Design of a house with an attic - a special kind of creativity

We design the house with the attic of the

Residential premises under the roof of a full-fledged second floor can be preferred either by incorrigible romantics, or economical or practical people. True, while representatives of each of these camps will think through the design of the house with an attic for themselves. In particular, if there is a propensity for romanticism, you should pay attention to the glazing, it is the high window openings almost from the floor that will allow you to admire the surrounding views and stars without getting out of bed.

You should also pay attention to the backlight. If you place light sources with shades in unused areas under a low slope near the side bulkheads, a soft blackout will artificially be created at the bottom of the room. As for the practical and economic aspects, the attic is beneficial in all respects. For those who want to use the attic most effectively, it is best to make a bathroom under the roof in addition to the living room.

The low-profile sides of the jacuzzi fit perfectly under the low slope of the roof, near the bulkhead, and at the highest point you can install a shower. If you are building a house from scratch, determine in advance where the bedrooms will be, if at the bottom, then on the second level you can make a living room that will perfectly fit with the balconies and galleries embedded in the roof. If the living room you want to make on the first floor, take the attic under the bedrooms, under the starry sky it will be pleasant to fall asleep.

Interior of the house with an attic - non-standard furnishings

If you are not a fan of minimalism, when all the furniture consists of only one bed, which also does not have a rigid body, but is a high spring mattress, you should take care of the interior when arranging the attic. And the standard furniture is not always suitable. For example, the same bed can be put any, but if you slide it under the low overhanging roof slope, consider the height of the backrest.

The chairs within the high ceiling can be arranged as usual, but near the bulkhead a sofa or a couch without a high back is better. The interior of the attic of a wooden house must also be wooden, in order to comply with the concept of style. As for the cabinets, everything here depends on how you divided the common area of ​​the attic into separate rooms. If, for example, somewhere the wall goes along the ridge, you can put it to an ordinary cupboard or make it built-in.

If the room occupies the entire width of the floor, the interior of the house with the attic should be given the inclined ceiling .In particular, the cabinets turn into a kind of built-in chest of drawers along the bulkhead, the bed extends to the middle. If the attic is two-level, which is possible only under the condition of a very high roof, when the skate rises to a height of more than 5 meters, the sleeper can be made on the second tier, the roof is completely glazed over it.

What are the most beautiful houses with an attic?

The house can be very effective regardless of whether there are attic rooms in it or not, but the windows in the pediment, as well as directly in the roofing, give the building a certain chic. However, it's not just the windows. If you carefully consider the beautiful houses with an attic, you can see that their roofs in most cases are made taking into account the placement under the roof slopes of living quarters.

For example, you want to build on your site a two-story house with a veranda that has joined it on the one hand, and on the other - a garage. And on the second floor you expect to make an attic, and over the veranda and garage - two more. So why not combine all this under two common ramps of a large area, descending almost to the ground in the form of awnings on both sides of the house?

When constructing a roof, it is necessary to take into account the climatic factor, if in the region it is very snowy winters, it is better to make a roof not too shallow.

You can make a house and a concession, while the attic can be combined with staircases that will turn them into a single multi-level residential complex, whose center will be, for example, a room above the second floor. Of course, in this case the house will become almost a labyrinth, especially if you add on the second and third levels the surrounding girders along the front and the roof of the gallery, but it will be much more interesting to live.

Another fairly common element, complemented by some beautiful attic houses, is a tower with a staircase connecting the floors between each other. Such a design will turn any country house into a miniature castle.

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