Analysis of reviews of owners of houses made of expanded clay blocks, all pluses and minuses

ceramzitobeton More and more of our compatriots are trying to solve their own housing problems independently, not hoping for the favor of officials. The increase in the number of developers has caused the influx of new materials to the market, many of which we have a very vague notion. The natural desire to build quickly and cheaply attracts attention to products made of artificial stones. Their range is quite impressive, so we will dwell in detail on only one representative of this type of construction materials - expanded clay concrete.

Since this article is devoted to the analysis of reviews of those who have already tested the conformity of information that can be learned from advertising, the real state of affairs, it is worthwhile to bring all the reviews of the owners of houses from keramzit-concrete blocks, both laudatory and negative, and let the reader draw conclusionsitself.

By the way, there are also such "original" statements as "the material refers to the non-combustible", "it is not susceptible to rust," "it is not damaged by rodents."It is clear that there is no reason to dwell on such and such obvious "conclusions" - we will not pour from empty to empty.

Arguments "FOR"

Low cost

To make this clear, let's quote the comparative cost of 1 m3 of masonry( in rubles) of some materials:

  • claydite-concrete - 2 250;
  • foam concrete - 2 650;
  • brick - from 5 500.

Although this is an approximate price, but the general idea they give.

Versatility of

kladka masonry It is understood that one can use either a traditional cement-based mortar or an adhesive compound( special).While, for example, blocks of gas silicate are bound only with special glue.


technology Firstly , this is explained by the same dimensions( if the products are not "handicraft" manufacturing) with the dimensions of the blocks.

Secondly, , a relatively small mass of products makes it possible to do without lifting mechanisms. For example, the block "standard" full-bodied wall weighs about 25 kg( 390 х 190 х 188).Slots, partitions - and even less. Read more about the production process and the necessary equipment for expanded clay blocks.

At the same time, there is some difficulty in the processing of expanded clay concrete. To cut it, you will need a saw with teeth out of the winning.

The block structure allows the walls to "breathe"

This is due to sufficient vapor permeability of the material. Consequently, the microclimate in the house will be maintained at an unchanged level with a minimum of additional costs.

Good performance

Yes, claydite blocks are characterized by frost and moisture resistance, they "keep" the house warm. There are also a number of attractive parameters. But if you look at the reviews of other building materials, then they are almost the same. Probably, it's all about the correct selection of products with reference to the specific features of the climate( critical temperatures, humidity, etc.).


Arguments "AGAINST"

In this material the fasteners do not hold fast

fixture It all depends on the characteristics of the particular block( in particular, the density) and the type of fasteners. For example, anchor bolts are ideal for foam blocks, and they have a more porous structure. Although the complexity of attaching hinged elements can not be completely denied, but, for example, dowels in the material are held securely.

Walls made of expanded clay concrete look "unpresentable"

And although this is true, it is still worth noting( for the sake of objectivity) that often you have to finish buildings built of other materials. So this "minus" is somewhat relative. As a rule, developers choose the least expensive option - finishing with decorative plaster.

What to take into account

Even similar products from different manufacturers have their own characteristics. This is due to several factors:

  • degree of deterioration of equipment involved in the process chain. On this depends, for example, the accuracy of its "tuning" and as a result - the correspondence of the linear parameters of the blocks declared;
  • production technology. This applies not only to the proportionality of the components in the mixture being prepared, but also to their characteristics-the dimensions of the claydite granules, the cement grade, and so on, which directly affects such factors as sound, heat insulation, strength, and a number of others.

brick house

All feedbacks are purely subjective, so you need to take into account the following points:

  • in which climatic zone construction was carried out? After all, many of those whose reviews were studied in the preparation of this article, this is not mentioned in any way;
  • on what project was the house built? For example, speaking of the insufficient strength of expanded clay concrete, the owner does not indicate which structure is involved - in 1 or 3 floors? In addition, does he have the notion that when reinforcing structural structures it is recommended to do reinforcement?
  • developer experience in this kind of business?

Firstly, , it's no secret that even the best material can, speaking in Russian, "ohayit" if the construction technology was violated.

Secondly, , the choice of corresponding blocks( by characteristics) needs to be done meaningfully, and not blindly copy someone or guided by the advice of the Seller, who has no idea where the construction will be conducted, what features will be encountered. Well, his personal interest in sales volumes is not worth talking about.

Thirdly, , but how many are already the person who speaks well about the house made of expanded clay, lives in it? After all, in order to fully appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of something, it takes time, and sometimes considerable. For example, can a host put a "plus" to this material durability, if he "built" just a couple of years ago?


Several tips

  • Given the characteristic features of the material, when ordering a house "turnkey" you need to specify the full cost of the work, since the facing is a separate item, which Contractors often "modestly hold back," counting on the fact that then the owner will have nowhere to go,and he will pay additional payment.
  • When choosing any material, and not just keramzitblokov, you need to understand that any shortcomings can be "smoothed" by carrying out certain activities. For example, additional hydro- or thermal insulation. The main thing is to determine how much it will cost? It is possible that the "minus" of specific products will not be so significant.

The article lists all the most typical reviews and gives some comments. And whether it is worthwhile to be built of expanded clay concrete or not, it's up to the reader. It remains only to note that before the final conclusion it is advisable to compare all the features of expanded clay concrete with other building materials, for example, after reading an article on what it is cheaper to build a house. This will give a clearer idea of ​​what it is better to erect YOUR OWN HOME, taking into account all the nuances of construction.

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