Homemade metal sauna stove - instructions for creating

At the moment, the owners can equip their own bath with a wide variety of furnace designs, but the most popular are the wood-burning metal structures - stoves-stoves. Such furnaces have a lot of advantages:

Homemade metal oven for a bath

Homemade metal oven for sauna

  • · it is heated very quickly - approximately in 1,5-2 hours it is already possible to pass to bath procedures;
  • · cost of production is minimal;
  • · service life - from 5 to 25 years, depending on the quality of welding and the thickness of the metal;
  • · With the observance of the production technology, there is no danger of smoke in the room or explosion.

Despite all the simplicity of the stove-heater, they are not cheap at all. But if there are skills in the welding business, then it is quite possible to make the simplest design yourself. At the same time, it can even be equipped with a tank for heating water.

What is the best way to make a metal oven for a sauna

? For a self-made metal stove-heater it is necessary to use black metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm( service life approximately 5-7 years).Leading manufacturers offer models of steel with a thickness of about 10 mm for combustion chambers and slightly less for bunkers with stones and for tanks with water.

A metal furnace can be made with a square or rectangular sheet metal section, but this implies an extra welding seam and a complex bending operation. So home craftsmen usually prefer to use ready-made pipes( of any section) or even ordinary metal barrels if it is possible to find containers with suitable dimensions and wall thickness.

General scheme of the device of the homemade oven-heater

A metal oven for a bath usually includes three main compartments( bottom up):

  1. · fuel chamber( firebox);
  2. · bunker with stones;
  3. · water tank.
Scheme of a metal furnace

Scheme of a metal furnace

It is worthwhile to consider each element in more detail.

The fuel chamber .Here, the combustion process will take place, for which the firewood door and the air supply hole are required. It is also necessary to remove the ash so that you do not have to remove everything, including firewood, from the firebox every time. It is done through ashtray - a special grating.

From the fuel chamber, the heat from the homemade stove will be raised in the bunker with stones. To ensure optimum heat transfer, the stones must be laid on the grate , which will connect the firebox and the stone hopper. Such bunkers are closed and open. In our case, it will be closed. Well, to change the stones and splash water on them, we will make a special door on the side of our stove( 90 ° from the door for loading firewood).

Then the heat will rise to with water tank. The most effective way of distributing this heat is to conduct it through the chimney .He will be responsible for the removal of gases - combustion products. Fill the water in the tank through the top, but to make a drain of warm water convenient, in the bottom of the tank with water it is necessary to weld the tap.

Here, actually, is a short device of a homemade metal oven for a bath. You can proceed to the manufacturing process.

Metal furnace drawing

Drawing of a metal furnace

Instruction for the manufacture of a stove-heater from a metal pipe

To create in an artisanal conditions a metal sauna stove with a diameter of 700 mm and a height( along with a tank) of about 1600 mm, we will need:

  • · steel sheet with a thickness of more than 10 mmdimensions not less than 2.2 × 1 meter);
  • · metal tube 1600 mm long with wall thickness from 7 to 10 mm;
  • · chimney pipe( any diameter from 100 mm, wall thickness - about 5 mm);
  • · a metal rod with a thickness of about 10 mm;
  • · grate( sold in building stores, must be steel or cast iron);
  • · hinges 8 pieces and latch 3 pieces;
  • · faucet with valve.

The following tools will be minimally required:

  • · saw-bolger;
  • · welding machine;
  • · metal scissors;
  • · measuring instrument.

Step-by-step work plan for

1. Cut the pipe into two segments: 0.9 m and 0.7 m.

2. At the bottom of the pipe( under the future furnace, with an indent from the "bottom" about 7-10 cm. You can dopodduvalo and at the bottom, then it will be easier to remove the ash - you just need to substitute a suitable metal container under the ash hole) make a rectangular hole 20 × 5 cm - this is the future of the ash-pit. You need to work carefully to later use the cut piece as a door. Above the sump we cut out a hole for loading fuel, also trying not to damage the metal.

3. Welding outside the pipe hinges and lugs for latches, and on the doors themselves - latches, install the doors for the ash and for the loading chamber.

4. Cut out a metal plate with a circle 0.7 meters in diameter, and in its middle a hole the size of an acquired grate. If it was not acquired, you can build it yourself from a strong steel rod. The received metal circle is welded inside the pipe just above the ashtray. The construction of the furnace can be considered complete.

5. We make a cutout for polishing stones( 90 ° from the loading door and an ash-pit).According to the technology described above, we install the door.

6. Now we need to build a platform, on which the stones will be laid. We will make it out of metal rods. The dimensions of the cell are taken in consideration of the size of the stones, which we plan to fill in the stove.

7. Now you can fall asleep stones. After that, we cut out a circle of diameter 0.7 meters from the metal sheet. In it we make a hole for the chimney, which should be located closer to the far wall of our stove. We weld the pipe, then welded on top of our bunker for stones, the resulting circle with a chimney. You can proceed to the manufacture of a water tank.

8. Weld to our long piece of a large pipe a piece measuring 0.7 meters in length.

9. We make a hole under the tap in our water tank and fix it by welding.

10. Cut out a circle of 0.7 m diameter from a steel sheet, cut it into two unequal parts. In the larger we make a hole for the chimney. We fit this part over the whole structure, passing the chimney through the hole. Brew a hole around the chimney.

11. It remains only to fix a smaller piece of the steel circle with the help of loops - through this hatch will be filled with water. Everything, our self-made metal stove-heater is ready!

Furnace with a water tank

Furnace with a water tank

Horizontal Oven from Pipe

Horizontal oven from a pipe

We summarize the

Having the skills of threading on metal and welding, you can make a sauna stove with your own hands by a fairly simple drawing. True, this will require some temporary and material costs, but the savings will be very significant. And most importantly, such an oven will work no worse than the purchase.

Video - a self-made metal oven with their own hands

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