Variety of material for self-made curtains
For sure you do not even suspect how simple is the handy material for the manufacture of curtains. What only does not go to the course of the handicraftsmen: and wine corks, and polystyrene, and even wooden disks. Basically, such "handicrafts" hang in suburban dacha houses. Curtains made by themselves, not only show the creative nature of the owner, but also make the interior unusual and cozy.
Interior shutters
Very popular today are interior cork curtains. You only need to prepare in advance a sufficient amount of material - wine stoppers. If you are not a wine lover, you can buy the right amount in any nightclub at the bartenders. Make such blinds easier, simple: on a wooden bar, the length of which is equal to the width of the doorway, fix the line long, equal to the height of the doorway. Attach yarn from the line at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from each other. Using a "gypsy" needle, make through holes in the plugs. Now start threading the corks on the fishing line, fixing each with a small knot or bead.
Interior blinds from wooden discs
If you want to surprise your friends with an interesting interior, then try making your own wooden blinds. To do this you will need several logs with a diameter of 5-10 centimeters, a jig saw or a small saw, connecting plastic or metal rings. Cut the necessary number of wooden discs and, making holes on the edges of each disc, connect them together with rings. The resulting curtains will look beautiful both on the door and on the windows.
Curtains-blinds for windows from tapes
As you have already seen, the material for curtains can be very diverse. But it is not necessary to "go far" behind the idea, you can use the old unnecessary things. For example, you can cut ribbons from an old satin tablecloth or sheets. So, you will get good tape curtains for the window.
Of course, you can buy ready-made beautiful satin or silk ribbons. They can be both muted pastel tones, and bright, but to match the interior of your room. As a basis for curtains, take a wooden bar or an old baguette. Attaching tapes to the base is quite easy: put on the glue or tie it to the knot.
Curtains, which you made with your own hands, will not only open your creative potential in the field of design, but will also become a worthy decoration of any room!