Silk plaster in the interior

Any repair - cosmetic, capital - sooner or later involves the finishing of walls. At this point, many begin to doubt - what better to do, because the construction market presents a huge selection of wall decoration materials. People are looking for the perfect finishing material, so that it is quality and beautiful. Such requirements are met by silk plaster.


material This worthy finishing material has won the hearts of many people. Silk plaster is a recent invention. The material meets the requirements of the environment, has no smell, so it can be safely recommended for interior decoration of any purpose.


Components that are part of the finishing material only of natural origin. Silk plasters can include silk fibers, natural cellulose, and also harmless decorative additives. The binding material is glue, which also meets the standards of ecology.

Often, instead of the phrase "silk plaster" in building stores, you can hear another term - "liquid wallpaper".Both names of this finishing material meet all the above requirements.

Why liquid wallpaper? Plaster from natural components is sold in small packages. To achieve a certain consistency, the powder must be diluted with water. Then the finished finishing material is applied to the walls as a replacement for conventional roll wallpaper. Therefore, if the consultants are asked to pay attention to liquid wallpaper, this is silk plaster.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of

plaster Do you remember how long to glue paper wallpapers? How much effort does it take to adjust the pattern and make the joint seam imperceptible? And how many times you had to "travel" through the rooms with a bubble of glue and glue the wallpaper on the seams. With liquid wallpaper, you can forget about all the problems forever, because the main and indisputable advantage of silk plaster is the possibility of covering the entire surface without a seam. In addition, liquid wallpaper is indispensable for finishing non-standard rooms with a complex geometry of the walls. All sorts of projections, corners and turns to cover with usual wallpaper is very problematic. And what about the arches, fireplace ducts and bay windows. Such surfaces can be covered only with liquid wallpaper.

Advantages of silk plaster:

  1. The surface of the walls does not require thorough preparation. For example, to apply silk plaster silk plaster the surface does not need to be made perfectly smooth and smooth. All irregularities, protuberances and small hillocks disguise silk plaster. The main thing that you need to observe when working with this plaster is to clean the wall of dust and debris, and also dry it, so that it is not wet.
  2. If during the operation of the surface a strong shrinkage occurred at home or other mechanical damages occurred, all small cracks can be easily removed. When the defect is small, it can be slightly moistened with water from a spray gun, and then with a plastic spatula or trowel, smooth the crack. More noticeable damage( after rearranging the furniture or if the cat was scratched by the wall), the surface should also be dripped abundantly with water and with a spatula, remove the damage.
  3. Resistance to light. Plaster is not afraid of direct sunlight, does not burn out and with the years does not lose its original color and shine.
  4. The material is universal. Silk plaster can be safely used to finish walls in the bathroom - provided that these areas do not have direct contact with water( walls where the bathroom is installed, a washbasin and a shower booth - it is better to coat the surface with a ceramic tile).Suitable liquid wallpaper and for the kitchen, they are not exposed to moisture and do not absorb odors. If the surface is treated with varnish, the walls can be washed, which will significantly extend the life of the silk plaster.
  5. Decorative material is easy to apply. Even a novice can handle the work, which can not be said about the technology of applying Venetian plaster, where it is necessary to have special equipment and experience with multicomponent materials. Even if the first time you do not all work out perfectly, you can remove the plaster when it has not dried up - and try everything again.
  6. Complies with environmental standards. Silk plaster is made of natural materials, including silk fiber and natural dyes. Therefore, to renovate the walls in the living rooms, it will not be necessary to evict members of the family and pets for the time being. In addition, even if the material burns, the substances harmful to human health are not released during combustion.
  7. More than a hundred kinds of color and texture of plaster are on sale, so you can realize even the most daring dreams. Also with the help of plaster it is possible to create small panels, paintings and even three-dimensional images. In addition, liquid wallpaper is perfectly combined with other materials - paints, decorative plasters, stone, wallpaper, glass and even a cork. Even if you live in a small apartment, you will always have the opportunity to show imagination and turn it into a cozy and refined space.

Finishing material has also disadvantages:

  • silk plaster literally pulls out of the wall of pollution;
  • absorbs tobacco smoke, so if you are still smoking in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​finishing the walls with silk plaster;
  • in the vulnerable places, the plaster will gradually wipe out, so it's better to immediately protect the corners and other projecting surfaces with special pads.

