Why the gas column does not heat the water: the reasons for what to do if the gas column does not warm the water well

the gas column does not heat water
  • Reasons for lack of water heating
  • How to troubleshoot
  • What else can I do?

The gas column is a device whose main purpose is to provide continuous heating of tap water. Under favorable conditions, this method of heating becomes more efficient and budgetary than centralized. However, it often happens that the gas column copes with its task very badly.

If, despite the set temperature, tap water flows much cooler than necessary, you should look for the cause of the problem. It is not always connected with the device itself, it may be the case in water pipes, non-observance of the rules of operation or any other factors.

About why the gas column does not heat water and about possible ways of eliminating the related faults, read in our today's article.

Gas column in the bathroom

Reasons for lack of water heating

  • Mud deposits on the outside of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is a kind of metal tank in which water is heated. Since it is in contact with the combustion products, a thick layer of soot can form on its outer walls, which prevents the water from heating up to the desired temperature.
  • Insufficiently strong flame in the burner. Heating capacities are sometimes not enough to ensure that the water in the heat exchanger reaches a predetermined temperature. If the flame in the burner is constantly weak, this indicates a malfunction of the diaphragm, which results in insufficient stem pressure on the gas valve.
  • The heat exchanger is constantly overheating .This is most likely due to industrial marriage. If there is no control over the temperature in the heat exchanger, a thick layer of scale settles on its walls, preventing its normal operation.
  • Low pressure level in gas pipes. This problem has nothing to do with the operation of the water heater, since external factors are to blame. If you think that the pressure in the gas pipeline is insufficient, contact the gas service.
  • Neglect of prevention and maintenance. In the absence of due care and timely repair, the operation of gas equipment inevitably causes malfunctions. If the gas column is in poor technical condition, it will not be able to provide a good head and the required water temperature.
Soot on the heat exchanger
Pure heat exchanger
Flame in the gas column

How to troubleshoot


What should I do?

Soot deposits on the heat exchanger

The problem is solved by simply cleaning the heat exchanger. Remove the soot layer with a hard brush, the main thing is to proceed carefully so as not to damage the metal surface.

Weak flame in the

burner A visual inspection of the water assembly should be carried out by first unplugging its gas equipment. If the membrane is intact, check the condition of the rod - it should not be contaminated, and its movements should be smooth and even.

Hole in

If a diaphragm is found to be damaged when inspecting the water assembly, it is necessary to replace it with a new one( experts recommend silicone membranes, since their service life is longer).

Scale in the heat exchanger

Scale deposits, if they did not cause internal damage to the device, can be easily removed with improvised means, for example, citric acid. If there is a serious damage to the heat exchanger, it will be better to replace it.

On how to deal with the soot in a heat exchanger, see the Youtube channel video "TVorim".

What else can I do?

  • To increase the temperature of the water flowing from the tap, you can do the following: turn the regulator all the way to the right, then open the tap with water only halfway. As the water movement slows down, it will warm up better.
  • It is not superfluous to check the pressure in gas pipes or in a cylinder. But do not do it yourself - it's best to seek help from professionals.
  • Water can remain cool if the mixer adds cold water to the already warmed. Compare( to the touch) the temperature of the tap water with the temperature of the outlet hose. If the water is colder, then the problem is in the mixer.
  • If the tap water temperature "jumps" all the time, and the gas column itself turns off periodically, the mixer or filter may be clogged. All these elements, as well as a shower head, should be checked from time to time for deposits of lime and rust.

If the gas column does not heat the water, does not ignite and does not turn on, but the ignition is on, see the video of the channel on Youtube "Repair of gas equipment."Most likely, it will help solve the problem.

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