Among the various technical security and alarm systems that are installed in buildings and on the adjacent territory, motion sensors are distinguished by their versatility. In principle, they were created as one of the elements of an integrated system and were intended for informing about unauthorized entry into "controlled" territory or premises. They are electronic devices working in the spectrum of IR radiation.
As the production of various devices serving to improve the comfort level of living began to develop, they began to be installed not only in security schemes, but also used in systems that are united by the common concept of "smart house".In particular, to automatically turn on the light in the place where a moving object appears, with a certain temperature. In order to better understand how to choose the best light sensor model for your home and how to install it correctly( or them), you should know in general terms the principle of its operation.
When the motion sensor
is triggered The installed device "scans" all the space that falls into the sector of its survey. Which particular area "sees" the sensor of a particular model, depends on its technical characteristics and location of installation. It constantly fixes the level of infrared radiation in the "zone of responsibility", and if there are no changes, then the signal at its output does not change.
When an object( person, animal) appears in the monitored sector, the temperature of which exceeds the established temperature in the room( on the territory), the output voltage changes. A sequence of pulses is formed, which are fed to the control circuit. Depending on how the "sensitivity" parameter is configured, a certain number of them( usually 2 - 3) leads to the closure of the circuit, resulting in switching on the lighting devices.
This is what makes the use of such devices extremely convenient for any room, as they provide precisely non-contact switching of lighting devices. It is not necessary to search for the switch in complete darkness, especially when both hands are loaded with something.
Features of application
From the name of the sensor it is clear that it captures only moving objects. Therefore, it is expedient to establish it where the person is for a short time. For an apartment it is a corridor( hallway), for a private house - also stairs, paths in the territory and so on.
In addition, they are well suited for installation in crowded places - corridors and staircases of administrative, industrial and residential buildings. According to some experts' estimates, only on the operation of such devices energy savings can reach 65%.
There is no sense in putting such products in high temperature areas( for example, laundry, sauna) and near the appliances and pipes of the heating system - the sensors simply will not work.
What to consider when buying
Mounting location and characteristics. It should be understood that all devices differ, including, and the review sector. For example, it makes no sense to buy a more expensive model that scans the space for 1800 if the sensor is supposed to be put in a corner.
It is necessary to take into account the possibilities of sensors in combination with some kind of lighting devices. For example, depending on their total capacity. Otherwise, the product's contacts can simply "burn out".
Design. Some models have special hinges that allow you to change the position of the device as necessary, thereby shifting the viewing sector in one direction or another( both in the vertical and horizontal direction).
Products can be designed for both outdoor and hidden installation. It is necessary to pay attention to the degree of protection - from moisture, dust.
Some sensors are powered from the 12 V circuit, there are direct-on-line models - by 220 V.
Parameter setting possibilities and their regulation limits
Operating time before switching off the lighting devices. The more this interval is longer, the easier it is to operate the sensor. But in order to organize the sequential switching on and off of lamps along the route of the person, for example, along the corridor, this time should be minimal. Such sensors allow to significantly save on the consumption of electricity.
Limit level of light exposure. This feature allows you to adjust the sensor so that it does not turn on the lights in good visibility conditions( during the day).
Sensitivity. From this setting, it is determined whether there will be false alarms of the sensor, and therefore, unauthorized lighting activation. For example, if a person in a dream turns over from side to side.
For example, sensor 1100 "Control-Lux".The range of "detection" of a moving object is up to 12 m. It can be installed both inside and outside the house. Adjusting the time to shutdown - in the range from 3 seconds to 12 minutes, which allows you to use it in any destination. The load to be connected( lighting devices) is up to 1 kW.Operating current - up to 16 A. The degree of protection provides for installation even in conditions of excessive humidity. The price is 585 rubles.
The model "LX-2000" will cost 1,100 rubles. In addition to triggering when driving, it reacts to sound. This allows you to turn on the lights, even when you are outside the room.
Assembly recommendations
In some cases, it is advisable to install an ordinary switch in the supply circuit of the lighting device in parallel with the sensor. If there is a need for a long stay in this room, then to ensure the illumination will have to constantly make any movement, otherwise the sensor "by default" simply turns off the light.
For example, going into the living room to sit and read a book, or going down to the basement to find something. There are many variants of such situations.
It should be noted that the installation of the sensor should be performed at a level of at least 1 m from the floor. Otherwise, it will work even when a cat or dog appears in the room, which light, as is known, is not particularly needed. But on the movement of the child, he must react. Otherwise, you will constantly have to turn on the light, for example, in the toilet.
If you intend to install a sensor with a viewing angle of 1800, the best place for it is on the ceiling or the wall of the room. Models with a particular sector of the survey are installed where it is more convenient, but the entrance / exit doors must necessarily fall into their field of vision. With this arrangement of the sensors, the light will turn on when they are opened.
When installing the product in a room with several doors, you need to take into account their location and the characteristics of the device. It is possible that you will have to put 2 sensors in one room so that they "see" all the inputs / outputs. In this case, they are connected in parallel.
There should not be any items in the review sector that would complicate the viewing of the space. For example, the elements of furniture. Otherwise there will be "blind zones", and the sensor will not react.
As a rule, on the case of the product( and in the accompanying documentation - mandatory), there is a diagram of its connection. When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to its features.
To consider, whether it is supposed to include in parallel lighting any more system? For example, ventilation.