Design Bathroom

Variations, designs and the most "fresh" trends

The bathroom can be made in one tone or be brightly colored. It depends on the desire of the owners and it can not be said that any particular style is better or worse. All of them are in perfect order, but what kind of person will like the apartment owner is already a completely different matter. Bathroom designs:

    • The bright white tones in this room are perfectly matched with light brown. Thus, the appearance acquires elegance. Design bathroom made in this version is good for not large rooms.


    • Luxurious room. A large shower cubicle, a huge area, the main scale is performed in contrast black and white, which gives it a special depth. This option is a good solution for those who have a large enough bathroom.


    • Perhaps the most difficult choice is Chinese. It is distinguished by the presence of many things, different colors, harmoniously combined with each other. Its implementation is difficult to implement independently, if you do not have the relevant experience.


    • Corner bath. Very elegant solution, the direction of design in general can be almost anything. The emphasis is mainly on the bath. It should be about 150-160 cm in length. Due to its angular entry, it saves space.


    • Minimalism. Popular and very often used by designers. Does not require much space. The basic principle is that all objects must carry a functional load, nothing superfluous should not be.


What to choose?

Often the choice depends not so much on the desire of the owner of the apartment, but rather on the basis of the initial possibilities. For example, with a small bathroom it will be difficult to make a luxurious room. However, there are pluses here. In any case, the basic design principles of the bathroom remain the same for all:

  • The color scheme - most often light colors are used, sometimes the contrast is black and white. Too bright shades are used very rarely.
  • Lighting should be not very bright, but not dark. It is best to purchase a switch with light adjustment so that it can be muffled or vice versa, turn on all power.
  • Rejection of wallpaper - in bathrooms it is recommended to use a tile for walls and floor. If, after all, the choice fell on the wallpaper - then you need to take vinyl and very strong.

Which way this room will be executed - only the owner decides. Far not always a luxurious style can be liked. The design of the bathroom is first and foremost the creation of a place for comfortable relaxation.

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