Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom materials

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Waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom materials for which a large assortment today can be found in any construction shop, is an obligatory procedure before the beginning of the finishing works and installation of sanitary ware.

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom materials

Floor waterproofing in the bathroom materials

The bathroom is the most humid room in a private house and apartment, therefore, whatever material the floors are made of, they need a high-quality waterproofing, otherwise in the process of using the room at the joints of walls and floor, inThe places of passage through the overlapping of utility lines can cause leaks. Not only is great risk of flooding the rooms located from the bottom. As you know, moisture, falling into a closed space, inevitably contributes to the formation of mold and fungus, which begin to gradually destroy the construction of the floor and walls, lead to a persistent unpleasant smell of dampness, can cause a number of diseases in residing in the apartment of people.

main types of flooring waterproofing

Article Contents

  • 1 main types of flooring waterproofing
  • 2 Waterproofing of coating type
    • 2.1 How is the application of coating( paint) waterproofing
    • 2.2 Video: wizard waterproofing bathroom
  • 3 Plastering waterproofing
  • 4 lining hydraulic seals
    • 4.1 Laying lining hydraulic seals
  • 5 Molded waterproofing
    • 5.1 Hot waterproofing
      • 5.1.1 Hot waterproofing installation
    • 5.2 Cold cast waterproofing
      • 5.2.1 "Liquid" rubber
        • How to apply "liquid" rubber
      • 5.2.2 "Liquid glass"
        • Waterproofing the floor surface with liquid glass
  • 6 Impregnating( penetrating) waterproofing
    • 6.1 "Penetron" mixture
      • 6.1.1 Penetron waterproofing application

There are many varieties of waterproofing materials made on different bases and in various forms. To choose the most suitable option, you should first consider their characteristics and technology to work with them.

So, according to the type of application waterproofing is divided into the following types:

  • Lubricating.
  • Oakleading.
  • Impregnation.
  • Molded.
  • Plastering.

Which of these waterproofing is better for the bathroom floor, it's hard to say, since there is no consensus among the experts on this account .The choice of the material and technology of its laying is done with taking into account the surface features, which should be waterproofed , and allocated for work.

Waterproofing coating type

Compositions for lubrication( painting) waterproofing - the easiest to apply

Compositions for lubricating( painting) waterproofing - the most simple in use

The coatings for waterproofing are produced on different bases and can be:

  • Water-based, acrylic based ;
  • Bituminous rubber ;
  • Bitumen-resin ;
  • Cement-polymer ;
  • Polyurethane ;
  • Bituminous .

Compositions on bitumen base are made with additives from various fillers and organic solvents. Fillers make the mastics more elastic, because they are used as plasticizers, rubber crumb or latex.

Mastics have excellent adhesion, and they are applied to both concrete and wood surfaces.

It should be noted that bitumen-based materials have a number of drawbacks, which include:

- possible cracking and the appearance of chipping as a result of temperature fluctuations;

- biological corrosion;

- an unpleasant smell during the period of waterproofing works.

But, despite these drawbacks of coating compositions, they are most often used to insulate the floor in the bathroom, as this is the most affordable way to create a protection against moisture penetration.

The cost of the mastic coating oilproofing is quite affordable, but the term of its service is no more than the of five to six years.

Materials made on the basis of polymers, practically do not have negative qualities, therefore can be applied without fear.

The advantages of coating compositions include the ease of applying the material to the floor surface and the lower part of the walls, as well as to the corners and joints of the using a conventional brush.

Bathroom placement after the waterproofing

Bath room after the

cladding waterproofing The material consumption depends on the initial quality of the waterproof surface and the number of layers .Usually the recommended quantity per 1 m2 area is indicated by the manufacturer of the composition.

How is the application of coating

? In the device of this type of waterproofing there is nothing difficult - most importantly, do all the work carefully and adhere to the developed technology.

Dry packing for coating waterproofing

Packaging of dry composition for coating waterproofing

If the lubricant is purchased in dry form, then the technology of its manufacture can be found on the package. The mixture must necessarily have a uniform state. If the dry component in the kit contains , the liquid component is first mixed with water and only then poured into a dry mass and mixed into pasty mastic. This waterproofing is called two-component. When the mixture is ready, you need to immediately go to work.

