Strength and durability of the house made of aerated concrete - do it yourself

Strength and durability of the house made of aerated concrete - do it yourself

How to make a house of aerated concrete with your own hands?

Aerated concrete is a porous modification of concrete, the manufacturing technology of which allows it to be light, bulky and durable.


  • Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete
  • Preparatory work for
  • Foundation of building
  • Laying rules for walls
  • Intermediate floors
  • Wall finishing
  • Common errors

Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete

Thanks to its porous structure, this material is characterized by good thermal insulation,walls.

Works are cheaper: the sizes of blocks allow to spend a solution more economically.

Also advantages of this material are strength, resistance to low temperatures, good sound insulation.

The porous material is not combustible, so the construction of aerated concrete houses can prevent the spread of fire.


However, cracks appear in the masonry. Aerated concrete is a hygroscopic material, therefore ventilation must be built competently.

There may be problems with the types of fasteners, for example, door and window blocks should be mounted on a mounting foam rather than on anchors.

Preparatory work for

All stages of construction begin with preparatory work, which consists in planning and choosing a place for construction.

At this stage, you can contact the BTI in order to find out which option is better by using a geodetic map.

Further it is necessary to make the project of the future house which calculation and drawing up is better to entrust to the competent engineer as it includes following items:

  1. Calculation of loading of all future design;
  2. Calculating the thickness of walls and partitions;
  3. Are determined with the question: Do you need to reinforce, what exactly should be strengthened and in what quantities? A detailed calculation is performed;
  4. Determined the need to create expansion joints. The parameters and their location are calculated. It should be noted that such seams avoid the appearance of cracks, most often, they are placed between walls with different temperatures;
  5. Calculation of the main material and all necessary communications. Ventilation with a small building size is carried out naturally, it is possible to calculate the forced system.

To build a house of aerated concrete with their own hands begin with the preparation of the square. It must be leveled, make a layout, it is desirable to install fencing and lighting, to prepare scaffolding.

By the way, blocks of aerated concrete should be dry, during transportation materials are packed in a sealed film, therefore it is necessary to check the integrity of the package to prevent moisture from getting. Store under an awning.

Foundation of the foundation

To build a house made of aerated concrete, it is necessary to make a foundation that must be strong and strong, capable of withstanding any loads.

Which type of foundation to choose depends on location and desire.

The reinforced concrete slab is located throughout the area of ​​the future house. The load on such a foundation will be minimal, since it is distributed evenly over the entire surface.

The strength of the foundation provides a double layer reinforcing mesh. See photo.

Foundation for aerated concrete

How to make such a foundation yourself? Calculation of the thickness of a solid slab should be as follows: the slab should go to the ground at 10 cm, 30 cm - on the surface.

Begin to lay monolithic slab should be from a concrete layer, which is covered with two layers of waterproofing film.

Then reinforcing mesh is laid and everything is poured with concrete. After hardening, the reinforcing cage is installed.

Further formwork is fixed, the inner layer of which is covered with roofing material or polyethylene.

Concrete is poured in layers, the dimensions of which should not exceed 15 cm. Each layer is pierced, this is done for an even distribution of the mass, and also to eliminate bubbles.

A trench depth of about 50 cm is dug under the tape foundation. Sand is poured into it and then sand is compacted to create a pillow.

Next, a formwork is installed, into which the reinforcement is placed, and concrete is poured. See photo.

Ribbon foundation

It should be noted that the stages of erecting such a foundation are better to implement in the warm season. In cold weather it is necessary to heat concrete with heat guns, and add special additives to the mixture.

If the house is supposed to be a cellar device, it will be correct to make a buried foundation.

The pillar foundation is characterized by the installation of poles at the intended load points. See photo. Do not use this type of foundation with loose soil prone to landslides, as well as when erecting a basement.

Laying rules for walls

The laying is carried out on a special glue, which is to be diluted according to the instructions on the package. Dimensions of blocks for the construction of bearing and interior walls are different.

The first should be slightly larger( 375-400 mm) second( from 250 mm).If it is necessary to create a decorative partition, then the block sizes are taken even less, about 100 mm.

