If before the owners of housing installed water meters mainly from savings, and some because of curiosity, as a fashion, now it is already a "severe" need. All houses and apartments must be equipped with such flow meters, even if necessary, then forcibly - such is the government's decision.
In apartments, where there is a centralized hot water supply( from the CHPP, the district boiler house), you will have to install two meters at once. One for cold water( HVS - cold water supply), the other - for hot( DHW).There are no differences in their installation, since the counters are set to the same. They measure the flow of water, but it is cold or hot, there is no difference. Let's consider the order of installation of counter ХВС the hands.
It should be noted that the installation of such devices are engaged either by specialists of the management company that serves this house, or a specialized organization that works with the CC on the principle of subcontracting. All management companies "painfully" react to the fact that someone takes their "bread".After all, this service is paid. Therefore, in order to avoid difficulties in sealing the meter by a technician called from the UK, it is necessary to establish it so that all technical norms are strictly observed.
Preparatory activities
- Acquisition of a meter. It is better to buy it in a specialized store. It is necessary to make sure that the passport for the device is registered with its serial number( and the correspondence №№ on the device and on the passport).In the Criminal Code it is worthwhile to ask in advance, no later than the date the counter had to be checked. In the passport there is a mark about factory tests, this date also needs to be clarified in the Criminal Code. So that later they did not say that the purchased meter was already obsolete;
- Purchase a coarse filter( mud cleaner).They are of two versions - "direct" and "slanting".It is necessary to determine in advance which part of the pipe it will be installed, since the straight line is placed only horizontally. The "slanting" mud maker can be used as you like;
- If the pipe is metal, then you need to buy a pipe made of metal-plastic and the corresponding adapters( fittings).The fact is that the installation of the counter and the filter is much simpler, if you put it on a metal pipe, not on a metal pipe. Therefore, it is desirable to replace part of the water supply. And even better - all that then again not to alter;
- Shut-off valve, which is placed immediately at the entrance of the pipe to the apartment( if necessary);
- Insulation material. Usually, a FUM tape is used, which perfectly replaces the traditional patch.
Priority of installation of the meter
- Shut-off valve( if necessary);
- Cleaning filter. It is necessary to ensure that the meter is not "hammered" by various particles of dirt that move through the pipes. It is necessary to pay attention to the correctness of its installation. On the filter housing there is an arrow that should be directed towards the current of the water;
- Counter. On its body there is also an arrow indicating the direction of water movement.
It should be borne in mind that some CC and their representatives are "cunning", claiming that they will have to pay for the sealing of the meter. Either deliberately, or ignorance, but they warn about the amount of payment. So, according to the law, if the counter is placed on the pipe for the first time, then its sealing is done absolutely FREE OF CHARGE! Paid sealing is performed only when the meter is reinstalled, that is after verification, repair or replacement for a new one.