  • The first thing to do before applying any coating is to thoroughly clean the surface of fine dust and larger debris. The work is done using a vacuum cleaner.
Compulsory cleaning of the surface

Obligatory surface cleaning

  • Further, from the surfaces, it is necessary to remove the soaked grease stains or paint residues , if they are - clean off to "healthy" concrete. also comes with loose areas, where erosion of the concrete slab is noticeable. After cleaning, dust and debris are cleaned again.
  • The next step of is the application of primer( deep penetration composition).Primer can pour on the floor and distribute its with a roller.
Priming of the floor surface

Priming of the floor surface

The angles and surfaces around the outlet of the pipes in the wall and the drain in the floor must be treated with a primer using a brush to avoid leaving untreated areas. After drying of the first layer of the solution, is applied to the alone.

  • Next, you can proceed to the application of waterproofing composition. Work begins with covering the mastic corners and all joints of the floor and wall, pipe passages through the overlap.
  • On the freshly applied mastic is laid with sealing tape. It is adhered to the on the walls and floor, so that the joint between them is completely closed, which is always a weak spot for leaks. A prerequisite is that the tape should be fully expanded, without waves, kinks, folds, under it impermissible voids.
Waterproofing tape is glued with the utmost care

Waterproofing tape is glued with the utmost care

When joining strips overlap should be not less than 50 ÷ 70 mm( for primary installation place overlap must be smeared with mastic.).

In the bathroom in the same way not only the joints of the floor and walls are processed, but the corners of the walls, at least 150-100 mm in height.

On top of the tape it is applied more one layer of waterproofing mastic.

On top, the tape is covered with a layer of lubricant

Above, the tape is covered with a layer of coating composition

  • Next, it is necessary to glue sealing membranes around the points of supply and discharge of water, that is, outgoing from walls and floors of pipes or sleeves with the communications laid through them.
Particular attention is given to waterproofing near pipes, holes, sleeves in the floor, etc.

Particular attention - waterproofing around pipes, holes, sleeves in the floor, etc.

  • Then the entire remaining floor surface of the bathroom and walls is covered with waterproofing mastic to a height of 150 ÷ ​​200 mm.

By the way, qualified masters recommend not to regret the material and apply a minimum of 500 ÷ 700 mm from the floor, especially around the bath and wash basin - this will protect the walls from from of ripping and the occurrence of mold.

Do not regret the material and simultaneously insulate the walls near the bathroom and the shells

Do not regret the material and at the same time insulate the walls near the bathroom and the shells

Mastic when applied to the floor surface is not smeared finely - it should lie a thick uniform layer of the same thickness, approximately in 2 mm.

  • Waterproofing is carried out if necessary in two, and even in three layers. It is not allowed to create uncovered mastic "islets".Each of the layers is applied perpendicularly to the previous, already dried layer, approximately five or six hours later.
  • When the floor waterproofing works are completed, you can start finishing only after days.

At the end section - an example of the performance of a coating in water in the bathroom.

Video: the master of waterproofing bathroom

Plastered waterproofing

Plastered waterproofing also refers to the lubricating form, but it should be separated, because for work used different from the rest in its composition of materials.

The plaster mix contains such components as gypsum, cement and polymers. If the bitumen used for waterproofing the floor begins to lose its elasticity at 0 degrees, it becomes brittle, and cracks can form on it , then the temperature changes are not terrible for plasters.

Many plaster waterproofing mixtures of various manufacturers are on sale. Especially popular are the compositions of companies " Knauf " and " Ceresit ".

  • For example, the waterproofing compound KNAUF FLACHENDICHT includes a component such as a synthesized latex, which gives a special elasticity to the material. Therefore applied on the surface layer, after polymerization, retains its properties at temperatures from - 18 to + 55 ° C .

This composition after mixing does not require heating, and is applied to the surface immediately.

  • Another option for high-quality plaster waterproofing is the mixture of Ceresit CR -65, which has excellent adhesion to surfaces, provided that it is applied to the treated surface with primer.
One of the most popular formulations is the Ceresit CR-65 hydroisol

One of the most popular formulations is the Ceresit CR-65 Hydroisolis

Plaster mixes are also applied with a brush or roller. The joints of the planes must be glued with a sealing tape. It is desirable to choose all the materials of one manufacturer - they are fully adapted to each other.

Oak waterproofing

This method of protecting floors from moisture penetration can be called the most effective, but it will be somewhat more difficult to make the correct packing of materials than with lubricating compositions. The most popular materials of the pasting waterproofing: ruberoid, isoplastic , ecoflex , iselast , , the bridge , technonikid , waterproof .

Roll pasting waterproofing

Roll of pasting waterproofing

Materials are not affected by temperature changes, and if they are laid correctly, according to existing technologies, they will protect the floor surface for many years.

