How to properly remove a skeleton pool for the winter - practical advice

0_ It would seem that nothing is easier. There is an instruction, and if the assembly of the pool was done independently, then everything must be done in the reverse order, and only. But if we consider that the assembly / dismantling of swimming pools, we do not every day, and a person has something to forget and some tips will not seem superfluous.

To reduce the time for operations, remove the frame pool for the winter preferably in one of the sunny days. Then, perhaps, and do not need additional drying material bowl. And if you follow a certain sequence of actions, the disassembly will not take much time.

Recommended operating procedure


During operation, a microscopic coating is formed on the bottom and walls of the bowl. Therefore, the process of draining the pool should be combined with the mechanical cleaning of its internal part. After draining the water, the canvas is wiped dry and laid out on an illuminated area for final drying. Depending on its size, you can even turn inside out, hang on pegs and so on. The main thing is to avoid wrinkling.

Secondary cleaning of canvas

2_ Lime coating on some segments of the bowl still remain. They should be disposed of immediately, and not left until the next season. Argumentation - it is not known what chemical elements are present in these layers. Remove the "sticky" factions with a brush of appropriate rigidity. But metal or other abrasive devices should be avoided, since the risk of damage to their material is large enough.

Assembling the fabric

Carefully, straightening all the folds, and tight enough - these are the main criteria that should be adhered to.

Disassembly of the

  • frame Rule 1. All the same type elements are removed in turn.
  • Rule 2. They are added together and immediately packed.
 This is a guarantee that no part will be lost. If you first dump everything in a common heap, in the spring something can be missed. Tested by practice!


Flushing of connecting hoses and pump

The simplest "preparation" is a cleaning solution( Sorti, Fairy) + citric acid. To hoses from the inside are well soaked before cleaning the walls, they are poured and suspended for both ends. Well and further - a brush, then well to spill flowing( warm) water.

Storage space for the frame pool

This should be a room if not heated, then at least - not blown by the winds and not freezing in the winter. Leave the canvas in the summer shed in the garden plot should not be, because because of low temperatures it can quickly become worthless. Plus to this - rodents. This should also be considered. If even cable insulation is of some interest for mice, then the integrity of the pool bowl( whether plastic or rubberized fabric) under such storage conditions is a big question.


 On a note! If the site shows signs of weed growth, then they need to get rid of, leaving this job until spring. For example, treat the sector with herbicides, sprinkle( and compact) sand and the like. In the spring, when intensive work begins on the site, there will be no time for this. And the remnants of the dispute over the winter may finally perish.

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