Required materials for mounting profiles under gypsum board

Required materials for mounting profiles under gypsum board

Working with dry gypsum plasters begins with the installation of profiles under gypsum board.

The frame is the basis, on the evenness of which depends the whole result of the work, therefore at each stage of its construction it is necessary to use the building level.

In general, this work requires concentration and attention.

The key to success in any repair is the selection of quality materials and the right tools.

Required materials and tools

  • Walls with plasterboard
  • Construction of new plasterboard walls
  • Gypsum plasterboard ceiling frame
  • Finishing
  • Required materials and tools

    When repair is done by hand, many tools are already in the craftsmen's arsenal, but for mounting the carcassfrom profiles under gypsum cardboard will need some special devices.

    The list is not small, but there are no unnecessary items in it.

    From the usual tools can be called:

    • tape measure;
    • building level;
    • hammer;
    • stationery knife;
    • knife for metal;
    • several spatulas.

    Separately it is worth buying a spatula for corners, if you want to create voluminous structures.

    Just need a screwdriver and a punch.

    Types of profiles

    Mounting of the frame and the plasterboard itself is not possible without:

    • anchor wedges;
    • dowel-nails;
    • self-tapping screws.

    If the room has a "flooded" walls or a too skewed ceiling, then you need to use some types of fixtures: straight hangers, connectors like "crab", extension bars.

    Well, of course - aluminum profiles and plasterboard in the right amount.

    To ensure that the applied scribing lines, and subsequently erected gypsum plasterboard planes, are perfectly even, a laser or hydro level can be used for operation.

    These devices save time, as the usual building level is difficult to accurately determine how skewed the ceiling or marking on the walls.

    A cord release device can also be used. For a kind of soundproofing, the wizard uses a sealing tape when mounting the load-bearing profiles.

    If the sound insulation is to be made solid, then the materials must be appropriate.

    Finishing works require the presence of an acrylic primer, putty, reinforcing tape for seams, and it is also possible to treat the original surface with an antifungal solution.

    Finished lathing

    The market now offers various types of drywall, both for internal and external works.

    To make repairs yourself, you need to pay attention to the following: normal and moisture resistant.

    For the finishing of rooms subject to high humidity, it is better to use the latter.

    It is also worth connecting elements and aluminum profiles to choose reliable, from proven manufacturers.

    Decorating walls with plasterboard

    Secrets of perfectly smooth walls often consist in the right choice of finishes.

    Unequivocally, estimating the time, effort, money spent for work, as well as the final result, we can state with confidence that drywall is the ideal solution for non-ideal walls.

    Work begins with the markup. On the floor, lines are drawn along which the bearing profiles and markup for the vertical elements will be located. These lines should be equidistant from each other.

    With a standard sheet width of one meter twenty centimeters, this distance is sixty centimeters. This is done to ensure that the joints of the sheets are exactly on the middle of the profile.

    The first vertical profiles should be some distance from the corners. Other secrets of installing the frame under the drywall are disclosed in the following video.


    The construction of the frame begins with a guide profile fixed to the floor. After that, along the drawn lines will be placed vertical elements.

    Their length should correspond to the height of the room, but the standard length, as a rule, is greater than the height of the walls.

    This is not a problem, because aluminum elements are easy to cut even with their own hands using metal scissors.

    Before mounting the vertical components of the frame, hangings are attached to the wall in increments of 50-60 centimeters, on which profiles will be subsequently installed.

    If the height of the walls exceeds the standard sheet length of two and a half meters, then the plasterboard should be installed in the spread. In this case, there is a need for additional transverse bridges.

    They should also be installed in the light of the fact that they must have a joint. The remaining places are filled with cut pieces of plasterboard.

    Mounting is carried out on self-tapping screws in increments of up to 25 centimeters.

    Construction of new walls from drywall

    If necessary, divide the space into several rooms, drywall can prove to be the best.

    A special advantage of this material is its fire safety, without this quality it is impossible even to talk about conducting electrical wiring inside the wall.