Laying the first row is the most critical stage of work. Before applying the mortar, it is absolutely necessary to waterproof the foundation.

This can be done with a polymer-cement mortar from dry mixtures or roofing material.

Blocks laid in the first row, equaled with a rubber mallet. The stacking technology assumes that each block is measured with a vertical and horizontal level.

The laying work starts at the corner.

All of the debris is discarded from the stacked row. Next, the subsequent rows are laid.

To prevent moisture ingress, the blocks can be covered with polyethylene.

Correct execution of aerocrete laying, see video.


Built house made of aerated concrete will be more reliable if the rows are reinforced during the laying of the material. Reinforcement is done every three rows.

The stages of aerocrete laying end with strengthening, using seismic belts. Seismic belt or armopoyas is a construction that repeats the contours of the walls.

The creation of such a belt is caused by shrinkage of the building, temperature changes, shrinkage of the soil under the building. Seismic belt( unloading belt) allows you to evenly distribute the load of the roof.

Seismic straps must be made for any type of building: one-story, two-story, with or without attic.

How to make a self-loading belt yourself, you can see by looking at the photo report.

Intermediate floors

The roof should be made immediately after the completion of the erection of the walls. But first you need to lay the floors, which can be prefabricated or monolithic. Consider which type of overlap is best.

The use of reinforced concrete slabs provides high installation speed, high load-carrying capacity, and has good thermal insulation properties.

Special equipment is required for the erection, since the plates are very heavy.

The technology of monolithic slabs assembly is to install the formwork. The process of erecting this construction is very laborious.

It is used when overlapping areas of different shapes.

Ceilings made of wood are easy to install: the beams are attached to the seismic belt at a distance of 30-40 cm. They are piled with plywood or OSB plates from the bottom.

There is a thermal insulation between the beams: mineral wool or expanded clay. On top of the installation of the lag, on them - the rough floor. To improve sound insulation, under the floor and lag you can lay special substrates.

Floor and ceiling can be made on separate beams( in a two-story house) to avoid deformation of the ceiling. Beams under the floor are at a distance of 15 cm from each other, for the ceiling they are understated by 3 cm.

The floor is laid on the main beams. See the diagram on the photo. This improves sound insulation, and the floor and ceiling are at a small distance, eliminating possible deformation.

Overlapping scheme

Ceiling slabs made of aerated concrete can be used. Plates are pulled together with a special clamp, installed by the factory way.

It should be noted that the floor laid on the base of aerated concrete, will remain warm. Such a floor does not have to be insulated. Laying the decorative floor will be easy due to a flat surface.

A house made of aerated concrete can be built with an attic. In the ceilings of the ceiling it is necessary to install wooden blocks, to which the rafters are attached.

Next is a wooden frame, which is covered with boards under the roof. In the future, they are insulated, covered with finishing materials.

It is better to cover the roof with an attic with corrugated board or tiles.

Wall finishing

Ventilation is also provided for wall finishing. The most appropriate material for exterior wall finishing is siding, slats or any material that allows breathing aerated concrete.

Ventilation should be carried out naturally. Because of its hygroscopic property, plastering external walls is not practical, because with time the plaster will fall off.

It is possible to use a special material intended for facing aerated concrete.

The walls can be decorated with bricks.


In this case, the calculation of the foundation must be made taking into account the brick, which can not completely cover the wall, the ventilation must be done necessarily under the cornice or at the base.

Interior walls are decorated with materials that do not allow steam.

Ventilation must be installed in the kitchen. In the future, it is displayed on the roof, as well as ventilation of all wet areas. The hood can be made of bricks.

Common mistakes

To correctly build a house of aerated concrete, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. The most common mistakes are encountered at the stage of erecting the foundation: the creation of a monolithic tape base should take place with a break not exceeding two hours;
  2. To houses built of aerated concrete, ventilation is simply necessary. Do not use outdoors heat insulation. To avoid such an error, it is necessary to use "breathable" materials;
  3. Errors occur when cracks are attempted with reinforcement foam. The technology of action is as follows: after drying, the foam is cut off and treated with glue for aerated concrete slabs.

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