How to make a pond in the country

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When registering a plot at your dacha, it is necessary to provide for the construction of a water body on it. The architectural composition of any object becomes more attractive with the presence of water space in it. Very good, when the site is located next to a natural pond, but it does not matter when it is not. About how to make a pond in the country with their own hands, we will discuss this article.

What are the types of artificial ponds in the countryside

? A feature of the dacha pond is that it carries not only a decorative function, but also a purely utilitarian one. It should collect water in itself not only from your site, but also from neighboring ones, not allowing it to flood the territory allocated for the garden and buildings. For this reason, it is only natural that the lowest pond is chosen for the pond. After all, it is so, if the reservoir is natural. Any pond, though natural, though artificial, needs to be ennobled. To do this, it is cleaned and trimmed with rocks and greenery.

All artificial ponds in the suburban area are divided into two types: formal and free form ponds. Formal ponds build initially from the correct geometric lines, not allowing any deviations from them. In most cases, such a pond is located in the center of the site and is its main element. It is usually planted plants, whose leaves float on the surface of the water. The coastal zone is not always green. Much more often it is laid out with tiles. In such large ponds, many even bred fish. Formal pond suitable for any size of the plot and will be its decoration.

Formal pond decorated with dense vegetation

Formal pond decorated with dense vegetation

The landscape style of the design of the suburban area assumes the construction of a pond of free contours. The whole philosophy of this style is aimed at the formation of a single landscape composition of architectural and decorative elements of the site. An arbitrary shoreline gives such ponds a natural natural appearance. Planted around the plant hide the artificial origin of the object. Place for such a pond choose sunny and free from woody vegetation, since the fallen leaves should not get into the water and contaminate it.

A large landscape pond in a natural deepening of the landscape.

A large landscape pond in a natural landscape deepening.

Pond constructions in the country house

The construction of any artificial pond is a troublesome and painstaking business. Difficulties begin at the design stage and choose the right place.

Selecting a site for the construction of a reservoir in the subterranean area

The location under the pond must satisfy several mandatory requirements, on which the overall impression of the reservoir depends:

  • This should be a well-lit area located in the lowland.
  • The location should not be open to all winds. Gusts can be harmful to aquatic plants.
  • Near the coast there should not be large vegetation, as it will pollute the water and swamp the pond. In addition, the roots can destroy the artificial lining of the pond.

Very well it will look like a pond that is located near the house. If it is visible from the window, and the house in it is reflected, then the overall picture will be more picturesque.

Choosing the size and type of the reservoir

If you lead to the pond electricity, then you can build a small waterfall or fountain, installing the pump. The area near it can be illuminated by lamps and lanterns of various types, which will romantically illuminate the water in the evenings.

The choice of the size of the pond depends on the preferences and material possibilities of the owners. The smallest permissible sizes for an artificial reservoir are 3.5 m2 of area and 0.5 m of depth. Increasing the area of ​​more than 4.5 m2, the depth should be at least 45 cm. If you plan to breed fish in the pond, you should make a depth of at least 60 cm.

If you decide to make a pond, the shape of which is geometrically correct, then it must be turned over with a stone ortiles. If, however, a reservoir of free contours, then the stones should be around it in a chaotic order, creating a natural natural composition.

Requirement for pond construction

When constructing a reservoir in your summer cottage, it must be remembered that the life of the material depends on the choice of materials. Cheap components will not allow using the structure for more than 10 -15 years, and high-quality expensive materials guarantee a long-term use without any costs for current repairs.

For the construction of the pond in the landscape style, flexible insulating materials are quite suitable. It can be any film for waterproofing. It is necessary only that it is sufficiently strong and durable. Such material will be completely unsuitable for a pond of the correct form. In this case, it is better to purchase a mold of plastic or fiberglass of the required size. Optimum for any pond suitable butyl rubber rubber. It can be easily repaired in case of minor damage.

Polyvinyl chloride film is also often used for the construction of ponds and other types of water bodies. If we proceed from the cost of insulating materials, then the most expensive is ceramic tile, and the cheapest, but the most unreliable - ruberoid along with bitumen. The use of ceramic tiles and coating waterproofing involves the preparation of concrete preparation. Its cost will be very high. Therefore, for a budget option it is better to choose soft modern materials or buy a ready-made PVC form. Important is the choice of color of the material. Darker tones give naturalness to the water body, while light colors make it more like a pool, which is not the purpose of the pond.

Construction of a pond dug in the land in the country section of the

This type of pond involves excavation. The process is quite laborious. For a small pond, you can use a shovel and wheelbarrow, but for a large area of ​​water you will need an excavator and a truck. Do not throw away the top fertile layer of soil and turf, as they are an excellent fertilizer and will be useful in other places of your site. Clay must be removed in order not to build mud.

Consider the construction of a small curved pond on its own. For its construction you will need: shovel and bayonet shovels, cord and pegs, sand, the required amount of any waterproofing film material. It is better, if the size of the pond will allow to lay the film without joints. However, if this is not avoided, then you need to take care of purchasing a special mastic for gluing the waterproofing. To decorate a pond, it is necessary to find or buy a sufficient number of stones and aquatic plants.

