Required sewer pipes
Previously, only metal pipes were used for this purpose, but they are quite susceptible to corrosion, which is why their service life is not long. Today, plastic has been used to solve this problem.
An additional plus to its durability is that there is no need to conduct welding operations and use construction equipment for installation, because a plastic pipe of the same diameter as a metal pipe is an order of magnitude easier.
When choosing pipes for local sewerage, it must be taken into account that there are differences between internal and external sewerage.
- Internal - this is all plumbing, which is located inside the house;
- External - the pipeline is located on the street, as well as sewage treatment plants, storage tanks.
You can distinguish the pipes by their colors. So, the pipes for the street have a brown-orange color, and the pipes for the house are light gray. You should carefully read the information in the accompanying documents. Manufacturers describe in detail the scope of all types of pipes. Also it is necessary to take an interest in the certificate of quality, which guarantees the purchase of quality goods.
Depth and slope of the pipe laying
At what depth do you dig the sewage system at the exit from the house? If you focus on the standards of SNiP, the system should leave the house 30 cm higher than the freezing point. In this case, it should not be less than 70 cm. In fact, considering the conditions of our climatic latitude, most often the pipes are laid at a distance from the soil surface of 50 cm. This is quite enough if a platform or a roadway that will be cleaned from abovesnow in the winter.
Determining the depth of the sewerage, one should take into account the fact that in most cases it is planned that the drains will leave by gravity due to the slope of the pipe. In this regard, it is necessary to determine its bias.
Note! If it is planned not to drain the system, but to pump out, then it is not necessary to make a grade.
Norms assume that with a pipe diameter of up to 50 millimeters, the slope should be at a rate of 0.03 meters per meter of pipeline. Pipes up to 100 millimeters lie under a slope of 0.02 meters. If these norms are violated, the drains will be too fast or too slow. In both cases, this increases the chances of clogging, since solid waste will begin to settle, which will impede flow.
It is mistakenly assumed that the depth of the sewer laying should exceed the freezing layer. But this is not always possible. Therefore, it is necessary to determine depth with a specific situation.
Tip! For an accurate calculation of the depth, consult a specialist for assistance.
From all of the above, we draw the following conclusions:
- In the average climatic zone, the depth of the sewerage will be 0.5 meters. Further from the house the system should go under the slope recommended by SNiP;
- The fact that the pipes will freeze, you should not worry. Draining of water occurs at room temperature, so the entire hoarfrost is washed off. Also, the pipes are heated as a result of biological processes in the septic tank. And if the system is not used, it is empty, so there is simply nothing to freeze there.