Tips for repair hoods in the kitchen - 5 basic malfunctions

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If you are faced with such a situation that the hood in the kitchen does not turn on, or does not pull, but draws, then you need to go to repair it. In fact, the breakdown is not complicated, becausein principle, the exhaust system has a simple structure. Next, we will provide readers of the Electrician with the main equipment malfunctions and how to repair them yourself.
  • Causes of failure
  • Basic types of breakdown
  • Light does not turn on
  • Weakly pulls
  • Does not work at all
  • Fan fan
  • Do not switch speed
  • Problem in apartments

Reasons for failure

It's one thing if your kitchen hood is already a dozen years oldand lately she was pulling out the air. Here you can not even think about repair, it's easier to buy new equipment. But what if the purchase has not served you for a year, and the fan can not cope or even failed? The first step is to find out the cause of the malfunction, and then eliminate it yourself. The main "culprits" of damage can be:

  1. Incorrect operation of the house exhaust system. First, you should clean the strainer( grease trap) at least once every 3 weeks. The carbon filter should be completely replaced every six months or when the indication on the panel indicates this( new models have a special light bulb installed).Secondly, it is forbidden to run the exhaust fan over the included cooker, if there is not a pan on it. Hot air can quickly damage the system, which then will be quite difficult to repair yourself. Thirdly, the hood should be turned on for 2-3 minutes before cooking and turn off after 10-15 minutes after cooking. Otherwise, the fan may not be able to cope with the volume of vapor, resulting in an unpleasant odor being heard around the room. Photo grease trap Coal filter
  2. Contact break. The operation of the system is accompanied by a slight vibration, which can lead to a break in the bad contact on the control unit or further along the circuit. This happens rarely and then, only for Chinese products.
  3. Incorrect installation. If the installation is incorrect, the cooker hood in the kitchen may stop working, which is due to reasons such as a poor connection of the wires in the terminal block or a strong bend in the air duct( corrugations).Correct venting to ventilation
  4. Problems with wiring. Perhaps it just stopped working socket or knocked out the circuit breaker on the shield, and you are already panicking that the hood does not work in the kitchen and it needs to be repaired urgently.

All these reasons can lead to failure and further repairs, so consider all the points for the future, so that this situation no longer arose!

The main types of breakdowns

Now we proceed as follows: in turn, we list all the existing faults and under each provide instructions for repair hoods in the kitchen with their own hands. Breakdowns will be listed from the most popular to those that are least likely to occur and which are more difficult to repair at home.

Do not turn on the light

Very often the exhaust panel is used for lighting in the kitchen of the work area. This is really convenient and is a competent approach, modern technology, high-power LED lamps or halogen lamps are installed. Illumination of the working area

If the lighting does not work, the following repair measures should be taken:

  1. Check the light bulb itself, it may have burned out.
  2. Turn on the fan to see if it works. If the blades do not rotate, how to repair the system will be discussed below. The engine is running - we are looking for a malfunction further.
  3. Check the voltage in the socket using the indicator screwdriver. Immediately look at the switchboard, perhaps knocked out the machine. Is the socket serviceable? If yes, you need to check the integrity of the electrical cord, then call the backlight switch and other circuit elements with a multimeter. Thus, by an exception method you will find the cause of the malfunction and you can proceed to repair the hoods in the kitchen with your own hands. Usually before this hands do not reach, tk.most often the lamp burns out or the socket goes out of order.

Weakly pulls

The second most popular malfunction of kitchen hoods - poorly stretches the fan. Do not know what to do in this case? Here things are easier. First check that the filters and grease trap are dirty. Most often these two components are the culprits of the fact that the system does not draw air into the ventilation or poorly ventilates.

Clogged filter In order to repair the hood with your own hands, you need to clean the filters and re-engage. To see how to properly clean, you can in this video lesson:

Instructions for cleaning the grease trap
YouTube Trailer

Another situation is possible, such as the emergence of a vacuum in a room with closed windows. As a result, the hood will weakly pull, or at all will cease to tighten the air. In this case, the repair consists in the fact that you need to open the ventilator itself and ventilate the kitchen in a natural way.

Another reason that the extractor pulls badly is the lack of traction in the ventilation duct of the house. In this case, check the presence of traction can be a conventional lighter - light the fire and bring it to the vent in the wall, as shown in the photo. If the flame does not tighten into the vent, you will need to do forced ventilation, which we'll talk about below. Photo of traction check

Does not work at all

If nothing happens when turning on the button on the panel, it will be much more difficult to repair the hood alone in the kitchen. This is the case, about which we spoke above - and the fan does not turn and the light does not turn on. First you need, again, to check the electrical cord, the voltage in the outlet and the machine gun on the shield. If everything works, take a multimeter in hands and go to the "chime" of the circuit. Test first need to switch on the panel, perhaps burned out one of the contacts( usually the first).Next, look at the scheme where there is a fuse, which burns at least once. Fuse Fuse in working condition? Check the capacitor, if its resistance is normal and apparently not inflated, the engine most likely does not work. The windings of the motor need to be ringed and if the fault lies in the break in the motor area, it is better to throw it out and buy a new will be very difficult and inexpedient to repair the part.


Fan blower

If the hood blows, when turned on, the cause may be poor-quality production of the device. A lot of negative feedback about the increased noise level can be found on the Internet. The answer to the question, why the system is noisy, is quite simple - a poor-quality assembly of the product, which in this case can not be repaired by oneself. For example, in companies such as Cata, Kronasteel and Elikor, the rumble is almost impossible to hear even at maximum speed. We recommend immediately to learn how to choose the right hood for the house, to know the name of the best manufacturers of kitchen appliances! .

If you are sure of the quality of the selected products and you probably know that the fault is in anything else, we recommend checking the quality of the body mount to the wall / kitchen set. Even a small gap in vibration can cause knocking, rustling, ringing. In order to avoid noise, you need to do the following - tighten all fasteners or put a piece of foam in the problem area, which will eliminate the knock.

If the engine hums, but does not start, it is most likely the cause of the malfunction in the fuse. The repair of the hood by yourself is quite simple in this case - it is necessary to replace the fuse with a new one.

Do not switch the speed of

It's all obvious - the button in the control unit does not work. You must remove the protective screen and visually check the button, becausemaybe just burned off the contact. After that, review the tracks on the board and call the chain with a multimeter. Board with buttons In addition, the cause of the malfunction may be the starting capacitor, which is blown. In this case, repairing the hood by yourself is quite simple - you just need to replace the condenser yourself.

Problem in apartments

In apartment buildings, especially on the last floors, owners of housing face such a problem, when the hood does not blow, but blows, that is, it works in the opposite direction. What to do in this case? The trouble is that the air is blowing from the vent, not only in the kitchen, but also from the toilet and the bathroom. There are reviews on thematic forums that it is easiest to take and drown out natural ventilation, but such repairs do not need to be done. In order to repair the central ventilation, which does not suck, but blows, it is necessary to create forced intake of air by installing exhaust fans, like Vents. Their cost is relatively small, but the malfunction will be overcome.

Solving the problem with natural ventilation
YouTube Trailer

Here we have provided a list of possible faults in the hood. We hope that you have found the answer to your question and now you know how to repair the hood in the kitchen with your own hands!

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