The column turns on with cotton: the reasons for what to do if the column is babbling

Gas column in the house
  • Reasons for
  • What should I do?
    • Columns of a new type with automatic ignition
    • Old type columns with a fuse

tips Any gas equipment requires very careful handling. This also applies to such familiar home equipment as a running water heater. After several years of operation, users often begin to forget about basic safety rules, not to mention regular maintenance and preventive inspection of the device.

This behavior is extremely irresponsible, as it can lead to serious consequences, including life-threatening. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to any changes in the "behavior" of the gas column, especially the appearance of extraneous sounds. Today we will tell you about what should be done if you heard the cotton when you turn on the device.

Gas column

Reasons for

With the problem, which will be discussed in this article, the owners of gas columns of old models are most often confronted. Flowing water heaters of a new type are sometimes included with cotton, but with them this happens much less often. Cotton when switched on is audible due to the fact that the gas accumulated in the heat exchanger lights up. If the fault is more serious, the gas from the heat exchanger penetrates into the gas outlet pipe and even partially occupies the chimney.

The most common gas accumulation occurs for one of the following reasons:

  • in the chimney there is no traction, or it is very weak;
  • the valve slowing down ignition is faulty;
  • flame in the ignition wick deviates to the side( this is relevant for devices with piezo-ignition);

If your house has a more modern modification of a gas heater with automatic ignition, the reasons for the cotton can be:

  • discharge of energy sources in the control module;
  • the microswitch in the water unit is defective;The
  • spark plug is not positioned correctly.
Gas column from the inside
Modern gas column

What should I do?

The first thing that experts recommend is to check the presence and force of traction in the chimney. Most of the flowing water heaters have a casing in which there are holes specially designed for this purpose. If you can not find such holes, try checking the traction near the slot that is under the smoke cap. Also traction can be felt directly in the chimney at the hatch for cleaning.

Check the draft usually with a lighted match. If the flame is well deflected to the side, then the thrust is normal, if only trembling - weak. A stationary flame means no traction - in this case it is in no way possible to operate the gas column.

Checking the draft in the chimney

New type of columns with automatic ignition

Flow-through gas water heaters equipped with an automatic ignition system are much more economical in terms of gas consumption. They work under the control of the electronic module, which receives commands through the microswitches located on the water and flame regulators. Such devices are considered very reliable, but they also have disadvantages, for example, expensive and complex repairs.

Microswitch for gas column Microswitch for gas column

So, what should you do when you hear the clap of gas?

  • Check the condition of the power supply. A "bad" spark, which causes the gas not to ignite immediately, may be due to a low battery level. This problem is eliminated very easily and does not require the intervention of the wizard.
  • Check the water pressure microcontroller. This device is designed to notify the control module that water is being supplied, and it is necessary to set fire to the gas. The micro-controller can break and give incorrect signals if water gets on it. To diagnose such a malfunction, you can use a multimeter or an ohmmeter. If the readings of the device do not correspond to the norms, then the breakdown of the micro regulator takes place and it should be replaced.
  • Check the spark plug position. This part may become deformed due to high temperatures or due to temperature changes. To fix its position is quite simple since it is fixed on a single cog. This screw needs to be slightly loosened and the spark plug set so that the spark gap is about 0.4-0.5 cm. At the same time, the ignition should occur at the first attempt.
  • Check the condition of the ignition moderator. Gas can accumulate due to the fact that the valve that inhibits the flow of water is broken or poorly regulated. The detail in question is a small metal ball partially covering the bypass channel in the water pressure regulator. In good condition, the ignition moderator must move freely( this can be checked by ear if you shake the lid).If this does not happen, you can try to move the ball into motion, picking it up with a flexible cable, passed through the hole in the channel. If the retarder does not lend itself to, you can try to extract it and clean the channel, but do so only as a last resort.
  • After any repairs, all connections should be checked for leaks and, if necessary, sealed with rubber rings or special sealing compounds.
Spark Plug Spark plug spark plug
Micropressure regulator Micropressure regulator

The cost of the micro regulator of pressure varies on average from 50 to 200 rubles.

Old-type columns with a fuse

The old-style flow-through gas heaters "clap" quite often. This is due to the peculiarity of their design. They are considered less safe and convenient than new gas burners, but they are much easier( and cheaper) to repair.

The most common reason for the accumulation of gas in the cavities of water heaters of this type is the incorrect position of the fuse for the fuse. In this case, the flame becomes too small, so it can not reach the edge of the main burner - most often this is due to the fact that an insufficient amount of gas is supplied to the wick. The supply of gas can be difficult, because the gas jet is clogged.

Gas column with pilot fuse

You can solve the blockage yourself, but for this you have to disassemble the device. Most columns of this type are arranged identically, so the technical details of repairing different models will differ little. We proceed in the following order:

  1. We block the flow of gas and cold water into the device.
  2. In order to gain access to the internal arrangement of the gas column, remove the upper casing.
  3. We find a mixer( tee) of a fuse-fuse - it is the source of the problem. The tee is needed in order to mix air into the gas, while the gas enters it through one tube and the air into the other. If there is no draft, the combustion products accumulate at the top of the water heater, which then enter the mixer through a tube intended for air. Oxygen in this case, of course, almost does not act therefore the flame can not inflame, and then goes out.
  4. Find the guide tube of the wick and unscrew the fixing pair of screws. Next, unscrew the nuts on which the gas supply tubes and the thrust sensor are attached.
  5. Pull the tee out of the groove holding it. If any of the ring-shaped gaskets remains in place - it's okay, if necessary, it can be easily removed.
  6. In the lower branch pipe there is a gas jet( in appearance it resembles a small metal screw with thread).We pull the jet from the branch pipe.
  7. We clean the dirt from the hole in the nozzle. For this we need a thin wire. As a rule, after this procedure, the claps of gas cease. Repeat it should be monthly or yearly - it all depends on the quality of the gas that you use.
Gas column with pilot fuse

In order to maintain the good technical condition of the gas column, we also advise cleaning the jets of the main burner at intervals of once every two to three years. It is recommended to clean these elements in the following order:

  1. Unscrew the nut securing the thermocouple of the solenoid valve.
  2. We remove the brackets, by means of which the frame of the main burner is fixed - for this it is only necessary to loosen a few screws.
  3. Unscrew the fasteners connecting the gas and water parts of the column, then unscrew the large nut that regulates the gas flow from the solenoid valve.
  4. We deflect the gas block forward, pull it out of the grooves and gently lift it upwards.
  5. Now we have access to the jets we need. To clean, do not remove them from the sockets, remove dirt, without removing the jets from the frame. It is also recommended to clean the burner directly, using a conventional hard brush or bottle brush.
Gas nozzles

Tips for

  • If the inclusion of a flow-through gas water heater is accompanied not only by cotton, but also by changing the color of the flame from blue to yellow, then the heat exchanger is clogged with soot and soot. In this case, it is necessary to clean the holes through which air is fed to the column. This procedure should be carried out only with the participation of an experienced master.
  • If there are any problems in the operation of the gas burner, including clapping when turning on, it is better not to take any independent repair measures( except for visual inspection), and immediately contact specialized services.

It is recommended to disassemble the device with your own hands only in case of emergency.

The author of the next video tells and shows how it is possible to solve the problem of noise when igniting the gas column.

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