Useful information about installing the burner yourself: secure roofing

Rules for creating a gas burner with your own hands

Knowing the components of a gas burner, you can, guided by the scheme, create a burner yourself. As a wooden or plastic handle, take the handle of the used, spoiled soldering device. The gas tube should have a diameter of 0.1 centimeter and a thickness of 0.2 centimeters. Material - steel. The tube is put into the handle and fixed with glue. The metal frame of the burner is made independently of brass material. The diameter is 0.2 centimeters. In the frame, make holes for the passage of oxygen. These holes are 0.05 centimeters in diameter. In addition, we make 4 more holes for the passage of gas( 0.01 centimeter in diameter).The inner container( flange) is placed in a metal frame with a small space. We obtain a gap that helps reduce the gas flow through the apertures of the ignitor.

Scheme of the structure of the gas burner

Designing the burner nozzle with your own hands

The nozzle is a burner element made of steel. A popular question, how to create a thin opening in the nozzle yourself, has the answer - it's very simple.

Gas burner nozzle

  1. It is necessary to take a drill tool with a nozzle of 0.2 centimeters, using it to make a hole
  2. The hole must be at an edge distance of 0.15 centimeters
  3. The bridge is created with a diameter of 0.04 centimeters
  4. The rounded opening is "hammered" with a hammer
  5. The hole is ground with an emerypaper to the required cross-section
  6. The edge of the tube is covered with a reducer hose. We fix it
  7. We adjust the necessary gas flow. Turn on the gas, it must displace the air from the hose
  8. Adjust the end, setting the flame of the burner on average 5-6 centimeters. The gas burner must have a non-smoking flame

Sketch of the structure of the burner

It is important to note: Due to the correct steering of the carcass rotation, the unpleasant soot from the flame can be eliminated on the nozzle threads. If the thread is reinforced too much, it should be sealed with a strip of FUM.

Use of a gas burner must be careful

How to use a gas burner when roofing roofing material?

Initially, it is necessary to take care of the preparatory stages of the roofing. It is important to eliminate unnecessary debris or additional contamination from the surface of the coating. At roof roofing material, it is swung over to 80-85 centimeters. It is necessary to fix its edges from one side to the perimeter of the roof, wrap the roll in its original shape.

Compliance with the rules for the use of a burner at the roof of a roofing material

Heat the base of the roof. Gradually increase the temperature of the inner layer of roofing material. We press the roofing material to the roof with a special construction skating rink. It is important to monitor the absence of harmful air formations on the roofing material or folds.

Elimination of folds on the roofing material

Special attention should be paid to the overlap of the roof. When laying roofing material, its edges are raised with a construction hook and heated with a gas burner. This method ensures the integrity of the roof.

Overlap is an important component of tightness

Note: The heating of the roofing material with a gas burner should occur at a temperature of at least -15 ° C.

Detailed introduction to the process of using the burner on video in the adjacent tab:

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