Manual tile cutter - choose convenience and practicality

The meaning and types of the

tile cutter This tool for changing the size and shape of ceramic tiles reduces the time for cutting, and the process itself is simplified. As a result, quality edges are obtained without chipping and chipping. It can be of several kinds, it is in this we have to figure out. Let's start with its structure.

The design of the tile cutter consists of several basic elements:

  • bases( platforms) - the carrying part of the whole tool, as well as the place where our object is put for execution;
  • carriage with handle, tamper-break tile and cutting blade;
  • guides with supports - ensure the straightness and smoothness of carriage movement, as well as good resistance to bending forces in the fracture.

Among these components there is no main one, since each of them performs a certain function, and the quality of the instrument depends on their quality, that is, the ability to cut the thickest and hardest tile. It is important that each part can resist the deformation for a long time, since manual tile cutting will have to be done during the whole repair.

The choice of manual tile cutter can be stopped in one of three forms:

  • roller - a simple design with a carbide cutting wheel;
  • on the bearings - has a soft stroke thanks to the bushings on the two bearings, it is used for the processing of very strong tiles up to 16 mm thick;
  • mechanical - has a rigid carriage, which makes it possible to cut with special accuracy.

We make a meaningful choice of tile cutter

How to buy a tile cutter manual, how to choose one that will last a long time? These questions are asked by many who are going to buy such an instrument. For this you need to follow some tips.

Before buying a coveted device, you should determine the estimated amount of work. If the work is not enough, then there is no need to buy an expensive device, you can stop your choice on a more budgetary one. In addition, an important criterion of choice is the technical characteristics of the tiles, that is, its thickness and size, so it is recommended that you first purchase the finishing elements.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the motion of the toolholder on the guide rails. For precise cutting, you need to take a quality tool that does not contain plastic rings in its design. It is better to take a manual tile cutter, a video instruction on how to work with it is placed in the article, with the tool holder moving on the bearings.

This will create an accurate, straight cut and smooth running, resulting in a reduction in the amount of scrap, since the tile will break only along the line.

Another thing that should be considered when choosing a tool is the quality of the frame. It should be stiff and strong, so that when splitting tiles it does not absorb. The frame will spring and bend under pressure if it is made of thin steel.

As a result, the instrument will not be able to split the canvas the first time. And with a heavy load, the base of such steel will quickly deteriorate. In addition, the handle must also be strong, so that you can work with porcelain stoneware.

Choose the device better as long as possible, so that in addition to wall tiles it was possible to cut more and floor. And if you need to make round holes, then you have to choose the models with the compass. Superfluous will not be additional elements and functions, for example, a measuring ruler, a limiter of the stroke of the clapping legs along the thickness of the tiles, etc.

Some tips for using the

tool Before using a hand-held tile cutter, the video can be viewed on our website. On the guide frame, a little oil is applied, and before the start of the cut, mark the tile with a marker. Then it is put on the tool platform and carefully fixed to avoid vibration.

Then quickly spend a knife on the front side along the entire length of the blade. To make an even cut without chipping, it is necessary to move the cutting material with both hands. Naturally, to keep a tile to you there is nothing, therefore be convinced, that it reliably is fixed by corresponding mechanisms.

When the knife comes into contact with the tile, the pressure force should be small, but gradually increase, and decrease again towards the end of the site. If necessary, the cut edge can be leveled with a grinding stone or sandpaper.

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