Description and dimensions of
Photo wallpapers for bedroom are full-fledged pictures that are glued on the wall from the ceiling to the floor. Are made on a dense paper of the big format. They have rich colors and various subjects. They are characterized by a clear graphics, transmitting a full range of shades. Dimensions can be different, as the wallpaper in the bedroom interior can be not only on the wall, but also on the doors.
For example, if you take the size of 0.97 cm x 2.2 m, you can see that the canvas of this format will completely close the door. For the walls of the canvas consist of 2-4, 8 or more canvases. Here are only the most popular sizes( height * width): 4.2 * 3 meters, 3.8 * 3 meters, 3.5 * 2.7 meters, 3.2 * 2.5 meters. If there is a desire to create a panoramic composition, then this can be done by purchasing an additional set of wallpaper of the same brand.
Making a bedroom with wallpapers
To find the right wall paper, you need to think carefully and choose the right size, but also the design. So, wallpapers in the living room and wall-papers in the bedroom on the wall can be completely different. For example, choosing the color gamut, it is worth remembering that it significantly affects a person's psychological state. Those shades that are good for the living room will not be suitable for a bedroom.
Bright and rich colors will give expression and dynamics to the design. Green shades and images of nature will be good in those cases when the room needs to relax and relax. Also, the wallpaper in the Bocho-style( meditation) is also great in this respect. Photo wallpapers for a small bedroom can be in milky and beige shades. Baby - with an image of cartoon characters. Plus, the wallpaper in the apartment should be combined with a common interior.
Also colors are able to increase or decrease space."Expand" or "narrow" it. For example, shades - white, red, pink, orange, brown - increase the volume of the object and make it feel close. And colors - blue, gray, black, purple, blue, on the contrary, reduce the volume and create a sense of remoteness of the object. By the way, green is the only neutral color.
Wall-papers for a bedroom, how to glue?
After you have decided on the format, color and pattern, the question arises - how to paste wallpaper? For this it is important to follow the sequence of works. At the initial stage, prepare the surface. The base is cleaned of the old coating, shpatlyuyut and primed. That is, the surface is prepared as well as before gluing the usual wallpaper. In the end, it should be dry, smooth and smooth.
It is important to comply with the terms and conditions. The average air temperature is necessary +5 +20 ° С.Watch for drafts, their formation is not permissible! All the windows and doors must be closed. Otherwise, this will lead to tension of the coating and uneven drying. Somewhere the wallpaper can completely come unstuck.
The second stage measures the wall and removes the skirting.1 horizontal line and 1 auxiliary vertical line are drawn for better placement of the canvases and docking the picture. Meanwhile, the image is prepared and laid out on a solid foundation. Prepare the glue according to the instructions on the packaging. At the last stage, the canvases are gently stitched. At the same time, it is desirable to retreat from the ceiling 5-6 centimeters. At the end, smooth the coating and cut off the excess wallpaper.