Waterproofing in the form of sheets or rolls made of waterproof material with good elasticity. But, in spite of this, it is not easy to lay them in difficult places, for example, in the corners of the room.

Two types of overlay materials are produced. Some of them are laid on on worn adhesive, others are self-adhesive.

For mounting the first type, as a glue base, bitumen mastic is most often used. On self-adhesive webs, in principle, the same mastic will apply on the rear surface and is protected by a special film , which is removed only during laying.

The most common kind of pasting waterproofing until recently was a common roofing material, but with the advent of more advanced materials, it is used less and less. Modern types of can have a polymer or bitumen base, so they differ somewhat in their characteristics.

  • Polymer material is films and membranes made from vulcanized rubber. Most often they are already covered with glue.
Polymer self-adhesive membrane

Polymer self-adhesive membrane

They are distinguished by:

- a small thickness;

- long service life;

- excellent mechanical strength;

- no shrinkage;

- resistance to vibration.

  • Oak waterproofing on bitumen base is used much more often, as it is more affordable. Such materials, for example, include the waterproofing made on the basis of fiberglass impregnated with bitumen, and the plasticizer makes it resistant to cracking and the gives the its flexibility. This material is not biodegradable and the mold appears on the .

It can be produced in single- and double-sided version.

Double-faced material is suitable for creating a multilayer coating

Double-sided material is suitable for multi-layer coating

Double-sided material differs from single-sided by the presence of polymer protective film with on both sides - it melts under high temperatures during laying. This material is used in the event that a multi-layer waterproofing coating is installed.

One-sided material is equipped with protective coating consisting of mineral crumbs.- it is usually used for external coating of soft roofing.

Such material is more suitable for roofing

This material is more suitable for roofing

Oak waterproofing is used not only for concrete coatings, but also for wooden flooring, which is laid without melting - on bituminous mastic.

Laying of waterproofing waterproofing

The surface of the bathroom floor before laying the liner material must be prepared more thoroughly than when applying coatings to it - this is a nuance that must be observed to create a long-lasting and reliable floor protection.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Bathroom floors should not have even small protrusions, so they must be removed. If necessary, the surface is leveled by with self-leveling compounds. Then the floor is well dried and cleared of dust.
  • Further, the floor surface and the lower part of the walls are covered with primer compositions, which must also dry well.
  • Then on the surface of the floor and walls to a height of 200 mm a layer of mastic about 2 mm thick is applied. Mastic may be on a rubber or polymer-bitumen basis.
  • Next comes waterproofing sticker. The first canvas, which will find the on the wall of the , is laid with a bend, but is glued first to the floor surface, and then to the wall on the wall.

Mastic warms up to softening with a gas burner. The surface is covered with a waterproofing sheet, which is then rolled with a roller.

Laying of roll material hot

Laying of hot rolled material

The next sheet is laid on the already laid strip of waterproofing overlapping the by 80 ÷ 100 mm. Then I go t t and the subsequent bands.

  • If you plan to lay the material in two layers, then the mastic is applied over the first one and the waterproofing is laid. The second layer is laid in such a way that the middle of the canvas is at the joints of the bands of the lower layer, it completely covers them.

Precisely also undergoes the process of mounting the of the technol- ogy, but its advantage is that the bituminous layer is already present on the material. With , remains only to heat it before melting protective polymer film and roll it to the surface with a roller. It is very important not to overheat the material, as the waterproofing from this will become fragile, and the term of its service will be significantly reduced.

It is not a very good idea to make hot packing, as it is recommended to avoid working with a burner in small enclosed spaces. The material of waterproofing and mastic with heat emits a sharp and persistent odor that is poorly weathered. In addition, it is quite dangerous to work independently with a burner without proper experience, but if it is decided to stick a waterproofing in this way, then it is better to entrust this process to the with the specialists.

To perform the work independently, it is better to apply self-adhesive webs that do not require the use of the - torch. Such mounting of the is still called the "cold" method. For such a coating, the concrete floor must be treated with with primer - a special composition made on bitumen base.

Laying of waterproofing in cold weather

Cold waterproofing of the waterproofing

Using it, it is possible to create a practically seamless hermetic coating, since the liners laid overlap the by 100 mm, tightly glued together. Before they are fastened, the protective film is removed from the adhesive layer, and the sheet is immediately pressed against the already with a waterproofing sheet.

When using a backing material, special attention should be given to water pipes and drainage holes. For them in waterproofing holes are cut out, where rubber seals are inserted. Seats adhere to polyurethane or silicone sealant.

