What is different about the attic floor?
First applied in France in the seventeenth century, the architect's decision to place in the attic of residential and utility premises by the name of his author became known as an attic. For the needs of individual construction, the equipment of such a floor may be the nature of a part of the project or be carried out already after the completion of construction( during it).
Similarly, in existing multi-apartment buildings, the attic can be completed, for residential or office purposes. In the practice of such reconstructions, quite often such work is carried out for the equipment of offices, art studios and other purposes.
In any case, there is a rationing of the requirements for the equipment of a dwelling in the attic space, in particular, the height of the attic floor, the ceiling heights of rooms and transitions, their illumination, etc. are determined. Definition of attics, requirements for their purpose and characteristics are recorded in building codes and regulations( SNiP 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings").
Forms and types of attics set. From the classics, with a broken roof shape, to the entire top floor, to polygonal shapes, with partial placement. When deciding to complete the second residential level in an already designed house, the developer may face technical difficulties associated with the estimated strength of the basement.
In this case, the decision in the choice of the attic or the second floor is taken in favor of the attic. For its construction, you can use lightweight structural materials, while the completion of a full-fledged second floor foundation can not withstand.
Pros and cons of the attic floor - form a personal opinion
By the way, there are pluses and minuses of the attic floor. Of course, the use of the existing building, with all its communications and connection to the existing life support structure, will undoubtedly be a plus. Expansion widens the living space, often it becomes a favorite holiday destination.
Such a massive completion removes the issue of sealing already built-up central areas. The appearance of the original roof improves the appearance of the reconstructed building.
The advantages are that, since the attic is a floor, additional heat insulation is created, and heat losses are reduced. In the end, such work is conducted without the involvement of heavy construction equipment and the need to evict tenants. Moreover, the existing priority right to invest in equipment of attic floors and the creation of two-level apartments among upper-level residents increases their interest in such renovations.
But the features of the attic lead to the fact that the windows in the winter are more heavily covered with snow, which reduces natural solar heating and illumination. In addition, these windows themselves have a special design, they are significantly more expensive than conventional windows. The cost is also influenced by a whole range of works on heat and waterproofing, as well.attic - this is the floor for living. The features of the sloping ceilings, which reduce the height of the walls, lead to the loss of useful areas of the attic rooms.
What regulates the question, is the attic floor?
Sometimes the decision in the question, whether the attic is on the floor, is carried out in a judicial order. Especially if such construction is done to the detriment of the interests of neighbors. Doubts, it is considered whether the attic floor in a block of flats, should not be. In case of investing in its equipment tenants of the adjacent floor, it is possible to install a two-level apartment with the appropriation of the corresponding status of living quarters.
If the attic is equipped with an organization for the office space, the room gets an apartment number and address in accordance with the home numbering. By the way, this priority for residents of the adjacent floor is maintained even during the execution of works.
Given that the attic can be formed into a separate floor, have two levels or mezzanine, there are a number of requirements that must correspond to the attic floor, SNiP, mentioned in the beginning, specifies in details all possible calculations of areas depending on the geometry of the premises of such a floor. In particular, there are the following parameters: at what height should be the line of the broken roof( one and a half meters), what is the area of windows depending on the area of the premises, minimum ceiling height, fire safety requirements, etc.