Steam insulation of the roof - when the condensate becomes the enemy?

Why is it important to make a roofing vapor barrier?

In such premises of the house as kitchen and bathroom, vaporization occurs constantly during all climatic periods of the year, and in other rooms it increases its intensity in the autumn-winter period( the house "breathes").In the absence of vapor barrier, there is a process of intensive accumulation of steam and settling on the insulation in the form of frost on the side of the roof.

If the waterproofing layer is equipped, then a large amount of such "fur coat" of frost can be accumulated between it and the heater. With the arrival of heat, all frost turns into water, which flows down. This increases the humidity of the ceiling and the upper sections of the walls. If there is a lot of moisture, the entire construction of the house gets wet.

It is clear that all this leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the insulating material, the appearance of mold, fungus, rotting insulation and structural elements, the general deterioration of living conditions in such a house. Therefore, to prevent such a threat, it is necessary to install a steam insulation of the roof. To do this, you can use special reinforced films for vapor barrier, bitumen membranes, sprayed liquid rubber, ruberoid, several layers of polyethylene film, etc.

Which materials can protect the roof from condensation?

The choice of material is determined by the operating conditions. For example, for wooden log cabins a reinforced steam protective film is needed. An important point of the choice will be the need for a continuous layer of such a vapor barrier. Therefore, if the materials to be sprayed are done "automatically", then in the case of roll films or membranes, the joints of their joints are carefully glued( for example, with adhesive tape).

Specialists claim that there is no such universal insulation for the device. Even the vapor barrier of walls and roofing is carried out by various means. The choice of isomaterials is made depending on a variety of conditions. Among the advantages of materials on the bitumen base are their elasticity and efficiency of application. In addition, even if the piercing of such a layer occurred during piercing, the properties of bitumens save the piercing object, the steam can not get behind such a film.

In places of abutting of such a film to the elements of the house structure( chimney pipes, joints of a heater, walls, etc.), measures should be taken to maximize joint sealing.

Even crimping clamps can be used for this, etc. Sufficiently universal material, which conducts vapor barrier and waterproofing of the roof, are considered films and membranes Izospan. They well protect the heater from external and internal moisture.

Basic rules for laying the vapor barrier

In order to reliably protect the thermal insulation carpet from external and internal moisture, while maintaining its low thermal conductivity, the device hydroparop insulation roof is carried out according to certain rules. When installing a waterproofing layer, it is necessary to ensure the presence of ventilation gaps with a heater of at least three millimeters.

This is done so that the residual condensate resulting from the temperature changes can evaporate. This is how the outer layer of the heat insulator is ventilated. In the insulation device, as already mentioned, it is necessary to prevent the penetration of steam into the thermal protection material.

One of the conditions will be the laying of films with an overlap of at least twenty centimeters, with mandatory sizing of these areas. When laying the film, you need to pay attention to the side to which it will come into contact with the insulator. As a rule, one side has a glossy surface. It is this surface that will be external. And the second side comes into contact with the heater. In this case, the film is laid correctly.

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