Design curtains for the kitchen: the types and subtleties of choice

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The main function of curtains is to give aesthetics and coziness to the interior design. And if we are talking about the kitchen, they should still stimulate the appetite and help raise the mood. Curtains for the kitchen are recommended to choose warm shades. And those who are not afraid of courageous design experiments, can pick bright colors. In addition to the aesthetic function, curtains perform a practical task. They muffle bright sunlight and thereby regulate the lighting in the kitchen, preventing the penetration of various insects from the street and restricting the air circulation. Consider all the subtleties of choosing curtains for the kitchen in this article.

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Varieties of products

Curtains are divided into species by several criteria. The configuration distinguishes:

  • lifting;
  • sliding models.

Products of the first type are made on the basis of lightweight fabrics - silk or cotton. For sliding models, velvet and taffeta are used, as they must preserve the image.

Also curtains for the kitchen are divided into types according to the design style:

  1. Classic models consist of two vertical panels - a light curtain and heavy curtain fabric. In some cases, these curtains are supplemented with lambrequins.
  2. Roman blinds refer to the lifting type. In the process of lifting, folds are formed from the tissue, which are superimposed one on top of the other. These models remotely resemble blinds. They are quite comfortable, so Roman curtains are used frequently in the kitchen.
  3. French models are made mainly of silk. From other products they are distinguished by multiple lacing. Due to the presence of cords, the blind can be gathered by pulling in the upper part of the eaves.
  4. Austrian curtains have the same principle of operation as the French models. But their difference is that when lowering the fabric is smoothed. Cords pass through special rings or loops from the back side of the panel. When raising the curtains, the fabric is collected in the form of festoons.
  5. Rolling models. These curtains appeared relatively recently, but have already gained popularity due to their practicality. To place them requires very little space, so this is an appropriate option for those who choose curtains for a small kitchen. In the process of folding, they take the form of a roll. If desired, you can apply a photo image to curtains of a roll type, which will make the design of the kitchen more original.
  6. Japanese curtains are separate panels decorated with fabric. Performed on the basis of a dense and hard material. Such models are suitable for laconically decorated rooms. They are equipped with a rope mechanism, by means of which lifting is carried out. These models allow you to free the window opening completely.


Selection criteria

The choice should be made taking into account the following criteria:

  • ceiling heights;
  • parameters of windows;
  • color of wall decoration;
  • location of the room with respect to the sides of the world;
  • personal preferences of the owners.

To make the right choice you need to navigate in the names and properties of the tissues. The most popular today for the production of curtains is silk, linen and cotton material, which is combined with synthetics. Also used rep, velvet, wool. On the texture of the fabric are divided into:

  • shiny;
  • matt;
  • are smooth;
  • textured varieties.

And also they can have a printed image or applications.

Recently, the popularity of fabrics from natural materials has increased without synthetic additions. This trend has come from Western European countries, where the theme of ecology is quite relevant today. But at the same time, consumers also find artificial fabrics, such as polyester and viscose in combination with linen and cotton. They are very easy to care for, so these fabrics do not lose popularity.

Among the new trends can also be distinguished chameleon fabric. Their advantage is the ability to change the shade. To do this, you need to look at the product data from different points of the room. The textile industry also offers such an interesting option as a material with aluminum threads.
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The main aspects of the choice of products:

  1. Choosing options for curtains for the kitchen, you should start from the general style of the room.
  2. It is also necessary to pay attention to the practicality of the material.
  3. It should be taken into account that the cooking process is performed daily in the kitchen. Consequently, the soot will accumulate soot and grease on the curtains. It is necessary to choose a wear-resistant material that is able to withstand repeated washing and does not shed. Today, you can find curtains on the market that can repel mud.
  4. In the selection process, the space of the room should be taken into account. Design curtains for a small kitchen should not include large drawings, their application will visually reduce an already small room. In this case, a suitable choice will be curtains with transverse bands, they will visually expand the space.
  5. For the correct choice, the size of the window opening and the presence of the balcony door are of importance. For a small window it is recommended to select light materials, becausethis will make it possible to visually increase its height. Curtains in the kitchen with a balcony door should not be massive and dense, otherwise they will prevent the door from opening and closing freely. Textiles for the balcony door should be chosen from a fabric that does not lend itself to deformation under the influence of sharp temperature changes. Do not select models with long panels, a draft can throw them on the stove.
  6. In the kitchen it is recommended to hang curtains made of natural materials, they are less prone to fire than artificial fabrics. On sale you can find products impregnated with a special composition, which prevents the ignition of the panel.
  7. Design curtains for the kitchen should be designed taking into account the overall color. Warm shades will create a sense of warmth, and cold colors will give the room austerity and restraint.
  8. You should focus on the interior of the room. If the kitchen furniture is made of natural wood, curtains must also be selected from natural materials. For a room decorated in English or Victorian style, the best option will be heavy curtains made of expensive fabrics. Lightweight products of light colors are used for country style or minimalism.


