Why is it better to glue the ceramic lining in the bathroom?
- Do not be afraid of temperature changes
- Detergents and other chemicals only benefit.
- Low degree of porosity.
- Maximum resistance to abrasion and impact of abrasive materials.
Concerning the facing of the floor, it is worth choosing porcelain stoneware, because it is the most resistant to a specific type of surface and long-term operation.
Tools for laying the wall ceramic coating
In the course of self-preparation for facing the bathroom, there is no doubt the question arises as to how to fix the tile, so here is the list of necessary for its masonry.
And so, a set of inventory and materials:
- Tile( naturally).The required quantity is calculated as follows: multiply the height parameters of the walls and their parameters. Then subtract the area of the window and doors, and to the final figure add 5% to the shortage.
- Floor covering. The number of tiles can be calculated by multiplying the length by the width.
- Clay tiles in the bathroom( moisture resistant).
- Primer and roller for its application. Used to reduce the absorbency of the substrate and the rapid adhesion of tiles to it.
- Polymer-cement materials( waterproofing).
- Fug for mashing joints.
- Manual tile cutting.
- Drill and nozzles "ballerinki" for drilling communication leads.
- Spatula metal with teeth and rubber for grouting.
- Bubble level, size 0.8 / 1m and plumb bob for leveling the surface. Without these two accessories it is impossible to work qualitatively!
- Pencil or felt pen that is rubbed off.
- Crosses for seams.
- Rubber hammer.
And so step by step we will analyze the following actions.
First stage - preparatory
- Assemble and dismantle all plumbing.
- Clean the plane from the old coating, if present.
- Try not to make unnecessary movements, so as not to damage the walls, as they will later have to be leveled.
The second stage - leveling and surface treatment
Qualitative gluing tiles in a room with a bathroom requires flat surfaces - the glue for tiles in the bathroom can not even out the walls. In order to check the smoothness of the surface you need to use the plumb bob, and also determine the slope in one direction or another. Large differences can be eliminated by cement-sand mortar, small - starting filler. After drying, treat the walls with a roller with a primer. Drying of the layer lasts 2-3 hours.
Next, apply a waterproofing. It is mandatory to have 2 layers of insulation, to avoid the formation of mold and fungus!
The third stage - layout and layout
The facing in the bathroom should be exceptionally smooth, therefore it is important to mark the first row of tiles, in order to avoid pieces in prominent places. You fix the hydro level in one corner point and carry it to the other corners. Beat the perimeter of these points with a pigment, if you have done everything correctly, the end of the received line should coincide with its beginning. The account of whole rows is required to lead from the ceiling, so that the cut pieces do not spoil the aesthetics of the cladding. For the cut choose the most inconspicuous angle and for symmetry try to connect the cut tile equally on both sides of the wall.
Also the stage determines the placement of decorative elements, curbs, etc.
Separate these types of laying:
- joint in the joint, when it is laid straight seam;
- "brick house" according to the principle of running away and laying bricks;
- "Rhombic" diagonal masonry only in the presence of a square shape.
Quite often these methods are combined to create an original design solution.
Fourth stage - proceed to glue the tile in the bathroom
The installation is also divided into a number of processes.
- Preparation of glue.
Adhesive for tiles in the bathroom must be kneaded directly before the working process, as the mortar may lose its bonding qualities over time. The glue mixing instructions are often found on packages, but in general the ritual is similar for all brands and manufacturers: pour it out of the bag into a cleanbucket or pelvis with water, mix well, after 15 minutes, stir again until a uniform composition without lumps. - Facing works
The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel, both on the tile itself and on the walls.
Important: When starting the laying, the back side of the tile must be slightly moistened, because the porous surface of the tile will draw moisture from the glue, and therefore it will fall off. So, attach it to the surface and gently press it, and then tap it with a rubber mallet. You should be as neat as possible, as the tile is fragile and can break.
Do not leave empty places in the corners, remember that during operation of the room, the cover may crack if it is not fixed enough. To align the joints, plastic crosses should be used, which also need to be removed before the glue dries. Clean its excess with a sharp object after gluing the first 2 m².Also do not forget about the pattern of the picture, watch for the placement of the curb and friezes. Important!
The lower row of tiles glue only when the floor is paved, only in this case you can avoid the dissimilarity of the seams of the wall and floor covering.
- Jointing
Joints are leveled using a fugue( for tile joints).
It can be a specific color, as well as directly dyed with a special dye of any color. Before its use, the tile must be cut with a sharp object, removing excess adhesive for the tiles in the bathroom, and moisten with liquid. Dilute the grout with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and let the mixture stand for 10-15 minutes, then stir. Rubbing with a rubber spatula, moving diagonally. As soon as everything is dry( about 20 minutes), the remnants are cleaned with a sponge. Repair is over, evaluate the result! By the numerous requests of Internet users, practicing builders often shoot videos like "we glue pottery in the bathroom", which gain a lot of views on the net. One of such useful videos you can track on the video in the next tab before the beginning of the article. In the article we told how to put ceramic tiles on your own, what tools to use, gave several recommendations to which the newcomer in construction can listen. And then everything depends on you - your desire and zeal!