What can be done from drainage

Drainage from plastic bottles

The basic principles for the invention of a drainage system, which will be individual in a constructive way, is that the ability of the structure in the ability to forgive the necessary quantities of water that can get into this system and the correctness of the configuration on the whole on the land plot is necessary.
A variety of items are useful for the organization of the drainage and water supply mains. In skillful hands, they will be given the next life, and in everyday life perceived as garbage. Such items can be plastic bottles, bricks, stones, pieces of old mortar and worn out tires.
Is it possible to make drainage from plastic bottles? Polyethylene packaging is very much, which is ownerless or lies, creates a littered impression of the suburban area and its environs.
Preparation for work will be as follows:

  • It is necessary to study the soil relief, this is a fundamental factor in the organization of the drainage system.
  • Based on the studied relief, it is necessary to construct a flow pattern of water so that it is similar to the principle of the river( a channel with tributaries).
  • Having planned a plan on paper and terrain, it becomes possible to begin work with the land. It is necessary to observe the depth of the ditch - approximately two lengths of the bayonet bayonet.

Do not forget that the fertile, top layer is recommended to be retained by removing and postponing temporarily to another location.

Drainage 2
Plastic drainage, the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • After wrapping the plugs, we put the bottles on the bottom more tightly.
  • The bottles are bottled so that the ditch is covered up to half the depth.
  • The sod layer is laid on top of the ground layer.
  • Make the packing.
  • Next, you need to pour a layer of earth and cover with a layer of turf.

This design is distinguished by its durability and convenience. The advantage is that the polyethylene is not rotted, which makes the system almost perpetual, and also thanks to the ability to make a flower bed or a path over the top, allowing to save the precious area of ​​the site.

Stone and Fashine Drainage

Polyethylene packaging is not the only material from which drainage can be made. For the production of Fascin, you can use brushwood, which is excellent for that fit. In everyday use there is a sufficient quantity of materials with which you can replace rubble during installation. Variants of replacement, tested not by single application:

  • Fascins. Relatively long stems and brushwood, which are tied in bundles, the diameter is about 30 cm. It is better to hold the mating every 50 cm, with a capron cord or wire. Longer stems fit in the center, and those that are shorter - at the edges. After laying, moss is laid out on top. The entrance to the trench is made by the flap of the boards.
  • Stone drainage is manufactured in a similar way. Fashiny replaced rubble, which must first be sorted( large to the bottom, shallow walls of the ditch).Over the rubble laid out with moss, then everything is covered with a layer of inverted turf.

Drainage 4

Drying without gravel

Making drainage without gravel, it is possible:

  • Using a pottery pipe with a diameter of 5 cm or more. When using pottery pipes, joints must be overlaid with moss or fibrous material, which will fulfill the filtering role. Pottery draining is covered with an inverted turf and covered with earth.
  • Strainer system. Uses wooden chutes to replace the pottery pipe. The rest of the process is similar.

    It is necessary, it is necessary to remember that the laying should be conducted to the beginning of the drainage system from the mouth, that is, in the opposite direction to the water flow.

  • Low tide made on the basis of poles. It is called a wooden system, for the coniferous trees need a diameter of 7-10 cm. They need to be cleaned from the bark and sanded, and then located in a ditch.

Drainage 5

Therefore, we considered three methods for constructing drainage without crushed stone.

Dehumidification using modern textile materials

Production of soft drainage from technological fabric materials. At the heart of the modern design of tecton are membrane properties, the essence is that moisture is only passed in one direction, in the opposite direction moisture does not pass.
Drainage 6
Geotextile will be required to perform this task. It forms a layer of filtration, which will not allow the ingress of debris, soil and silt into the tide system. A similar drainage system is performed as follows:

  • A ditch is scooped out, the slope of which coincides with the direction of the water outlet.
  • At the bottom it is necessary to lay a tecton, so that a U-shaped view is formed if to look across.
  • Next is a layer of geotextile with a gap of 40 cm at both ends.
  • The matter is filled with a small stone or rubble.
  • The edges of the geotextile are wrapped.
  • The entire soft drain design is filled with sand.

The article discusses various ways of drainage by one's own hands, you are given to choose the proper way of drainage system by yourself.

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