Septik own hands without pumping out

Formation of a foundation pit

The erection of such an element of a summer canal without pumping begins with digging a hole or excavation in which it can be located. The maximum daily expenditure for the average family is about 1.5 cubic meters. Based on this figure, you can calculate that the optimal volume of the excavation is about 8 cubic meters. A larger volume is also possible, but, as practice shows, 8 cubic meters is enough.

Thus, the construction of a septic tank begins with digging a pit in the form of a parallelepiped with a facet length of about 2 meters. More often than not, only one shovel will be sufficient for such purposes. But if the owner has the means, or the soil does not allow the hand-held digging, it is advisable to use an excavator. The excavation can take about two or three days to dig.

Formation of a pit

Manufacturing of formwork

For the construction of a septic tank with your own hands, it is best to use sliding formwork. This kind of formwork will be more effective as the sewage structure consists of a two-chamber concrete structure. It follows that the construction of the second chamber will be greatly facilitated and accelerated. To prepare a septic tank, such materials will be needed:

  • Several pieces of plastic pipes. Proceeding from the fact that before the device of the drain collector the sewerage itself will be installed, there will be no shortages in this kind of materials, since it will remain a lot in the form of production waste.
  • Also in order for the wooden sheets to stand rigidly, you will need pieces of wooden beams.
  • To create a formwork framework you will need reinforcing bars.

If you stock up all of the above building elements, the septic with your own hands without pumping will be mounted quickly and without unnecessary difficulties.

Manufacturing of formwork

Formwork technology in the foundation of the

This process consists of several stages:

  • The wooden sheets are installed inside the pit and connected by a wedge method.
  • Then there is a preparation of drainage holes, during which holes in the bottom of the wooden sheets are cut out, equal in diameter to the pre-prepared lengths of pipes. The distance between these holes should be about 30 centimeters.
  • The drainage pipes are laid in the pit through the formwork.

Concreting technology for the construction of a septic tank

The self-contained septic tank is poured in accordance with the following principles:

  • Cement, sand, superplasticizer liquid, water are used for the mortar. All ingredients are combined in a certain proportion and thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer or manually.
  • Before casting, reinforcing materials are installed inside the formwork.
  • The mortar is poured into the prepared formwork to the brim. Then this building must be allowed to dry for a few days.
  • After complete drying the formwork is removed and installed in the second part of the excavation. The process of filling is repeated.

Concreting technology in the construction of septic tanks

The septic separation process for the

cleaning stages After solidification of concrete, the structure should be divided into two parts, each of which performs a specific function. The first tank collects solid parts of sewage. In the second part, through the overflow hole drain liquid elements.

The construction of the separation wall can be carried out and various building materials. It can be a brick, cinder block or ground stone. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the overflow hole. It should be at a distance of about half a meter from the inlet.

The process of separating the septic tank into sewage treatment plants

Overlap of the erected

After complete drying of the structure, it is possible to proceed to its overlap, during which the channel is laid on the septic with its own hands without pumping out. Above them are placed wooden sheets or flat slate. Overlap reinforced reinforcement and poured solution. Before the concreting through the pre-made holes, the discharge and discharge pipes are conducted. Also, the overlap must contain openings through which, during operation, it will be possible to perform an inspection and stream repair of the structure.

In order to avoid freezing of liquid elements inside the septic tank, thereby improving its operation, it is worthwhile making the insulation of the device. The layer of insulation is put on top of the ceiling and covered with a layer of soil, the thickness of which should be at least 30 centimeters. The warming layer should be one meter larger than all the facets of the septic's projection. Warming can be done with the help of such materials: IPS, polystyrene, chips, sawdust, hay, etc.

Overlapping the erected device

After all the above works, the septic tank is ready for operation and can function as a drain collector.

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