The marking of a site is made with the help of a rope and pegs. By the resulting contour, remove the turf and remove the rope, so as not to interfere. Then, the turf and the fertile soil layer are removed from the entire area of ​​the formed figure. Then they make the pit of the pit. It should be dug to a depth of at least 50 cm. The bottom of the excavation is leveled and covered with sand by a layer of 5 cm. Along the entire contour by 30 cm, the banks are freed from the turf. This is necessary for planting coastal vegetation. After this, lay the film in the foundation pit so that its edges lie on the banks and leave for a while.

After time, the edges of the film are pressed with cobblestones and begin to pour water from the hose. As the film is stretched, the cobblestones are removed. Under the weight of water, the material is leveled along the entire inner surface of the reservoir. It is not necessary to fill the pond completely with water. Leave a margin of 5 cm from the edges. The edges of the film are attached to the ground with special pins and buried with a fertile layer of soil.

Laying the film in the pit for the dacha pond

Laying the film in the pit for the dacha pond

The pond is spread around the perimeter with stones, showing maximum imagination. Stones are better cemented with cement mortar, trying to avoid its entry into the water. The edges of the stones should hang slightly over the water. This will make the banks more durable. Between cobblestones it will be possible to plant coastal plants, and in the pond to run fish, if its size and depth allow.

If you do not want to mess with the film or you think that it is not reliable enough, then you can get ready plastic form. They are now sold in different sizes and configurations. You can still pour the bottom and walls with concrete and make its waterproofing, but this is too time-consuming and expensive option.

A pond made of finished plastic form, decorated with stones.

Pond made of finished plastic form, decorated with stones.

A raised pond on the land plot

A pond that is located above ground level is much easier to arrange, since there is no need to dig anything. In addition, it is easy to take care of, it is safe for young children. At the same time, such a structure has its drawbacks: in the summer it quickly heats up the water, and in winter it also freezes completely completely. However, these shortcomings can be avoided if for the winter the water is simply drained, and in the summer it is periodically partially replaced.

Raised above the ground pond in the suburban area

A raised pond on the land plot

For the construction of an above-ground reservoir you need to purchase a plastic or fiberglass form. For her, you must prepare the foundation and put stones or tiles on the sides. It is possible to incorporate such a form into the floor of the terrace above the ground. You can also make a form yourself, laying it out of a brick, and at the bottom of a concrete screed. Inside the resulting form, put butyl rubber rubber or other waterproofing materials. You can do without them, but in this case, you need to provide reliable coating of waterproofing the bottom and walls. On the edges of this pond, you can put figurines and flowerpots with greens, and water lilies and other aquatic plants.

Device of a mini-pond

It is not necessary to make a full-sized large pond inhabited by fish and vegetation on its site. Sometimes on a small plot it is enough to build a very small pond. He will also decorate the landscape with his presence.

To create it, you need a large wooden tub or a usual metal bath. The tank inside is waterproofed with a film, and its top is decorated from the outside in any accessible way. Metal container does not require additional processing, but it is better to paint it with bituminous paint. It will significantly slow down corrosion and remove unnecessary metallic shine. The capacity is buried in the ground and decorated with a composition of stones and water plants.

A pond from an old metal barrel

Pond from the old metal barrel

If you show a fantasy, even in such a small pond you can build a waterfall with bubbling water. To do this, it is sufficient to install a small electric pump.

Some additional nuances when constructing a pond

In order for the water in the pond to always be fresh and not swamped, it must be periodically updated. To do this, provide a system of water supply and drainage. With the pitch everything is extremely simple. It is poured from a hose or piped to the pond by a water pipe. It should have a natural bias towards the pond, so that it does not freeze in the winter. The edge of the pipe needs to be raised slightly above the water level, so that it is not clogged with aquatic plants.

The drain system is a more complicated task. In reservoirs constructed above the ground level, the problem is solved by installing a drainage pipe with a faucet coming out of the lowest part of the bottom. A hose is attached to the branch pipe, which is taken to the required distance from the reservoir. It should be noted that the diameter of the drain pipe should be twice as large as that of the feeder.

If the pond is arranged in the ground, then it is necessary to take care of the sink in advance. For this, even in the process of digging a trench, a trench is made from it with a slope to the outside. At the end of the trench dig a pit depth of at least 2 m. The walls of the pit are strengthened in any accessible way. You can do it with old car tires. From the pit to the pit lay a hose or pipe. Subsequently, it is necessary to connect this pipe with a hole in the finished form of the pond. If the pond is made with a film, then it is necessary to think about a sealed connection. The discharge of water in this case is carried out by means of pulling out the plug from the drain pipe. There are also more complex schemes with the possibility of water purification.

A complex technological scheme for draining water from a pond

A complex technological scheme for draining water from a pond

There is an easier way to drain water from a pond without using complex and time-consuming drainage systems. It is enough simply to place a household vibrating pump like "Malyshok" in the pond and to pump out the water. Such pumps are not afraid of dirt and even suspended particles, so they can be used without fear of damage.

Thus, everyone can choose the option of a pond in the villa area for a shower and a pocket. To make it it is possible independently, without resorting to the help of specialists.

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