    You can do all the work with your own hands.

    Having prepared the plan of the premise in advance, it is possible to start marking the design position of the future walls.

    Design lines are easier to apply using a laser level and a cordstitch device.

    The secrets of the correct use of these tools are presented in the video.


    Walls, especially in old houses, almost never make perfectly right angles with each other.

    There is always some error, which leads to the fact that the distance between the opposite partitions at the beginning and end is different.

    With this in mind, the gypsum board construction should be located at an equal distance from the opposite walls. Then it will not be noticeable that the room has not an ideal shape.

    In addition, the erection of a plasterboard partition must be the last stage of repair, that is, the walls and ceiling should be plastered.

    The mounting of the lower load-bearing profiles is carried out on the exposed labels. The distance between the fastening points should not be more than a meter, for each element there must be at least three dowels.

    In the same way, the guide profiles are fixed to the ceiling. After measuring the height of the room, the cutting and mounting of the rack sections is performed.

    Those that are adjacent to the walls are mounted using a sealing tape, those that make up the doorway need to be strengthened.

    The way to do this is described in the upper video.

    After installing the outriggers, the remaining space should be filled with vertical elements in sixty centimeters increments and horizontal bridges, as with the wall covering.

    After pulling the electrical wiring, it is possible to attach the drywall to one side of the aluminum frame and lay the insulation material.

    Drywall on the second side of the frame is fixed so that the joints of the sheets on both sides do not match.

    Before the finish puttying of the walls, the seams are ground and sealed with the help of the Serbian, the recessed heads of the screws also are hidden under the putty.

    Framework for gypsum plasterboard ceiling

    Some types of suspended ceilings and similar structures are constructed not only for aesthetic purposes, with gypsum cardboard boxes, communications or unsightly beams are hidden.

    Also, if necessary, additional heat and sound insulation can be hidden in these structures.

    Mounting the frame

    Installation of the ceiling with your own hands can not be easily named. But if necessary, and sufficient practice, the result can pleasantly surprise.

    This will take a lot of time, but if you want to do it yourself, you can even make a two-level design.

    The gypsum plasterboard ceiling, like the previous types of gypsum boards, is attached at a stage when other surfaces( except the floor) are ready.

    Installation also begins with marking on walls and ceiling.

    If there is no laser level and a cord-breaking device, the marking can be done with your own hands using a pencil and a building level.

    Guiding profiles are fixed to the wall by dowels with the use of sealing tape.

    The frequency of the fixing points must be at least fifty centimeters, at least three per profile. After that, direct suspensions are attached to the ceiling.

    The distance between the suspensions is determined by the subsequent load. After installing the load-bearing profiles, transverse jumpers are installed.

    The step of the cross members should be uniform, at standard sheet sizes it is advisable to take the step equal to 50 centimeters.

    The first bearing profile from the wall should be 10 cm. Cross straps are attached using the connector "crab".

    How to properly fasten such clips, is well shown in the following video.


    After installing the frame, you can proceed to the plasterboard with plasterboard. Cutting sheets is done using a stationery knife or a special knife for gypsum board.

    Sheets should be fastened in a descent. Screws with a frequency of 15-20 centimeters, leaving "in stock" centimeter from the edge.


    For the result of the work to be lasting, it is necessary to follow some rules of work with plasterboard.

    When the sheets are mounted on the frame, it is necessary that the screws of the screws be slightly recessed, the screws must be staggered ten millimeters from the edge of the sheet.

    The cardboard at the fastening points must not be disheveled. Before installation with gypsum cardboard it is necessary to cut a facet at an angle - this will facilitate further sealing of seams.

    When creating rounded structures, for example, on a multi-level ceiling, smooth lines of profiles and drywall can be achieved with your own hands, making frequent incisions on the profile or on one side of the sheet.

    Finishing includes priming and seaming with the use of a serpentine. Also under the putty are the recessed hats of self-tapping screws.

    After drying and grinding, apply a finishing layer of putty. The last stage is painting.

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