Waterproofing of the area near the drain hole

Waterproofing of the site near the drain hole

Molded waterproofing

The cast waterproofing can also be made of different materials. As can be understood from the name, the installation of these compounds on the surface occurs by spilling them in a cold or hot form.

Hot waterproofing

Hot waterproofing can be asphalt-polymer and asphalt. Consumable materials for her is hot bitumen, asphalt and pitch. Such material shows good performance - elasticity, high bending resistance, strength and reliability .

Materials are poured on the surface, where work was previously carried out on the sealing of joints using sealants and mastics.

This type of waterproofing is almost never used for bathrooms in the apartments - they are more suitable for the same premises, equipped in private homes.

Laying hot waterproofing

To properly perform a hot waterproofing, you need to proceed in the following order:

  • The floor surface must be thoroughly cleaned from various contaminants that could remain from repair work.
  • The detected cracks, as well as the joints of the planes, are filled with sealing compounds.
  • After this, the floor needs to be well dried - for this infrared heaters, gas burners and other sufficiently powerful devices are often used.
  • Priming is in progress. For this type of waterproofing, as a primer, hot bitumen is used.
Bituminous primer application

Bituminous primer application

  • After this, the primed working surface along the perimeter is separated by formwork. It is necessary if the waterproof needs only a part of the room.
  • Waterproofing heating heating its heating on is heated.
  • The hot compound is gently poured onto the surface, evenly spread over it with the help of a rake and left until it is completely solidified.
  • If necessary, several layers of are filled with waterproofing, but each subsequent - only after the previous drying has completely dried out.

Cold cast waterproofing

Cold types of waterproofing include materials such as "liquid" rubber and "liquid" glass. The technology of working with these compounds is similar, but their components are significantly different.

"Liquid" rubber

This waterproofing material is made of bitumen and polymer additives, which make the resulting emulsion more wear-resistant and resistant to external influences.

Упаковка "жидкой резины"

Packaging of "liquid rubber"

Calcium chloride is used as a fixer for bitumen-polymer mixtures, which reduces the density of the material, which allows the installation of "liquid rubber" by spraying. The fixer is diluted with water in the proportions of 1:10 before adding to the emulsion, and after that the final composition is mixed.

In order to apply the coating successfully, it is necessary to adhere to the technology, prepare a base for it well and perform the work of at a temperature not lower than + 3 ÷ 5 ° C .

"Liquid" rubber is produced in different consistencies, which allows to be applied to its surface application in various ways:

  • The is the most popular as it does not require special equipment, and the composition fills all small cracks and creates smooth, smooth coating.
  • Sputtering is a more complicated method, since it will require special equipment and skills to work with it. With the correct application of waterproofing by spraying, it turns out to be more qualitative than using other methods, since the composition is supplied under pressure by the and fills not only the cracks, but also the microscopic pores of the base.
  • Paint( lining) technology is the most affordable of all three existing .The application differs little from the conventional insulation insulation, which was mentioned above. For painting application of waterproofing, "liquid" rubber is produced in the form of paste or solution.

After the treatment of the floor with "liquid" rubber, a sealed elastic film must be formed on the surface, which reliably protects the from moisture.

The table shows the main characteristics of this material:

Material parameters Parameters
Tensile strength( MPa) 2E-3
Elongation at break( %) 1500
Compressive strength with concrete surface( MPa) 1
Density( kg / m³) 1000 ÷ 1100
Quantity of non-volatile substances( %) 57 ÷ 65
Curing time of the composition after its application( hours) 24
Maximum water absorption for the first 24 hours,% 0.5
Water permeability at pressure 0.01 MPa for 24 hours No wet spot
Average consumption of the main component in the manufacture of the flooring material in 1 mm, in the dry residue kg / m² 1.61

The technical and performance characteristics of different brands may differ slightly. But thanks to the fact that all the components of the "liquid" rubber - are environmentally friendly, during operation they do not emit harmful fumes, they are safe for humans.

The positive qualities of all types of "liquid" rubber can be called:

  • High degree of adhesion to different surfaces.
  • Resistance to chemical attack.
  • Possibility of waterproofing on the old cleaned floor.
  • Formation of a continuous, seamless surface.
  • High elasticity and strength of the material.
Наглядный пример высокой эластичности и прочности "жидкой резины"

A clear example of high elasticity and strength of "liquid rubber"

  • Endurance at temperature changes.
  • The composition has no odor during installation, therefore it is suitable for waterproofing in enclosed spaces.
  • Long service life.
How to apply "liquid" rubber

There is no sense in describing the work with the lubricating type of "liquid rubber" - it does not differ from usual lubricating waterproofing in any way. In order not to repeat, it is necessary to consider only technologies for spraying and pouring waterproofing composition.

