Roofing - evaluation and installation

roof seam characteristics The name "rebated" is derived from the way the cover is assembled. The elements are joined by means of folds. What are the advantages of such a roof?

  • The light weight of the structure makes it possible to reduce the pressure on the roof frame. Also, it does not require amplification.
  • Qualitative protection against leakage. Since the seams are hidden, it is not easy to get moisture there.
  • The material that serves as the basis for the roof can be chosen independently. Metal for the seam roof is not only steel, you can also take a non-ferrous metal, for example, copper, titanium, aluminum and others.
  • There are several ways to mount a seam roof, including a self-locking method.
  • It is easy to operate and repair. For example, even if holes appear in it, copper is easily soldered.
  • No additional roof maintenance is required, and it can be used for dozens of years.
  • The shape of the roof does not matter, because the sheets easily get the right shape. Even the most difficult roof with corner swings is perfectly covered.

Naturally, the rebated roof is not without a drawback in .Here are some of them:

  • The material used for the rebated roof requires a lightning rod, since it has the property of accumulating a static current.
  • Often the laying process is not so simple, and for installation specialists are needed, especially if the roof device itself is not easy enough.
  • The smoothness of the roof becomes a disadvantage in the spring time, as snow falls easily from it, which leads to avalanche fall-out.
  • In winter, you should carefully clean the roof of snow and ice, as careless strokes can lead to deformation, premature corrosion and can cut the roof.
  • Some basic components, for example, copper or zinc-titanium, look more beautiful than galvanized steel, but they are more expensive.

Preparations for the installation of the rebated roof

Materials that will be required: nails, wire, bolts, clamps( it is important that they are made from the same material as the roof), a hammer, a wooden hammer, metal scissors, measuring tools. Roll technology uses machine tools.

Given that there are several ways how the folding roof can be laid, the video presented below will help to better understand them and choose the best for yourself.

Before proceeding with the installation of the folding, it is necessary to do the preparatory work. What are they? The fineness of the metal requires the following conditions: the presence of a solid roof or a crate. In the case where the roof has many corners, the lath must be continuous. If a self-locking roof is used, the crate is not made of wood bars, but of metal.

The distance between the beams in the crate should not be more than 25 cm. Thanks to this, dents will not appear in the roof. To raise the roof, lags are installed on the roof. The longer the sheet, the more lags will be required. The roof angle should be 140 degrees. At a smaller angle, the crate is made solid, so that the snow does not deform the roof.

Reinforced roof installation -

workflow To become a roof repair specialist using roof seals, the mounting technology must be thoroughly studied. It consists of two stages. The first is the preparation of pictures. This process is done on the construction site. Cut the workpieces to the specified dimensions. Then, marking the joint on the flange of adjacent sheets is done. With the help of a wooden hammer, the edges of the sheet are bent upwards. Here, holes for chimneys are marked.

The next stage is the installation of the roof itself. The sheets are lifted onto the roof, they are connected to a flange, and then secured to the crate by clamps. One end of the clamp is wound into the flange, and the other is nailed. Holes for chimney and other pipes are covered with aprons from galvanizing. You can visually study the installation of the rebated roof, the video of which clearly shows how to produce work. The sheets are leveled by blows on the protruding pictures with a hammer through a wooden beam.

The first sheet is exhibited especially carefully, since it will serve as a model for others. At 30 cm, it moves from the eaves, and then attached to the crate. Since the metal conducts sound well, it is possible to lay a sound-absorbing film underneath.

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