Secrets of the right lighting of the living room

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Living room can safely be called the most important room in an apartment or house. It is here that the family spends most of their time and receives guests at solemn events. In this room everything should be perfect: from light to furniture design. In this article, we will tell you the main secrets of correct lighting in the living room, with photos, ideas and options for lighting.
  • General
  • Local
  • Decorative
  • What else should I know?


Most often in the living room combined lighting is used, while the main one always remains a ceiling light from one or several light sources. Actual option for many years remains the installation of the chandelier, especially since the choice of them is becoming more diverse. However, it should be noted that now it is becoming increasingly popular stretch ceilings, which need a special approach and not every chandelier is suitable. Crystal Chandelier

But do not be upset, as without the chandelier, you can also arrange ceiling lighting in the hall. This can be done with spotlights or LED strip. This option is especially desirable for lovers of modern style in the interior. Interesting ideas on how to make beautiful light in a stretch room or a ceiling made of plasterboard, we suggest to look at the photo:


Local lighting of the living room includes wall, floor and table lamps. With the help of these light sources, you can add coziness to the room, diversify the design and focus on any zone. The most popular is the installation of wall lights over the sofa for easy reading. Floor lamps are often placed in the corners of the room.

The general light is for reception of visitors, local - for family evenings in front of the TV.At the same time, the main thing in this business is not to go too far with a variety of fixtures. The abundance of additional light sources will be appropriate only in a large living room in a country house or cottage. As for the usual "Khrushchev", there is enough one wall sconce near the sofa and floor lamp. With the best ideas of local lighting, you can see in a small photo gallery:


Local lighting is often turned on only when necessary, while there are decor elements that need constant illumination. Thus, you create your own special atmosphere in the living room, emphasize the necessary details, and the room becomes truly unique. Organize properly decorative lighting is quite difficult, it all depends on the style of the hall and therefore quite individually. The original idea will be decorative lighting:

  • niches in the walls;
  • paintings;
  • of figurines;
  • aquarium;
  • other.

Also interesting ideas are neon fixtures, bubble and wall panels, LED stripes, floor lighting and skirting. We recommend to see a photo with a beautiful decorative lighting of the living room:

What else should I know?

In addition to the above tricks, there are the following nuances in the lighting of the hall:

  • If you have a living room combined with a kitchen, you need to divide the lighting fixtures into zones. In this case, the main accent should be made on the dining table, it is above it best to install a beautiful chandelier;Combination with living room
  • Holders of low ceilings should abandon the chandelier altogether and make spotlighting. Thus, you can visually make the ceilings higher;
  • A large selection of lighting fixtures will help to emphasize the unique style of the living room, whether it is modern, classic or provence. You can see this in the photo:
  • Floor lamps, placed at the corners of the room, visually increase the space;
  • Romance and comfort in any apartment will add beautiful lamps on the walls. They are ideal for English and classical styles;English style
  • In a wooden house in the country, an interesting option for lighting will be country-style lamps.
  • The fireplace will go well with the chic table lamps in the form of bronze candlesticks. With fireplace

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in which the experts of the "Housing issue" program showed their example of unusual lighting in the living room YouTube Trailer

. That's all the ideas and lighting photos in the living room, with which we wanted to share. We hope that now you can make your "dream room", thanks to our advice. Do not be afraid to experiment and see how much the apartment can be transformed by properly selected light!

Also read:

  • How to pay less for light
  • Original chandeliers and lamps
  • Calculation of lighting in a room online

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