The first step of is the idea of ​​ t t radial surface preparation. It is carried out in the same way as under any kind of waterproofing. The main condition is the flatness of the floor surface, without protruding fragments, and the its cleanliness.

Before applying all kinds of "liquid" rubber, the surfaces must also be primed. As a primer, the polymer-bitumen solution, which is similar to , is used, which not only creates excellent adhesion to the coating, but also strengthens its waterproofing properties. Primer is applied with a roller or brush.

The next stage, after the complete drying of the soil, comes application of the waterproofing material. Spraying of "liquid" rubber is carried out with the help of special equipment. The tanks with bitumen-polymer composition and with fixer - calcium chloride solution are connected to the compressor unit. The sprayer is supplied with both components simultaneously, which are mixed and applied to the surface under pressure, forming an elastic membrane 2 to 3 mm thick. This process is usually trusted by specialists who have the necessary apparatus with experience in working with it.

Процесс напыления "жидкой резины"

Process of spraying "liquid rubber"

The filling method consists in pouring the finished material on the floor surface and distributing it with a needle roller, spatula or raki. The application of waterproofing occurs not only on the floor surface, but also in the previous cases on the lower part of the wall and around the branch pipes of water pipes.

The approximate flow rate of this material per 1 m² is 2.8 ÷ 3 liters. Full drying of the coating occurs after two days. After this time, you can proceed to further work on the installation of the floor.

"Liquid glass"

"Liquid glass" - is yet one kind of molded waterproofing, carried out in a "cold" way.

Канистра с "жидким стеклом"

Can with liquid glass

This material resembles in its consistency "liquid" rubber, but is made of other materials. This waterproofing contains sodium or potassium silicate, quartz sand and soda.

"Liquid glass" has excellent characteristics that make it ideally suited for use in waterproofing works in the bathroom:

  • It is an antiseptic, therefore it prevents the appearance of mold on the treated surfaces.
  • Hydrophobizer , able to create a seamless waterproof and water repellent coating.
  • Antistatic - "liquid glass" is not electrified.
  • The special properties of the material make the concrete surface more durable and durable.
  • This waterproofing material has a high adhesion, when spreading it penetrates into all tiny cracks and micropores.
  • Using "liquid" glass, it is possible to waterproof not only with a concrete, but also a well-prepared wooden surface.
  • The solution can be added to the concrete solution to enhance its waterproofing properties. Such a composition is made in proportions of 1: 8, that is, one part of the "liquid glass" by an eight-concrete solution.
  • The economics of the application and the affordable price of the material can also be attributed to its merits.

It's worth mentioning some drawbacks of "liquid" glass:

  • The material has a property with time self-destruct if it is not covered with a decorative coating. In the open form, the term of its operation is limited to 5 years.
  • The mortar can not be used to coat brick surfaces, as this can lead to their destruction.
  • The - coating on surfaces is fragile enough, and this still is one reason to necessarily close its trim.
  • Pouring of "liquid" glass should be carried out in a short time, as it has the property of quickly curing, so you need skills in this kind of work.
Waterproofing of the floor surface with "liquid glass "

Waterproofing with this material is carried out both in pure form and by adding to the concrete solution.

In a clean, diluted water form, "liquid glass" is used as a primer for impregnation of concrete bases. In this case, its average consumption is 150 ÷ ​​250 grams per 1 m ².To obtain a deep impregnation of the surface by 80 ÷ 100 mm, its should be applied in three layers. This procedure helps to close microscopic cracks and pores, to create on the surfaces a protective film .

In the manufacture of concrete or cement waterproofing, the "liquid" glass is mixed with solutions in proportions of 1: 8 or 1:10.This mixture is also good is suitable for waterproofing the surfaces of the bathroom, and applied to on the by the lubricating method described above.

The composition is poured on the floor and evenly spread over the surface

Composition is spread on the floor and evenly distributed over the surface of the

Waterproofing is carried out by by of spill composition on the floor surface and uniform distribution of with a knife, spatula and needle roller. When applying a "liquid glass" layer of 3 - 4 mm on a flat surface, it creates an perfectly smooth coating, which is easy to lay decorative trim.

This material is applied very neatly to the lower part of the walls with a wide brush or small roller.

