Placement of the pit on the site
Often, a significant disadvantage of country houses and dachas is the lack of centralized sewerage. An exit from such situation is independent equipment of a site with a cesspool, a sediment bowl or a septic tank.
However, before starting work, it is necessary to get acquainted with SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, as well as SNiP 30-02-97, where all the parameters for this type of facilities are indicated:
- The yard water catchments of domestic sewage are allowed to be built on the territory of privatehouseholds in the absence of central sewage;
- The pit must be no closer than 20 m and not further than 100 m from residential buildings and playgrounds;
- For private lands that have a summer kitchen or a campsite on their territory - the distance can be reduced to 10 m relative to each building;
- The distance from the pit to the central water supply system is 10 m and more, from open wells and springs - 50 m;
- The depth of this sewage can reach 3 m, but not below groundwater level;
- Fillability with waste should not be less than 35 cm from the edge of the cesspool;
- 1 m - this is the kind of indentation you need to make from the border with the neighboring site.
The cesspool should be cleaned as needed, but at least twice a year.
In addition to cleaning, periodic disinfection with chemical preparations is also carried out, which includes: 5% sodium hypochlorite and creolin, 10% chloride bleach, naphthalol, sodium metasilicate. The same mixture, in addition to daily cleaning, is treated and street toilets.
Types of cesspools
The presence or absence of a bottom in the cesspool determines what type it is. According to
SNiP 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.03-85, there are two types of inter-yard settling tanks:
- An ordinary pit without a bottom( it is allowed to use at a volume of drains not more than a day, while the soils are absorbed by the soil);
- Hermetic with a bottom( it is the best option for a daily volume of sewage more than 1 m3).
Requirements SanPiN to cesspools without a bottom
The sanitary rules and regulations noted that this type of sedimentation tank should have a depth exceeding the level of the location of drinking water in the well. Otherwise, water pollution can not be avoided.
According to the requirements, the distance from the drain pit to the well depends on the type of soil on which they are located. So, for clayey soils - the distance should be 20 m and more, loamy - 30-35 m, sandy loamy and sandy - 50 m.
Sealed pits and their features
Place a sealed container for collection of waste in the area in such a way as to provide freethe access to it of a sewage cleaning machine. Pipes laid from the source of drains to the storage tank should have an inclination angle of 2-3 degrees towards the container.
Unlike conventional cesspools, sealed pits have a number of advantages:
- Sinks accumulate inside the tank, do not leak into the environment and, accordingly, do not pollute it;
- You can install this structure anywhere, regardless of the type of soil and the flow of groundwater;
- Long service life, thanks to materials from which septic tanks are made.
Having invested one time, and having bought a quality sealed container for collecting waste, you will rid yourself of unpleasant odors and other negative consequences.