Curtains in the kitchen with their own hands

Curtains can be made by yourself. Initially, you need to determine the right amount of material. For this purpose, the distance from the cornice to the lower level of the curtain is measured. Its length can reach the window sill, if you need short curtains in the kitchen. Another option is possible, you should focus on your taste and design of the room. To the received indicator it is necessary to add 9 cm, then the material will need to be tucked in the upper and lower parts. The result that will be obtained will be equal to the required length. To determine the width, you should know the length of the cornice, multiply the result by 1.5 and add 4 cm. Then you need to make a pattern, the variations of which there are many. Consider the method of sewing curtains based on the most common pattern - a rectangle.

Curtains in the Venetian style

For tailoring you will need:

  • natural fabric;
  • satin ribbon;
  • material for the bands between the festoons.

The manufacturing process includes the following:

  1. A strip is stripped from the atlas, the length of which corresponds to the width of the window, and the width of the blade itself is 13 cm.
  2. In addition, several bands will be needed to distinguish the festons. To form them, the material must be gathered in the longitudinal direction, retreating a distance of 80 cm. This can be done with a needle and a strong thread.
  3. Both sides of the satin strips are tucked in at 1.5 cm and pressed together.
  4. Then they need to be put in the place where the drapery threads are, cut the material with pins and sew it.
  5. As a result we get a curtain with vertically arranged strips. In the places where they end, tapes are tied. Subsequently, they can form bows.
  6. The strip, which is cut according to the window parameters, should be turned 1 cm from both sides, swept to the curtain at the top and stitched first along the edges, then retreating by 5 cm.


The way of sewing the Roman model

For work you will need:

  • fabrictwo types: for lining and drapes;
  • pencil;
  • protractor;
  • adhesive tape;
  • ringlets;
  • slats and pins;
  • cord made of nylon material.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. The work begins with the preparation of the patterns of the main and lining material. Using chalk and protractor on the fabric, it is necessary to note the locations of the kulisks, the width of which should be 6 cm, and the distance between them - 25 cm.
  2. The braid is sewn on the wrong side. The curtain of the Roman type should have a weighting agent at the bottom. To form it, you need to tuck the bottom edge twice in 5 cm and stitch it.
  3. Next to the upper edge of the sewing tape, on it will be the eyelet.
  4. It is necessary to put the pins in the wings. The wooden bar is inserted into the lower fuselage, after which the holes are stuck.
  5. Similarly, you should process the top bar. Blind on it is put on with velcro and loop.
  6. Then you need to retreat from the edge of 10 cm and sew to the kulisks with 2 plastic rings, through which the cord is threaded.
  7. To the window frame it is necessary to attach hooks on which the curtain will be worn.


Curtain with eyelets

To sew a model you need to prepare:

  • fabric;
  • Garter Tape:
  • Grommets;
  • material for finishing cuff.

The product is sewn in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to cut out the material. In the course of this process, it is necessary to provide for the depth of folds. The width of the cuff should be 25 cm, the center with the help of a chalk, a line is drawn, to which then an eye-lapping tape is glued. For this, the cuffs must be ironed along the entire length.
  2. Then it needs to do the same procedure for the seam allowance from both sides.
  3. The product should then be stitched and screwed out with the front side.
  4. The curtain is inserted into the cuffs and again is spread out.
  5. You need to attach eyelets to it. To do this, use the chalk to mark the places where these elements will be located, and then cut out the holes.
  6. To install the eyelets, you need a lower half piece to lay under the fabric, then cover the top and snap it.
  7. Work on this is over. Thinking about the design of curtains in the kitchen, photos can be found on special websites.


Care instructions

  1. You can clean the curtains with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming them is recommended often, so as not to allow dust accumulation. For this purpose, curtains are desirable and aired.
  2. You can also give them to dry cleaning or to wash yourself. However, you should follow the instructions for the type of fabric from which the curtains are made.
  3. If they are prone to shrinkage, they should be soaked before washing. You can provide this moment at the sewing stage and leave allowances to release them later and adjust the size of the curtains.
  4. After washing, the curtains must be rinsed well. In the opposite case, a small amount of detergent will remain in the tissue, which, in combination with the sun's rays, will help burn the product.
  5. If washing is carried out by the machine, it is recommended to select a delicate mode. When ironing curtains should be slightly moistened.
  6. Fabrics from natural material should be steamed beforehand. With proper care, curtains can last for 10-15 years.



Curtains in the kitchen have two functions: decorative and practical. They favorably complement the interior, protect from the bright rays of the sun and cold air. To ensure that the products fit harmoniously into the room, their design should correspond to the general style of the kitchen. Today there is a wide choice, but if you want, you can sew them on your own. In the presence of products such as curtains, curtains the kitchen will look more comfortable.

Kitchen design options for curtains are available on video:

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