Types of silk plaster

Miracle plaster appeared on the construction market back in the late nineties of the twentieth century. Then the unique and prestigious material came to the stores from Turkey, France and Japan. Naturally, silk plaster was distinguished by a high price, but even so, the demand for this kind of finishing material has always been quite high. Over the years, foreign manufacturers slightly lowered the price level to the level of thirteen dollars per kilogram, but emerging competitors - developing firms in Russia independently mastered the technology of silk plaster manufacturing and offered their price - from three dollars for one kilogram of putty.

Buy silk plaster with artificial silk fiber can be in building supermarkets.

These are the companies:

  • "Silcot"( Japan);
  • "Cenedeko"( France);
  • "Silcoat"( Turkey);
  • "Peace to Your Home" and "Spring-ART"( production of Russia).

Plaster with natural silk fibers look for in the building materials market of such companies:

  • of Japanese production - "FUDZIVARA CHEMICAL Co.".Finishing material is presented in fourteen types and several shades of plaster. The material is expensive and prestigious, so it is rarely on sale;
  • of the Turkish manufacturer - "BAYRAMLAR", with the addition of wet silk;
  • plaster "The world to your home" - producer Russia.

About the invoice

Silk plaster is a multicomponent material consisting of colored natural or man-made fibers of silk, cotton, as well as cellulose and acrylic additives. The silk fiber gives special beauty to the walls. If the impregnations are large, then the walls look more luxurious. Silk plaster with large fibers can be made with walls in living quarters, corridors and even office premises.


Thanks to the rich color palette and the varied texture of the silk plaster, it is possible to realize even the most creative idea.


If in the composition of plaster, besides natural silk fibers, decorative elements - inclusions and glitter are included, then the room with a competent organization of light will play with new colors.


When it becomes necessary to give the room a certain severity, it is better to use a finishing material of calm tones without large decorative elements.

Silk plaster photo:




How to distinguish a fake

Thanks to numerous positive feedback from users about silk plaster, cases of fakes of this universal finishing material have become frequent. Therefore it is better to get acquainted with the rules for choosing a quality putty. So, for today there is only one patented in Russia finishing material that meets all the requirements - Silk Plaster Silk Plaster. If you encounter a liquid wallpaper of another company, then note that the coating will burn with time.

The popularity of Silk Plaster plaster is very high, therefore in the construction market one can find a fake with the same name, but a lower cost. When decorating walls with such materials, the probability of obtaining a poor-quality coating increases, which can subsequently crack and lose its shine. In addition, the materials are not certified, and it will not be possible to learn about the complete safety of the plaster.


How to work with

According to experts, it's a pleasure to work with such plaster. First, read the instructions carefully and follow the directions.


Things To Do Before You Begin:

  1. Carefully open the bag with powder and pour out a part or completely( depending on the area of ​​the treated surface) in a plastic container.
  2. In a separate container, pour water at room temperature, add the powder and mix the mixture thoroughly with hands( do not mix the putty with tools!).If the package contains decorative elements, they are added to the water in the first place.
  3. Then leave the plaster for a certain time( indicated in the instructions) to ensure that the mixture has settled.
  4. Apply liquid wallpaper to the wall with a thin layer( one or two millimeters) using a spatula or a special plastic tool. During work, you must constantly monitor the thickness of the layer.

The material consumption will depend on the invoice. For example, large plaster is consumed faster than small plaster. In addition, fine silk plaster can be applied to the walls in a different way - using a pneumatic spray. Such a method will allow you to expend material more economically, but you will not be able to cope with the task on your own and there is a need for specialist services.

Before starting to work, the surface should be well adhered to, it is necessary to treat the surface with a primer mix. Ideal - an acrylic primer or alkyd primer. If you want to work with light shades of plaster, then it is undesirable to use a dark primer. Apply the putty manually using the angle, moving from the bottom up.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare the wall in advance and remove all metal objects, as when interacting with the material, the metal will start to corrode and eventually, unattractive rust stains may appear on the wall.

What you need to know in case of damage to the coating:

  1. To remove the damaged part, the surface is dampened with water( from the spray gun).
  2. Part of the dry mixture is diluted with water, and the fragment is re-plastered.
  3. You should understand that if a lot of time has passed since the application of the first layer of coating, the restored site may differ slightly in tone.

To avoid further repair work, it is necessary to pre-treat the entire surface with a thin layer of acrylic lacquer. It will protect the walls from contamination, and if necessary, the walls can even be washed with water.

If your walls are not covered with a protective layer of varnish, then from time to time they can be vacuumed.

How silk plaster looks in the interior:


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