The floor: a strong and weak floor?

The advent of

technology The development of high technologies has led to the emergence of innovative building materials, based on polymers that are known to be characterized as a strong operating element.
Filling self-leveling floors are also a polymer coating and have recently become very popular.
The floor: a strong and weak floor?

What are the advantages of flood coverings?

No floor covering can match the combination of beauty, practicality and ease of installation with self-leveling compounds. However, the advantages do not end there:

  • is a smooth surface, without flaws;
  • service life - 30-40 years;
  • high level of strength;
  • is not exposed to chemical attack and mechanical influence, humidity;
  • does not attract dust;
  • no toxic elements;
  • does not light;
  • does not require special care, etc.

The floor: a strong and weak floor?

Where is the actual floor?

It is used in places where heavy chemical elements are used, mechanical actions are performed and where sterility and cleanliness of the premises is extremely necessary. From this it follows that most often such a floor is used in industry. But this does not mean that you can not put him in an apartment. On the contrary, people of the modern generation are eager to see a 3D picture instead of a standard parquet instead of a standard parquet, and the polymer floor is able to fulfill such wishes.

Coatings do not have seams, therefore they provide absolute hygiene. They are not slippery and can easily be used in the bathroom or pool.
The floor: a strong and weak floor?

Technology of 3d floors

Any decorative pattern is adhered to a certain base, then a polymer coating is applied, and then a transparent layer 3-4 mm thick is used to create the volume and 3D-reality of the image.
Such floors provided more opportunities for designers, because they are often used in private homes and apartments.
The floor: a strong and weak floor?

Technically, laying the floor is simple, but, nevertheless, there are a number of issues that are difficult to solve without the help of specialists.
What types of fillings?

  1. High-layer.
  2. Thin-layer.

By composition:

  1. Solvent.
  2. Water.


  1. Conducted.
  2. Not held.
  3. Antistatic.


  1. Porous.
  2. Moderately porous
  3. Smooth.

By fastening element:

  1. Methyl methacrylate
  2. Epoxy
  3. Polyurethane
  4. Epoxy-urethane.

Each of the listed characteristics affects the properties that the filler floor possesses, and the material is selected based on individual wishes. It will be best to contact a specialist who will choose a mixture that is ideally suited to a particular apartment. There are certain requirements for coverage and its appearance.
Methyl methacrylate is made at low temperatures. This is the most common component that is used to cover in residential areas.

How to mount the 3d floor?

The first element on the list is the acicular aeration roller, which is necessary for preparing the foundation and laying our composition.
The base is made with the help of a cuvette( roller), a metal brush, a two meter rake, a brush, a triangular scraper.
For laying, you need the following tools: drill, clean buckets, spatula, squeegee with a gap, which will help distribute the material.
For filling floors, you can walk 3-6 hours after pouring.
During drying, the temperature difference should be avoided, so close the doors to avoid drafts and sunlight.
Important! That the solution for pouring was successful, it is necessary to pour water into the container not all at once, but in parts and as the pieces are added to add liquid.
A pour the solution in parts - for every 2 sq. M.m. it is necessary to roll with a roller, so that the surface is homogeneous, and the composition gets air. Between pouring each of the layers, you need to wait 10 minutes.
The floor: a strong and weak floor?
Good luck with the repair!

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