Impregnating( penetrating) waterproofing

The action of water repellent impregnation for a concrete floor is to fill it with all microcracks and pores to a depth of 150 ÷ ​​180 mm. In addition, waterproofing impregnations can prevent the appearance of cracks and on the surface.

A considerable number of waterproofing impregnations is produced, and their characteristics are somewhat different. For example, consider one of them.

Mixture " Penetron "

Dry mix " Penetron " consists of of three components: special cement, quartz fine-grained sand and special additives made on a chemical basis.

Гидроизоляция проникающего действия - состав "Пенетрон"

Waterproofing penetrating action - composition "Penetron"

The mixture is penetrating waterproofing and is able to protect concrete structures from humidity and corrosive environments, and also to increase their strength.

Active additives present in the mixture form a moisture-tight barrier inside the concrete structure, which can make the entire thickness of the screed completely isolated from the water, since " Penetron " is capable of penetrating the substrate 500 mm from the surface. Such an indicator is considered the best among similar penetration impregnations.

After the has been applied to the surface, the material components actively penetrate the concrete. This is due to the phenomenon of osmosis - the spread of molecules of the mixture in the concrete structure. There, as a result of the chemical reaction, the solution crystallizes and becomes insoluble in water. Thus, a waterproof surface arises. The more the base is moistened, the more intensive the chemical reaction will be.

The advantage of this waterproofing method is that the newly formed crystals are incorporated in the crystalline lattice of concrete, becoming a single unit, and this coating is able to withstand even moisture falling on the surface under pressure . .

In addition, the solution particles trapped inside the structureand not reacted, remain and remain free, and with the formation of microcracks and moisture in them they begin to "work" - occurs during the process of with Lenia surface.

In appearance, Penetron is a gray, uniform powder that must not have foreign impurities and lumps. In a dry state, the density of the material is 1170 kg / m³, which is practically comparable with the density of cement.

The concrete surface treated with Penetron acquires the following qualities:

- its waterproofing characteristics are improved threefold;

- strength increases by 5%;

- there is resistance to the impact on concrete of various acids and alkaline compounds.

The grinding of the prepared mixture takes place 35 to 40 minutes after mixing. The final hardening time of the solution is 2 hours 45 minutes. Finishing work on waterproof " Penetron " surfaces can not be performed with before after 2 weeks, after application of the material.

The concrete surface acquires hydrophobic qualities

The concrete surface acquires the hydrophobic qualities of the

The composition itself, neither during storage nor after application and reaction with concrete, not is no environmental threat, it is safe for humans.

Application of penetrating waterproofing " Penetron "
  • Before applying the penetrating compound, the surface must be prepared by - all large cracks, joints and seams are sealed. For their embedding it is recommended to apply the composition " Penecret ", which is produced by the same company.

In addition, the surface before applying " Penetron " must be cleaned of dirt and old coatings, otherwise there will be no proper effect from the waterproofing.

  • Next, the surface is covered with a solution of 9 % acetic acid and left for one hour.
  • After this time, the concrete base is abundantly rinsed with water, as it must be well saturated with moisture.
  • A mixture of - is prepared for 1 kg of dry powder " Penetron " 400 gr.water. As a result, a mass having a consistency of thick sour cream should be obtained. A quantity of solution is prepared that can be used in 40 minutes, because after this time the process starts with the grasping. It must be remembered that in water mixed according to the instruction, water is subsequently prohibited from being added.
  • Prepared mixture is applied to the surface - this is done with a wide brush or roller.
Нанесение состава "Пенетрон" с помощью кисти

Apply Penetron with

brush Penetron is usually applied to the substrate in two layers - this will guarantee maximum protection against moisture penetration. The second layer of waterproofing is applied to the moistened surface after the occurs first.

  • Then, for two weeks, it is necessary to humidify the coated surface, since during this period the crystallization of the material soaking into the concrete will take place.

The flow rate of Penetron per 1m² with coating in one layer will be from 400 to 550 grams. Accordingly, if it is planned to apply two layers, then this amount is doubled.

It must be remembered that penetrating impregnation is useless to apply for waterproofing of stone or brickwork, foam concrete and other materials - it is intended solely for strengthening and protecting concrete coatings.

In conclusion, the article should emphasize that any waterproof surface must be covered with decorative trim. For the bathroom, ceramic tiles will be the best option.

Knowing the characteristics and technology of applying various waterproofing materials, it will be easier to choose the one that the will approach the in all parameters and will be available for independent work.

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