We make a simple stand for a laptop with our own hands

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Experts argue that if the display of the laptop is located at eye level, then the user gets tired much less. But even without their conclusions, I felt that after a while after starting work on my laptop, my neck began to numb and my back ached. I tried to put a thick massive book under the computer and work this way. Honestly, I felt quite quickly that the specialists were absolutely right, and decided to make a stand under my laptop. Such that the laptop itself was "at altitude", and the connected keyboard remained on the table. So I like working personally much more. The main thing is that the computer should be stable.

You can buy a ready-made stand, but you also need to select it in size. And not the fact that it will be conveniently located on the table, so I decided to do it myself, to my taste. Dimensions do not indicate, as each of us has his own growth, as well as his own table and chair. Only a general principle - as I did for myself.


Material for stand

A sheet of fluoroplastic was used as a base for the stand, but it is possible and some other material. I managed to find a suitable size sheet to cut off the dimensions of my laptop. The thickness of the sheet is within 1 cm. The legs for this stand, I also made from this material, but here already on an amateur, you can use other materials. They can be made both wooden, and from a strip iron( to bend, but the total weight already will turn out more).Can be made of wood, plywood. The legs can be made at least rectangular, albeit with a bevel, in the form of triangles with one long side. I did strictly rectangular, it was more convenient for me. The main thing is to be the same. He also made the back footstep for reliability.

side view of the stand


The edges of the plates are easily processed with ordinary pelts. Legs to the stand glued the glue "Super - Moment" - quickly, simply and conveniently. The weight of the stand under my laptop turned out to be small, dimensions too. It's also convenient that now you can put something for a laptop: paper, flash drive, disks, yes anything - there is free space. The main thing is an idea, and everyone will be able to think up "under" themselves. Here's how the author of this video came up:

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