Ondulin - building materials for laying the roof

Should I choose ondulin?

Ondulin is manufactured on the basis of cellulose, purified bitumen, resin, pigments and minerals. The material is impregnated under high pressure, due to which it acquires high strength and perfect appearance. Ondulin has a large color gamut, which makes it easy to choose the right coating. All colorants for it are made on the basis of minerals, so they are not harmful to humans. Below, consider the advantages and disadvantages of ondulin:

  • Long service life. Most often the guarantee for this material is given for 15 years, but, in fact, it can be used for 50 years;
  • Environmentally friendly. At manufacturing natural components which are harmless for the person are used. The advantage here is that there is no asbestos in its composition, the minus is the characteristic smell that occurs when heated;
  • The material is durable and hardy. It easily tolerates a lot of snow, but it becomes fragile at subzero temperatures, so it is recommended to lay it on a frequent crate;
  • Fire safety. Ondulin is sufficiently fireproof, but not the best in this indicator. At a temperature of 250-300 degrees Celsius, it can ignite;
  • Light weight and easy installation process;
  • Large range of colors. Since the material is made from natural ingredients, building materials can be painted in any color, which is very important for creating a design of the building;
  • High heat, noise and moisture insulation.

As you can see, minuses of ondulin are less significant in comparison with its advantages, therefore it is one of the most popular roofing materials. Important! Qualitative ondulin must have a corresponding certificate.

Ondulin, building materials and their characteristics

Those who plan to work with ondulin, you need to know its technical characteristics. The first thing you should pay attention to is the composition of the material. In the quality coating should be the following components: bitumen, cleared, mineral fillers, cellulose fibers, polymer resin, mineral pigments. Dimensions of the ondulin according to the standard are the following: length - 2000 mm, width - 950 mm, thickness - 3 mm, corrugation height - 36 mm, weight - 6 kg.

Important! If you buy a seller tells about the properties and components that are not in the documents of the goods, then, most likely, you are trying to sell a fake.

Disadvantages of ondulin are mainly manifested in its response to temperature changes. So, its composition at a high temperature softens, and at low it becomes brittle. These technical features must be taken into account, especially in our climatic zone. To solve this problem, a crate with a shorter step is made than a crate for slate. Using the right crate, this problem can be solved.


Now let's look at how to work with ondulin. The process of its installation differs little from the laying of ordinary slate. Wavy surface promotes better sound insulation. Mount it is necessary with the use of drills, nails or screws. With the help of a drill holes are made, they insert a screw, which is screwed into the crate. It is necessary to take into account that all nails and screws for work should be with seals, which will prevent the seepage of water under the cover.

When mounting in the lower row of the ondulin, it is necessary to screw the screws into each wave on the material. Then screwing is done through the wave. When laying, sheets should be attached with offset, so that joints are placed in different places. Self-tapping screws need to be screwed thoroughly, as they can be turned off when heated.

Note! The installation of ondulin is not recommended in rain, extreme heat and frost.

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