different ways beyond the boundaries of the site.
Primary drainage performs one more function - removes the mechanical and hydrostatic pressure of the groundwater on the foundation. It should be noted that the installation of drainage pipes does not solve the problem of wetting the walls of cellars and cellars completely. To completely prevent moisture from entering structures that are below ground level, good waterproofing is necessary to avoid any contact.
Preparing a site for a wall drainage device
In areas on level ground, it is better to use open drainage systems. Water that accumulates in the trenches flows into the sump or evaporates. But such systems can be used in areas with a slope. Then two trenches are dug out, one above, the other in parallel slightly lower so that it can intercept the running water.
They should be connected with a pipe or dig another ditch for water drainage. The system will work as follows - water enters the lower ditch, and from it into the drainage pond or well. Before making a drainage around the foundation, you need to prepare a foundation for it. Using a laser level, you need to measure all the elevations and make notes. Then you should make a slope in the marked places by sanding.
To avoid shedding, the walls must be made with a 20-degree gradient, but for clay soil it must be much less, because it is sufficiently resistant and does not crumble. In order not to interfere with water flow, ditches should be periodically cleaned of debris.
The main stage of laying drainage
Now, to finish the device of a wall drainage, it is necessary to lay pipes and to fill them with rubble. At the bottom of the ditch it is necessary to lay geotextiles, which will prevent siltation of drainage. Gravel with the same gradient is poured on top of it and it is leveled. Then a groove is made in the gravel, in which the pipe will be located. After that it can be stacked.
Now it is possible to connect pipes, but it is necessary to make sure that they are connected under a slope of 1 centimeter per 1 meter of pipe length. You can check this with a stretched cord, the same method you can check the evenness of the slope. Further the pipe is tightly wrapped with geotextile, so that the soil does not get on it.
Then it must be secured with a non-rotting twine. Then all this is well fixed with rubble, and the top is filled with soil, and grass is sown. Thus, the water is perfectly absorbed by the drains and gravity is directed along the slope to the discharge point. More often it is in the central sewer or drainage well.
In order for this drainage to be washed, it is necessary to install a vertical pipe in turns with a cover that closes. And the top of the pipe should be brought to a height equal to the height of the blind. Now the drainage is ready. By the way, this kind is considered to be the most effective method of protecting the foundation.